
July 23rd, 2010 | 226 Entries

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226 Entries for “sudden”

  1. all of a sudden there was a crash of light and all was fine. the world made sense and the earth was in harmony. all of a sudden we were happy. intrinsically. happy

    by Kevin on 07.24.2010
  2. I look up from the keyboard and i find myself suddenly approached with a topic i have to write about. Ironically the word is suddenly, after i take a moment to recollect myself to type about said word I realize my time is up.

    by Omar on 07.24.2010
  3. Sudden is the best way for things to be introduced, when they’re pleasant that is. A sudden kiss, a sudden touch, a sudden feeling…

  4. she was sudden- she jumped like that. like talking and then jumping, sudden. like water changing direction or a car hitting something standing still.

    by Jenna on 07.24.2010
  5. sudden is an awesome word. It is sometimes used to describe a situation where you have explosive diarrhea while being on a date with a hot chick in a movie theatre..

    by jeff on 07.23.2010
  6. All of the sudden I can’t remember what it’s like not to worry about money or a job…or feel good. How I long for the days of carefree peace and no upset tummy on the daily.

    by Heather on 07.23.2010
  7. I try to just write
    Inspite of the fact
    That I’m not quite
    Where I should be
    And there you are
    Infront of me
    All of a sudden
    I know you must have heard this
    A hundred times
    From me it wasn’t a lie
    There’s so much I’d love to
    Confide in you
    Heart so true
    You just have no clue

  8. i suddenly stumbled upon a lemur sitting on the log upon the vast road through the desert. It was a rather deserted place but alas this lemur sat there situated in such a way as to catch potential visitors revurberations. He sat there without a doubt, anticipating a great one to walk by, how demused he was when he found me.

    by Andrew on 07.23.2010
  9. All of a sudden, a giant rat jumped out of the bushes and latched on to the mans nose. Blood seeping down over his face and onto the rats white fur, bystanders began to scream and run around frantically, some attempting to call animal control, some just making useless, paniced hand gestures.

    by Haley Praytor on 07.23.2010
  10. all of a sudden , he asked me to fuck him on the side of the house in the moon light. he pushed me up against the wall, and told me “i’m falling in love with you” we had been together for over a year. made the best love of my life.

    by chashmick on 07.23.2010
  11. I was suddenly, as I was making my grand entrance, falling down the stairs. Ruining the dress I saved my money on for a year.

    by Jessica on 07.23.2010
  12. When I suddenly opened the door to see a giant sasquatch right outside it, I panicked. Never has a mythical creature made it into my house before because of my mythical-creature security system. He looked angry..

    by Alexa on 07.23.2010
  13. this happened so suddenly… this strange feeling of Love and Desire. I can’t hide what I feel inside…. And I love it.

    by Cynthia Wegner on 07.23.2010
  14. The door creaked suddenly,
    a man
    waiting in the shadows just for you,
    listening to your voice
    as sweet as caramel,
    tangy as real orange juice,
    whispering to your
    But the branch shook against the house
    from the wind,
    and suddenly
    the door creaked open.

  15. All of a sudden, I had the feeling someone was watching me. It was a horrid feeling, but I couldn’t shake it out of my head. The eyes around me all seemed to lock on mine simultaneously. I drew in a deep breath and decided that it was only in my head that this strange game was taking place.

    by Nicole Gedert on 07.23.2010
  16. i didn’t think it would have happened the way it did. “made for each other,” we said. You’re gone. i miss you.

    come back.

  17. all of a sudden this word popped up on my screen and i had to write about it, such a strange new thing for me to stumble upon. but that is life and when life gives you lemons, you must write about it. I love how these things just pop up in my life, it makes living worth while :)… but i always seem like i drag on, which sucks because i get boring and then i dont think people like me

    by Samantha on 07.23.2010
  18. The camera flashes brightly and suddenly; for a cell phone it’s pretty powerful. I love the way it immortalizes the seemingly mundane moments and Mondays so that I’ll always be able to look back, unless my phone drops suddenly from a coaster like it did in summer two years ago and I wasn’t able to save anything

  19. I suddenly need to go to the beach. I suddenly just wanna leave here. I suddenly just gave up on getting very far. On anything. I suddenly feel finished.

    by Candie on 07.23.2010
  20. It was a sudden change of scenery. One moment I was in Narnia and the next, I was at Hogwarts….. and then maybe Middle Earth. Just for the hell of it. Goodbye Mr. Tumnus!

    by Kz on 07.23.2010
  21. All of a sudden I was left alone with nothing but the teeth of a crocodile wedged in the folds of my soul. That sudden instance I was defeated.

    by John on 07.23.2010
  22. Suddenly I couldn’t understand anymore. It had always been so clear, but not anymore. It’s like looking into the sun. One instant you can see everything in such detail – the haze of light and all the little sunspots – and the next you are blind.

  23. suddently we all are born, just as suddently we die
    suddently we see ourselves, and suddently we cry
    suddenties what rules our lives and how we have evolved.
    but one thing is never certain, fixing the unresolved.

  24. and with a flash of light, everything became clear. it seemed as though all the questions i’d ever asked the universe had been answered, when i hadn’t even been sure it was listening in the first place. but now, did i want to know?

    by Reisdasch on 07.23.2010
  25. all of a sudden, a phrase so weighty that i nearly resented its existence. it meant nothing to me until i met you- all of a sudden. liek you were waiting for me. like you heard my trembling breathe waiting for a new chapter to begin

    by Chloe on 07.23.2010
  26. Damn all of a sudden i’ve fallen head over heels with you. Why does it always have to happen with you and not anyone else? is that because we’re fated or simply obsessed. Suddenly my heart beats harder when

    by Katy Haw on 07.23.2010
  27. it happened with no warning
    all of a sudden
    everything was
    the same
    i thought things would change
    be a bit different
    but this milestone came and went
    and left no mark.

  28. There was a sudden dash of light across the cold wet street where the blood was strewn across the side walk. The thunder boomed and the lightning struck over the horrific scene as people stared on in horror. How could such innocense be taken away so quickly?

  29. All of a sudden I came up with an idea- chocolate covered strawberries and the doors… the night could not go wrong. And it didn’t. Contentment with chocolate and great music. Life is good.

  30. All of a sudden I hear a noise.
    I just got a text.
    All of a sudden my sister came in here.
    She is brushing her hair.
    A lot of things have happenes today, all of a sudden.

    by Megan Haywood on 07.23.2010
  31. my heart is probably settled. or at least the thoughts in my mind. it doesn’t really matter what words are given or how i react in a sudden moment of sight. but then again, a blank slate is fresh and a sudden thought is sometimes the best.

  32. the appearance of this page. instantaneous. falling in love against my better judgment. the third is the best fodder for this kind of thing, right? oh boy.

  33. Her move was so sudden; I didn’t even see it coming. But when she was gone, it hit me like a blow to the stomach. I curled up on the ground and stared at the wall, the tears dripping down the sides of my face. I was too careless to wipe them away, too forlorn.

  34. suddenly it was over

    by ,jh on 07.23.2010
  35. Crazy, isn’t it? How you can wake up one morning, and all of a sudden… Your whole life has changed.

  36. In a flash, the car arrived to an abrupt stop. We, however, were launched forward, the straps of our seat belts gripping our torsos as the vehicles kissed one another on the highway. When it was finished, we looked across the center console at one another, our faces washed in shock.

    by bob on 07.23.2010
  37. everything always seems so sudden. just the pressure of everything makes me crack. my indecisiveness causes me to never make a sudden decision. i’m forced into a world where nothing spontaneous happens. why did this happen to me?

  38. quick quick succession. strike. and I was down.

  39. Sudden, kind of like this word on the page, popping up randomly and having to thin of something to say. Kind of like a random thunderstorm in the middle of a soccer game or during an intimate moment. It’s 11:11 right now, suddenly, make a wish.

  40. sudden.
    its quick.
    sneaks up at you from out of the dark.
    its pretty sketchy.
    Like a gangster from the ghetto.
    i dont like sudden.
    its like a surprise.
    surprises can go bad.
    i don’t like bad things.

    by Elizabeth Fleissner on 07.23.2010