
December 13th, 2010 | 321 Entries

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321 Entries for “stamps”

  1. they will be attached forever to the words imprinted in someone’s mind forever. there’s no going back. you lick. you stick. its done. now to travel around the world or around the block. what a wonderful adventure to be a stamp!

    Marne Morgan
  2. There aren’t any in the house when you need them, it’s like murphy’s law, hahaha it’s the stamp act. Stamp out stamps–why couldn’t we mail things for free? It’s a public service.

  3. stamps are licked and stuck in different places, like between the legs of a carraige or a very loose street worker.

    devon varoz
  4. I licked my stamps vigorously and placed them on the letter to you. The letter that explained my situation and hopefully made you understand why I couldn’t see you again. I wish I didn’t have these stamps.

  5. I don’t have enough postage for half the letters I’d like to send you. Not that it really matters considering they essentially all say the same thing; you make me vibrate, you’re one of a kind, and I’m not ready to give up.

  6. I took so much time to write this, I’m going to need stamps to mail in my entry!

  7. stamps are squares in the corner of an envelope. if i had a stemp and an evelope i would send a love letter. or i would save it. i would try not to pay my bill with it- that can be done online. writing is personal though. so a love letter. i think i would write a love letter. the stamp would probably be an ugly one with a bell on it. not a pretty snow one or…

  8. I like to lick flavored stamps. strwberry is my favorite. I don’t like strawberry daquiri though. It not good to me. I’d rather make a smoothie with bananas chocolate syrup and ice cream than tequila mix. That is why I like stamps.

  9. you can collect them, at the post office by my house sometimes my aunt makes me take her letters to it for her because it’s on my way home from work. My dad always told me to make sure the letters were always in the mailbox all the way.

  10. My mom sent me to the post office to get stamp, so I could write letters to her from Bedford. I didn’t really see the whole point of it, because I had my laptop, but she said letters were more personal.

  11. The sign on her forehead was the first thing anyone saw, and the last thing anyone cared to remember. It’s been said that some people just stand out, and her, she did her share of standing out.

    The stamp that stood directly above her eyebrows was more than a sign of independence, it was defiance. She wore it with courage, and died with it filled with originality.

  12. A small envelope, one piece of paper, and one stamp, carrying the best words anyone may read. Just one, and it may change your life forever.

  13. postcards to lost loved one that are far far away.

  14. “This line is getting ridiculous.”, she thought. No wonder FedEx does so well, with the rude dismissive behavior of these employees.

  15. Stamps? Stamp collecting used to be something people did for fun. “what are stamps daddy?’ She said. Aw man. I’m old or the world is changing too fast or something. How am I going to tell her about old joe who walked around for weeks with his collection before he died. HE said it was worth millions. I never saw him after that. Where are those stamps?

  16. Stamps are used to mail letters. Stamps cost money. The revolutionary war was fought partially because the British were taxing stamps. Stamps come in many different varieties. They stick to envelopes and some have picture of famous people on them.

  17. I found a stamped, licked and stuck against the street lamp post this afternoon. I found it odd, to find such a thing there considering there was no mail to be had. A sender, however, wanted something to be said to someone who wanted to see it there. Amazing

    Charlotte Frankon
  18. Stamps of approval should never be actively sought. If sought, and received, it doesn’t make you feel any better. Because you sought it, you most likely gave up a part of who you are to receive it.

  19. stamps cover my eyes so i dont see the outisde. the pain, the suffering that has built up in this world of mine and accumulated into a cesspool of filth; fuck this post office.

  20. he sat in an old musty chair carefully glaring at his impressive collection of stamps. Theodore Roosevelt, the Liberty Bell, Snoopy as Joe Cool all spread over the coffee table in faded techno-color.

  21. Stamps are fun. I like to buy them at craft stores and try and make pretty pictures and frame them. The ones with the writing on them are the best as well.

  22. Stamps on the backs of the tramps who buy pills for their cramps with their food stamps.

  23. Stamps are pretty awesome. Im from canada and you can find them at post offices. I wasnt sure if other countries around the world are allowed to have stamps because of weird religiosn and shit. haha Go stamps go, stamps is also a football team. So looking at it from diff poitns of views yo can deicde which one youd rather lick. a stamp or a stampeder. rawr. pretty hot. Stamps are 5 cents, about the cost of a kiss or lick back int he day!

  24. I like stamps. They’re sticky! And let you send things to places and people. Some people collect stamps. They’re weird, but I suppose it’s not really that weird. People collect lots of other things as well. I want to stamp a chicks tramp stamp. It would be funny!

  25. i have one in front of me.. no longer must you lick them.. we are not sending our DNA all around the world so easily anymore.. yes you can still pull some off the envelope.. but at least now we’re not kept forever in drawers and collections.. can you imagine life before self adhesive stamps? I can.. it was a hell of a world.

  26. Stamps? Really… Okay here goes.
    Stamps are on letters, right?
    Letters. I love getting letters, sending letters.
    Love letters. I want someone to send me a love letter.
    I want someone to bare their soul to me through romanticized words and sugar coated dreams.
    I want a love letter.

  27. I already wrote about these but it was before I signed up. I digressed and will again. Funny how that works. But stamps are simple, & forgetful. I didn’t remember them the last time I wrote a letter and, silly me, my letter was delayed. Ridiculous and forgetful ol’ me. It happens all the time.

  28. stamps need no licking. Santa doesn’t lick them either. He gets lots of stamps. On letters from girls and boys whose dreams have not yet been crushed. Those stamps will be wasted.

  29. When they met it was on. He stmaped her heart with the most permamnet of all. They loved each other so much it was dangerous. She couldnt help but to get herself worked up over him. but she knew it was too good to be true. sometimes she wonders is it worth it? do i love him?

  30. letters
    Home. I want to go home.
    No, I want to travel.
    I want romatic love letter from a lost lost lover over seas, where I don’t even know if he’s ali onot because he’s caught up in waadventure.
    I want to go.
    No home.
    I have to go.
    I need to go.
    To Spain.
    To Ireland.
    To anywhere.
    I need something new, i need someone new.
    No, I don’t need anyone.
    Just experiences.
    Something crazy.

  31. he had so many stamps on his passport, it made me excited. well, was it excitement? or did it make me uneasy?

  32. I put them on the envelopes I never send to people too far away but right next door. I bought a collection for my baby niece who only exists in my mind. I wish I had a baby niece. I have two nephews and I think they are just swell. I should continue writing about stamps now. I’ve digressed.

  33. stamps are pretty fucking awesome, you can send sick as notes and then address the envelope with a stamp and send that shit to the people your super down with. Also, if you get a bunch of them you can make a stamp collage, and then with the stamp collage you can make really cool designs and shit like out of all the stamps you can make the shape of a vagaina or something like that, idk just think about it.

  34. the easy way to communicate before email.

  35. Oh how I envy stamps. They go from one place to the next without a care in the world. I wish I could do that but…I’m held here…not by my father who loves me dearly but by my step-mother who wishes me dead
    -Khalidah of Goatshead

  36. stamps are evil. 44 cents? to go around the corner…that is a rip off. but i guess if i can send a letter to someone in africa=, its not that bad. 44 cents can do alot, 44 cents can say i love you, i miss you, come home.

    precious gibbs
  37. i dont like stamps, but actaully i think theyre cool becuase its a way to pay for mail but you dont really think about paying for mail because its just mail so its like OOOOH STAMPS and like i dont know, i changed my mind, i like stamps, i like them a lot. i really like stamps so much. i dont own any though my dads calling on the phone ahh i cant answer and type ahhhhhhhh okay

    Dempsey Deless
  38. I have stamps. They are old, but still good. I am old and still good. You don’t have to lick me. I’ll just go where you send me. But I’d prefer Hawaii.

  39. I use to collect stamps then I became a student in college and stopped collecting stamps. I now collect out of print books. I use stamps to mail bills to the people that collect money. I have no further use of stamps unless it is used to try and get a nerdy, hot woman to have sex with me. then I could talk about sexy stamps and try and get in her pants. Maybe we could make her some new pants out of stamps and mail them to her mother and invite her mother with stampls we had left over from making her a swimsuit. We could take pictures of her in her stamp bikini and post them online. Maybe we could make a video about going to the post office to buy stamps when she was wearing her stamp pants and bikini. I think we might get arrested. We could make the video and post it online and see how many other people like to do crazy things with stamps.

    Mikel Rysk
  40. in order to sletter you must have stamps. letters are personal to the one sending and reading. when he goes away i will be seding him more letters than he even knows.