
October 20th, 2009 | 516 Entries

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516 Entries for “stall”

  1. The stall was small, dark, and cramped. The straw lining the bottom was covered in dark stains, although where they had come from was a mystery. other than from the hatchling, that was– it was going to be nigh-impossible to get the gryphon to trust her. That was starting to be obvious: after coming from a place like this, she couldn’t expect him to like humans, let alone trust them.

    by Sagewolf on 10.21.2009
  2. horses, and barns…the smell of autumn and a cool breeze. ltos of flannel being worn with the scent of campfire lingering in the air. the scratch of hay tickeling your nose. the sun is setting in the distance and the day is coming to a close. sense of accomplishment and warmth inside.

    by emily on 10.21.2009
  3. to stop or to think; to create a diversion; to wait while have a really important reason to wait; to use strategy to get someone to avoid discovering something. a diversionary tactic. rather annoying if you are the victim.

    by Rebecca on 10.21.2009
  4. Do you know why you stall?
    Bathrooms stalls, livestock stalls, stalling.
    Life is full of stalling.
    Stall, Stall, Stall. Oh no. The world has stopped.

    by Sierra Ewing on 10.21.2009
  5. When I first saw it, I couldnt really know what the meaning of teh word is. Anyway, then I remembered and found out that to stall actually means that to put smth off for some time. Personallly I stall a lot of things.

    by Tfn on 10.21.2009
  6. I walked into the stall and immediately saw it- “Justin was here”. I was transported to my 16-year-old self’s bedroom, reading my journal: “I heart Justin”. I occasionally still miss my old self, but then I realize how far I’ve come, and how many lessons I’ve learned since then.

    by Kelly on 10.21.2009
  7. Again I wait, wait for an answer while she points out the window warning me of a flying octopus.

    Psh what rubbish, a flying oct- OMG!

    by Wade Smit on 10.21.2009
  8. stop. don’t think about it. if you think about it then it’s real. if you stall you don’t have to talk to him. look the other way. he won’t notice you if you don’t let him. you want him to notice you. but you don’t. if he notices you that means you’ll have to feel again. don’t feel again

    by on 10.21.2009
  9. ….
    Wait one moment….
    I’m not ready yet!

    *runs away*

    by wade smit on 10.21.2009
  10. a small shop or an eating stall or an exhibition stall

    by on 10.21.2009
  11. I dashed through the building, looking for it. Why did it have to change constantly? I finally found the door and lunged through it, only to find it full of people.

    Why oh why oh why did it have to be this way? All of the stalls were full. Every last one of them.

    No horses for me today.

    by Mikona on 10.21.2009
  12. I stalled in my brand new car on 5th avenue, i did it on purppose cause i wanted to see the beautiful lady in the pink and white dress. She is tall and lanky, and im short and fat

    by on 10.21.2009
  13. i hate stalling, because it keeps me from all the wonderful things in the world. frigging horses come from stalls, and i think they make delicious pastries. is this really all their is to the universe? prompts, floating in space? i think not. i keep trying to not stall out, but i fall short. if i think i’m falling, i really, or is it all a dream?

    by Jeffrey on 10.21.2009
  14. I love stalling my parents. It is so fun, i can do it for hours without getting stopped. its so fun because i don’t have to do work.

    by ZAC.J on 10.21.2009
  15. I will stall and not do my work. when I stall it is fun because I don’t have to do my work and get to do the things I want to do – however I don’t get my work done and it is all waiting for me when I done.

    by on 10.21.2009
  16. the bathroom stall was really nasty

    by amanda on 10.21.2009
  17. the bathroom stall was really nasty

    by anda on 10.21.2009
  18. I’ll tell you right away, I promise. I won’t waste your time or mine, I’ll get right to the point. I’m sorry.

    by Syb on 10.21.2009
  19. I once tried to drive my brothers automatic. It didn’t really work, i kept stalling…but this was when i was 16, just learning to drive in general.No what i’m almost 21 I want to learn how to really drive a standard,I didn’t get discouraged; it’s all about baby steps.

    by katie on 10.21.2009
  20. she looks out at me through the barn doors the heavy wooden doors that hold her inside her eyes hold all the secrets of the world her ungroomed coat is heaven in my hands

    by andrea on 10.21.2009
  21. Sometimes it takes me a minute to get on task, and sometimes it takes me a minute to decide NOT to be on task.

    Stalling’s good for you.

    But not for your car. Then, it kills.

    Especially in the middle of nowhere where your phone doesn’t work, and you don’t know anyway and you just know that you’re about to die, and be eaten by sasquatch and it just SUCKS.

    by Rachel on 10.21.2009
  22. It took me awhile, but I was really getting in the groove of this procrastinating thing. I mean, how hard is it, really? Doing somehting you WANT to do instead of something you’re SUPPOSED to do?

    Sounds good to me!

    It’s not so much fun when it happens to your car, though. Really, it kind of sucks.

    Especially in the middle of nowhere. It’s a killer.
    Fortunately, I keep things like flashlights and sleeping bags and extra shoes in my trunk, so even though my car refused to star back up again, I was pretty okay.

    by on 10.21.2009
  23. delay season sun car tall wait wait wait unsure afraid insecure fight warrior bathroom

    by kat on 10.21.2009
  24. at first i thought about bathroom stalls, but then i thought about my life.

    by onetwothree on 10.21.2009
  25. I’m trying hard to stall writing about anything important. In fact, that’s why I’m here. I procrastinating writing a paper for class. I really should get back to it. Oops, what if the world was stall as in bathroom stall? What if I misunderstood my essay topic too?!


    by Magally on 10.21.2009
  26. To stall. We do it everyday. We want to leave the things behind that are to use painful, boring and simply just not as important as other things. We can use stalling to get what we want too. We can stall when we are heading out of the classroom so we can get the chance to speak to the boy we want to connect with but don’t know how. To stall, we do it everyday.

    by Sara on 10.21.2009
  27. stall

    by on 10.21.2009
  28. bathrooms feet i love you but i’m not sure i don’t have enough money white porcelain rings time pressure work waiting to go to work train delay

    by laura on 10.21.2009
  29. i hate it when i stall at a light when driving a stick shift. my kids think it’s hilarious, and when i do it they scream “embarrassing!!” they don’t really know why it’s embarrassing, but i’ve tried to explain it a couple of times and they think it’s pretty funny. i can vividly remember stalling as a 16 year old learning to drive a stick.

    by pumpkingrace on 10.21.2009
  30. to purpously delay something or someone

    by Erik FAnki on 10.21.2009
  31. i stalled. i wanted to act but i couldn’t. every time i want to act i stall, and stalling has become for me a pass-time and a hobby, a friend, an enemy.

    by pretzel on 10.21.2009
  32. As I look around, I look at everywhere except the page. Stalling the inevitable. Look, look, look. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
    I can’t keep on with this. I have to try someday. And maybe that day is today.

    Or not.?

    by Erin on 10.21.2009
  33. Don’t stall! Keep going! Don’t figure out a way to put off doing your paperwork and play a puzzle…watch TV…pick up a book…comb your hair…start the laundry…clean the room…water the plants…

    by Nancy on 10.21.2009
  34. “Please don’t stall, please don’t stall.” said the girl as she attempted to bring her car out of first gear as she climbed the hill in San Francisco. blah.

    by Paula on 10.21.2009
  35. bathroom stall
    stalled car
    horse stall?
    stall stall
    funny looking word

    by aj on 10.21.2009
  36. People who are afraid to do new things stall…. Making up axcuses not to have to do them. Maybe the’d be better of doing those new things, but they’ll never know cause they’re scared…

    by marga on 10.21.2009
  37. Stopping, pausing, second guessing yourself. What you do when you know you’re in trouble…delaying the inevitable. A bathroom, where you hide when you’re scared, or embarrassed or considering ending it all.

    by on 10.21.2009
  38. in the bathroom where you poop

    by on 10.21.2009

    by KRN on 10.21.2009
  40. stall I irst thought of a car stalling, eginner at trafic lights hige embarrassment fear of failure becase you satlled n your driving test. Then I though about a plane stalling which isn’t the same. It s when a wing is going so slowly it loses lift and therefore it drops causing the plane to start to spiral spin downwards. Used as an aerobatic trick and makes you very dizzy.
    Then there is the sort of stall that has an anilam in it. I imagie a row of contented horses each chewing hay with heads tied loosely at th backof the stall and all their tails hangin down as you look along the ro. The smell of the orses and of the leather n the tack room

    by on 10.21.2009