
August 19th, 2010 | 287 Entries

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287 Entries for “stood”

  1. I don’t know what that stood for, but I’m going to fail in this oneword story today.
    My brain just got a flat tire on the ramp to the clever superhighway, and I am on the shoulder with a jack in one hand and a face-palm in the other. Sorry to disappoint. More tomorrow.

  2. she stood standing alone. Atop a hill, wondering is there more than this? How can anyone be so sure about anything. She stood, thinking, how will I know when to jump?

    by katrina on 08.19.2010
  3. the wolf stood there, like a statue.
    i stared at him, his grey fur tussled by the wind.
    i moved closer the wolf still stood next to the pine tree,
    suddenly he looked at me, his yellow eyes flashed, sending a shiver down my spine.
    he aproached me, his paws barely making a sound…

    by Nad on 08.19.2010
  4. i saw him. there. he stood and stared at me as if i’ve just risen from the dead. i feel like hugging him. i wanted to run to him and tell him that it’s alright.

    by Lisa Yeap on 08.19.2010
  5. He stood on the curb, slowly clicking the Zippo in his hand. Click, clack, click, clack. It passed the time, if nothing else and somehow calmed his nerves.

    by John Doe on 08.19.2010
  6. stood, as i stood still i didn’t know what to do, i didn’t know where to go and my mind went a million hours per hour, how could i let it get this far, how can i let him hurt me this much, all of this i wondered and asked myself as i stood in front of him not saying anything.

  7. Stood up. Stood up on the one day of this year that meant the most. She stood there. I stood here. We stood not sure where to stand next, waiting to find some sign to take us where we needed to be but couldn’t.

    by Quinton on 08.19.2010
  8. I stood. You walked. I was in love and you trashed it, you trashed me. How dare you, look at me today…

    by Erin on 08.19.2010
  9. I stood there. I stood there alone and cold. I stood there waiting for anyone and everyone to come and comfort me, to tell me it was okay, to tell me that this was going to be over soon. But they didnt, noone came, noone came at all actually.

    by Shelby Kitzul on 08.19.2010
  10. he stood there at the bottom of the stairs while she finished getting ready. by the time she stood on the top of the landing, he was beginning to lose patience, but then he realized how ridiculous this was as soon as he saw her. he stood there patiently while she descended the stairs into his arms.

    by iojesifh on 08.19.2010
  11. She stood above the rest
    her arms open
    scars pale and raised below the skin
    It had been a day since the spirit
    she had buried had risen
    so she stood
    and let the sunlight emtomb her body
    so she stood
    and let the darkness drain away
    in pools of standant blood

    by Gen on 08.19.2010
  12. she stood by the window and looked out into the road, watching the car wind slowly up the bend of the driveway; rain splattered the pane as the pain splattered through her insides. finally she was able to let go. finally she was able to grant her heart the release her mind had stolen from it. she wondered if things could ever go back to the way it was..before the rain changed everthing.

    by el Nolan on 08.19.2010
  13. there i was and i could not believe it was anything or anywhere i had ever been. the faces and eyes and nostrils and tendons of people were all around but i was above or below or neither and it was extended from my very fingernails and reaching to a spinning height.

    by ryssers on 08.19.2010
  14. As I watched her poured her heart out to me I couldn’t help but embraced her as I stood up and reached for her. That’s the day I realized just how much she meant to me.

  15. There she stood at the top of the cliff, wind whipping her hair violently about her face and shoulders. She shivered, partly with the cold but mostly from the sheer terror of it all, her life and what she had ahead of her. There are moments when uncertainty is all you have.

    by Lindsey on 08.19.2010
  16. I was standing over the body of a small girl. Her face was barely lit by the surrounding street lights. Had this been one week earlier I could have been her. I was a different girl now. I still stood.

    by Ania on 08.19.2010
  17. I stood in the middle of the kitchen.. deciding my fate.. deciding ours.. the dripping of the faucet keeping time with the beat of my heart.. steady, calming… nerve wrackingly steady… drip. drip. drip.

    by Sprite on 08.19.2010
  18. she stood by the window and looked out into the road; rain splattered the pane as the pain splattered through her insides. finally she was able to let go. finally she was able to grant her heart the release her mind had stolen from it. she wondered if things could ever go back to the way it was..before the rain changed everthing.

    by el Nolan on 08.19.2010
  19. The small child stood upon the dining chair, reaching for the cookie jar. Small fingers brushing its porcelain surface, he felt his way along its smooth exterior feeling for the handlebars.

    by Devin on 08.19.2010
  20. i stood there and looked at her beautiful smile and thought i had seen an angel among mortals it was love or maybe it was just lust, whatever it was it was good…

    by kris p. on 08.19.2010
  21. She stood in the doorway of the house where he died. It was cold, unforgiving and damp. Her mother said “God will get you.” Well, not if I get him first. Ha.

    by Sherise Mckinney on 08.19.2010
  22. She stood at the edge of the platform and watched the train as it depatred and sighed, there went her one treu love, off to join the navy.
    She wiped the tears from her eyes, he was only 16 that sweet son of hers!

  23. I stand for a lot of things, things that shape, mold and define me. I stand for things that compile me as a person. Why are people known more for the things they own, think, or believe instead of simply for being; because now, being’s not enough. people want more.

  24. I stood against the wall, palms sweating, looking over at her. She was so beautiful, It took my breath away. How stupid was I, to even show up to this stupid party. She would never see me the way I wish she would. Why am I even fooling myself.

    by Sara on 08.19.2010
  25. i stood up and took a crap in my toilet after eating 8 plates of food in a buffet. afterwards, i played a video game and started imgining what it owuld be loike if i were a jedi or sith lord in star wars.

    by chris verceles on 08.19.2010
  26. I have a hard time just standing. I weigh two hundred fifty pounds and the line was really long, so I just had to be there, and it sucked because I had to carry all this weight while standing. It took me five minutes to start sweating and after thirty minutes of waiting in this long amusement park line, I passed out.

    by Jon on 08.19.2010
  27. i stood there and watched you walk away. you’ll never know you took my heart and soul with you that day. i miss you so much it hurts to breathe. i love you with every fiber of my being. why can’t you see we’re meant to be?

    by Blake on 08.19.2010
  28. I stood at the top of the talest mountain! I could fall off and no one would ever be the wiser…except for my friends and family…But here I am on top of the figurative world and dont you know all i can think about is whats down beneath me

    by Kaitlyn on 08.19.2010
  29. i stood amongst the children screaming and laughing and running around in frantic circles searching for fun. i smiled at the playfulness of youth before wondering- why am i standing? and i jumped into it, looking for worms and chasing

    by Katrina on 08.19.2010
  30. I stood totally and completely still. Everything was quiet. It hurt it was so quiet. I couldnt breathe. Everything somehow managed to escape me. I stood so damn still. I hurrt so bad. I was so empty. I need sleep. Something I don’t have.

    by Fredweird on 08.19.2010
  31. The scare crow had been standing there for the better part of ten years. When it had been brand new, it’s blue coat was a rich navy color, its gold buttons shining brightly every morning as if to greet everyone who walked past with a wink. Its black linen trousers had only one hole in them, sewn over up with a funny, red and white polka dot patch.

  32. Pete just stood there. Shocker. He was never one to step into action. But, looking around, I saw that Sarah just stood there too. So did Charlie. And Gabe. Was I the only one trying to save this poor man’s life?

  33. i stood there counting. one.. two.. three.. it was endless. the stars couldnt even compare to how many times i thought about you.

    by Joy on 08.19.2010
  34. In the middle of a class room stood a tall looking young man. James stood, ironically, was his last name. No one knew why all he did was stand, but he never sat never laid, always stood.

    by Lizzy on 08.19.2010
  35. Who is that? Where? Standing there? Who? No, hes gone. He’s walked away. You’ve missed him.

    This is how things go. Where once there was opprotunity, there is nothing.

    Who stood there? Who?

    Where are they standing now?

    by Tobin Briton on 08.19.2010
  36. Running through the streets looking for you was a misdirected reaction. I should have been home sitting at my kitchen table and drinking a latte with you while sharing a biscotti. Instead, I stood on a corner in the rain regretting what had never been.

    by Heather on 08.19.2010
  37. I stood up in front of my senior class proudly, and prepared myself to speak.

    Then I saw those eyes. The hundreds of eyes of the people watching me as I was about to give my speech as valedictorian.

    I froze, said sorry, and ran off the stage.

    I will never forget that moment for the rest of my life.

  38. As I wait at the train station, I know I’ve stood them up.

  39. The memories flooded back in the silence and darkness of midnight. He stood there, watching her leave. The gold strands in her brown hair caught the light of the early afternoon. Wisps of loose hair beat against the side of her face as she left. He let her go.

    by jackie on 08.19.2010
  40. walking i was standing up and then i answered the phone because i got out of my chair to get it but then i wasnt sitting anymore because i had to get up so i was standing because the phone was ringing but then i wasnt sitting in the chair anymore because i had to answer the phone

    by logan on 08.19.2010