
January 13th, 2011 | 385 Entries

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385 Entries for “summer”

  1. Summer is the name of that bitchy girl in Napoleon Dynamite. What kind of person treats another like that? She told Pedro “NO” with a couple of hearts and twisted her hair like she owned a wig shop. Who gave her the right to be that way?

    by Hanna Aven on 01.13.2011
  2. it was almost a perfect summer. just the three of us messing around talking shit and kicking it. but there was something different about this one, compared to the 17 I had encountered before. the was a string of love and understand that i had never felt before.

    by Kerry on 01.13.2011
  3. summer is a place where you can live, love, see, smell. it is a time where all your senses go crazy and you are free to explore and be free. it is a time to appreciate everything around you and just feel the sun lying on your skin

    by jamie on 01.13.2011
  4. i like summer vacation. and sea. l love. i was born in summer. also i love beach. specially uuni

    by naaamo on 01.13.2011
  5. Beautiful and sunny, it is my favorite season. The warmth of its colors brings a joy that is inexplicable. Life wouldn’t be as sweet without a taste of summer breeze.

    by renee c on 01.13.2011
  6. The warm breeze pushes my hair back as I ride my beach cruiser down the familiar road to the beach. Sunscreen, towel, water bottle and my current girly novel are weighing down my backpack. I can’t wait for it to be that time of year again. Relax. Winter will be over soon enough.

  7. I. Am. Sick. Of. Writing. About. Summer.


  8. Visions of terraces against the background of gold sun, of children playing under the shade of proud trees, of people scrambling for a cold bottle of coke.

  9. Is summer seriously the only topic this thing has??? This is my FOURTH time doing this. And all FOUR times it has been summer. And it is taunting me because minnesota is FREAKING cold right now and I wish it was summer. But no summer! Stupid…

    by Sam on 01.13.2011
  10. last summer i fell out of love. all i wanted was to have the summer lover everyone wishes for but all i got was a broken heart without the love. he never knew i liked him, he moved on before i said a thing. i was far to scared to take the leap

    by ayra on 01.13.2011
  11. Summer is the best season ever. I could not live in a world without Summer. Summer is WARM and HAPPY and FUN! Beaches. Friends. Drinking. Love. I wish it was Summer ALL YEAR ROUND!

    by Erin on 01.13.2011
  12. I’m sick of writing about summer. this is the third time I’ve had this topic. Can I please have a new one? Thanks! Summer is summer and summer is no school and future disappointment and everything in-between. In Spanish you don’t pronounce ‘v’ so they turn into ‘b’. So vans would be bans.

    by Elena on 01.13.2011
  13. summer is all about freedom… the freedom to choose, the freedom to do. its about having a blast and not looking back. summer is a time for the present, not the future or past. summer is about love, and perfection. theres nothing like it.

    by kyra Barron on 01.13.2011
  14. Summer is always a fun time. My memories of summer or what summer means to me is hanging out with my friends as much as possible. Walking to the pool or going shopping or eating frozen yogurt. I especially like taking pictures-even if we are jumping into a fool and looking stupid doing it. I hang out a lot with my amazing best friend jazmin and we have a lot of fun taking random crazy pictures. summer is a time of sleep and fun with friends. and lots of frozen yogurt to be sure ;)

  15. Summer was our season. The four of us in that one cabin, practically in the middle of nowhere, messing with sparklers, and staying in watching the same movies over and over, gorging on junk food. Summer is our season.

  16. Summer is the season that comes after spring and before fall. It’s normally when people are on vacation, and when the holiday 4th of July is celebrated. It’s also the month for people born as Cancer. And that’s when Virgos are born, and probably another sign that I’m forgetting.
    Summer is hot, and people go swimming, especially here, in California.

    by Skye on 01.13.2011
  17. summer summer summmer, hmmm where to begin
    heat, that’s for sure
    at times too much heat
    freedom, no commitments.

  18. Summer! Summer’s my favorite season.
    Warm (blistering hot) days, ice cream all the time, having less pressure altogether.
    It’s wonderful.
    Although I do envy dogs, they seem to be in an eternal state of happy summer, whether rain or shine.

    by Alyssa on 01.13.2011
  19. beautiful sunshine friends and no comittments, time to explore too, and think about things you haven’t made time for in the every day hustle and bustle of the rest of the year. flowers. bee stings. TOMATOES. rainstorms.

    by rachel on 01.13.2011
  20. oh how i miss the days of summer when we were young and able to actually enjoy them for their full meaning and relaxation. Because as we grow older there is no such thing as a break that goes without work. there is always something that needs to be or should be done rather than enjoying the warmth of the summer’s rays.

  21. Oh the joys of summer! Those were the golden days where I could spend time with all the people I love, with the man I love, and spend the time warm outside in the sun.

    Ice cream
    Rainy movie days
    The drive-in theater
    Bug bites
    Sun burn
    Bike rides
    Sweaty kisses

    Those are all pieces of summer.

  22. my summer was spent mourning the loss of you. i didn’t realize i then. i ran away, from you. i cried, for you. i slept, only when thoughts of you left my mind, when they were quiet enough to let me drift off: peacefully.

    by Mavis on 01.13.2011
  23. ooh, nice warm season. warm breezes, being outside without a jacket. nicer weather than now! sucks to have to work and not have a break like when i was a kid. can’t wait.

    by kb on 01.13.2011
  24. i miss new york, albany, loudonville new york that is. summer 8 was the best. lbi was amazing beach surf waves dresses flowers mikey new jersey skateboarding cruising hiking waterfalls

    by wildflower on 01.13.2011
  25. hot days crazy nights I was born on a hot summer day. boy was I a cute baby. I love ACs in the summer

    by Kitty on 01.13.2011
  26. An airy, breezy, sunny time to pretend you don’t care about life. All that’s necessary is a complete willingness to give in to laziness and you have achieved the perfect human vacation. Unfortunately, when the sun’s rays begin to dull all existence is pulled back into the mundane routine of twenty first century life.

    by mkl on 01.13.2011
  27. camp, swimming, grass, freshly-cut lawns. long nights watching stars, pictures, weddings, models, Meaford, roadtrips, biking everywhere. being home, seeing friends, family.

    by Lorien on 01.13.2011
  28. Summer. It was like being in a bubble away from the world — something otherworldly, out of touch. The beauty of the sunshine and the semblance of happiness was something unlike anything else The hopes, dreams and winning smiles — the love.

    Because that’s all there really was. Pure, innocent love. Something I can never hope to recapture again, nothing to return to;

    We’re all lost now but there’s only a short time we’ve got that we still loved.

  29. Rays of sun beating through the windshield and one hand on the wheel and the other hand behind the passenger seat and your sunglasses carelessly perched upon your nose and Best Coast blasting through the speakers and beads of sweat lining your forehead and the glow of a warm day and your smile. You are summer.

    by Megan on 01.13.2011
  30. And he said to her “lets make this an endless summer” she questioned…”as in forever?” And without a breath he answered “will i ever stop loving you?”

  31. He came in autumn
    he left in winter
    He’ll return in spring
    Summer he will be gone for good

    I long for summer’s warmth
    when he is gone for good
    and I am no longer cold
    winter is ending and summer is not far

  32. Summer. She twisted her messy black hair with her fingers while sucking on a toostie pop. She tilted her head to the right as I called her name, and smiled at me with her eyes. At the moment I loved her… I forgot that fall was coming next.

    by Jenny on 01.13.2011
  33. oh how i long to feel the warmth of freedom, love, happiness, peace, and sunshine…

    by layla on 01.13.2011
  34. Summer.

    Just another thing that I have to look forward to each year.

    It’s a time of joy, friends, my birthday, and best? NO SCHOOL!

    I always love summer, with the endless time and the vacations it brings.

    I’m always sad to see it go.

    Flip flops, hair up, happy joy everywhere.

  35. cantaloupe lips pop squirt citrus lemons all over my evening dress and the tiger eyes of exotic evening squint like contempt and birds flee squawk over the horizon this summer

  36. summer makes me think of sweet things and sticky things and overheated and melting things. Summer makes me think of alive things. Summer makes me think of sprinklers and the colour green and sunshine and swingsets. Summer makes me think of people walking around in far too little clothing. Summer makes me think of love.

  37. Summer. A time for relaxation. A time for fun.


    Summer. A time for peace. A time for getting away from it all.


    by Kevin Smith on 01.13.2011
  38. She felt the bit ter cold through her cotton jacket, the wind practically harming her face with its fury.
    Ever since she could remember the summer had always been her escape, more importantly her excuse to travel. Whether she was visiting family in the ridiculous heat the south produced, back packing through Europe with an ex-lover or finding herself on a solitary road trip across the country, the summer had always allowed her a certain freedom that no other time of year could offer.
    Her moment of nostalgia was dismissed by an elegant snowflake landing on her forehead. So beautiful, she though, yet so deceptive.

  39. She felt the bitter cold through her cotton jacket, the wind practically harming her face with it’s fury.
    Ever since she could remember the summer had always been her escape, more importantly her excuse to travel. Whether she was visiting family in the ridiculous heat the south produced, backpacking through Europe with an ex-lover or finding herself on a solitary road trip across the country, the summer had always allowed her a certain freedom that no other time of year could offer.
    Her moment of nostalgia was dismissed by an elegant snowflake landing on her forehead. So beautiful, she though, yet so deceptive.

  40. summer is the season of no cares, you throw your inhibitions to the wind. the time of undefined loved.

    by Michael Isaac on 01.13.2011