
January 14th, 2010 | 671 Entries

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671 Entries for “spot”

  1. there are spots on a tiger and a leopard… there are spots on stained shirts too. There are spots on you when you have the chicken pox or small pox or whatever other spotty disease you might have… there is a dog named spot who has quite a few books out for kids… my brother really likes those books.. you should read them too.

    by on 01.15.2010
  2. a tiny speck that could be anything and anywhere.

    by z. on 01.15.2010
  3. We aren’t meant to be who we are.
    People are meant to change us, make us all the same.

    by Mal on 01.15.2010
  4. spot on, old chap! You hit the old ninnywinker right in the knickers!

    by Jag on 01.15.2010
  5. love is like being under water

    by stephanie on 01.15.2010
  6. this place i am right now. i place of turmoil. im scared. im sad im worried im anxious. i wish i was anywhere but here. i dont know how to cope. it is not going well for me.

    by on 01.15.2010
  7. spots are a wonderful thing. they have so much potential in such a little thing. circles, wheels, dots, hats, markers, so much can come from such a simple shape.

    by MAM on 01.15.2010
  8. aboninavel encantador momento injuriado pelo

    by Rita on 01.15.2010
  9. spot the dog

    by katie on 01.15.2010
  10. in the middle of my head, ‘say’s my Leahjet” I like it there she cont

    by me on 01.15.2010
  11. Here is the place on in the universe that we call our place, our hearts have one for each mother and sister and brother. It’s your best friends, and where we go to think… or dream… or be with our hearts and sharing that spot of each other.

    by Mwagito on 01.15.2010
  12. See spot run, spot loves to run and play. Do you like dogs? Dogs are soo much fun, I hope to get one soon. Spot would even be a good name for him!

    by darin anderson on 01.15.2010
  13. see spot run. why should i watch spot? is he going somewhere? who is spot? what is spot? why is spot? which is spot? why so many questions? is spot real? does spot actually exist? last night i saw spots but none of them lasted past my second drink. I suppose if i left the flour out longer it might have been different.

    by Spf on 01.15.2010
  14. there’s a spot, it’s glowing.
    i don’t know what it is.. or where it came from.
    but all i know is that it’s beautiful.
    it’s more beautiful than anything i’ve ever seen.

    by unknown on 01.15.2010
  15. spot spotspot

    by hello on 01.15.2010
  16. spots up for three…. shuuun..k

    overuse swoosh

    by f on 01.15.2010
  17. Spot dropped the ball. “Damn you spot! Catch the F-ing ball!” Butch grabbed Spot by his collar, yanked him off the ground, then drop-kicked him across the room.

    by J Micah on 01.15.2010
  18. spots up for three…. shuuun..k

    overuse swoosh

    by feared on 01.15.2010
  19. spot is a name that i do not like. i would never call my son ‘spot’. do you have any idea how freaking gay spot is? omg like fersure babeh.
    I want to meet you AT THIS SPOT
    GO FUCK ME IN THIS SPOTjdjdjdjdjdjdjd
    i love you.

    by Nadiye on 01.15.2010
  20. There is that delicious spot inside me, the one that says YES. Follow. Create. Listen. Don’t Move. MOVE! Listen. YES! You know. Come here. Look there, there! UP! Excellent… you astound me, little one. Yes, that spot. That divine space I need to remember to give more room before because that spot is the space set aside: the spot.

    by on 01.15.2010
  21. jus a tiny spec of matter.
    doesnt have much importance in life.
    often ignored or looked over.

    by surya on 01.15.2010
  22. I have a Soft spot for dogs, It’s kind of lame, whenever i see one, I just want to, i dont know, hug it :)

    by clau! on 01.15.2010
  23. He could spot her as she drove into view of the house that they would share. Would she like him? Only time would tell.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 01.15.2010
  24. spot sat on a log. pondering his existence was spot’s favorite activity. that and chasing squirrels. chasing squirrels was very zen – just him, the squirrel, their legs pumping – his to catch up, the squirrel to evade.

    by babybull on 01.15.2010
  25. He was always hanging out with dick and jane. We’d see him run, walk, stand, or just be spot.
    sometimes he was spot on, other times..never johhnie on the spot

    by derek on 01.15.2010
  26. It’d be nice to have a tiny spot that was just my own, outside of my head. Everyone should have such a place. Instead of “go to your room”, which if far too big & not really yours anyway, it’d be “go to your spot”.

    by @ on 01.15.2010
  27. i love the spot in the woods. every year we would visit this certain spot and talk away hours and hours of the day. one time it rained and we had to locate to a different spot. we then relocated to a pavillion and continued our talk.

    by Denise on 01.15.2010
  28. a spot i love to visit is bedford reservation. It is a beautiful park within a beautiful community. Once in high school we had a special rock that we would paint every year. The painting would involve our graduating year and we would all sign our names on it. This would be a usual custom that every graduating class.

    by Denise on 01.15.2010
  29. once upon a time there was a dog named spot. spot was very active and no one seamed able to control him. this bothered his owners very much because they wanted a good dog that obyed his masters.

    by katie on 01.15.2010
  30. usually used as a dog name. could be used to designate a location. maybe a stain perhaps.

    by on 01.15.2010
  31. see spot run. see spot fall. see spot… become nothing at all.

    you’re fading slowly away like those dots that appear behind eyelids when you rub them too hard.

    by mai on 01.15.2010
  32. Everbody has a spot. Whether it’s the favourite reading spot or a spot on their chin. A spot of bother can dampen your day but a spot of luck often makes it.

    by Ryan on 01.15.2010
  33. spots on the glasses you wear
    spots on the glasses you drink your water from
    they are all over
    sometimes you hate to see them
    but sometimes you decide they are perfect in their annoyance.
    you seek out the reason for their being
    water spots from rain, from a second rinsing

    by alex on 01.15.2010
  34. スポット、そこのこの単語であるいったい何かが、言うことではありません。

    by 犬を連れた人 on 01.15.2010
  35. silly seashore spot, saw several somber sunday strolling sombrero sunshade suburbanites.


    by sakesipper on 01.15.2010
  36. spots are rounds. colorful. they can be bad if they’re on your skin and change colors. pimples and blemishes are gross and they usually leaves spots

    by cheryl on 01.15.2010
  37. I got a dog named Spot. He is a good dog. I call for Spot and he answers. Spot chases newspaper boys on bikes, he chases cars and has fun running himself ragged. Spot shows his appreciation for me giving him food and water by licking my face and letting me pet him. Spot is a great dog! You should meet him sometime. Spot

    by CK on 01.15.2010
  38. I got a dog named Spot. He is a good dog. I call for Spot and he answers. Spot chases newspaper boys on bikes, he chases cars and has fun running himself ragged. Spot shows his appreciation for me giving him food and water by licking my face and letting me pet him. Spot is a great dog! You should meet him sometime. Spot

    by CK on 01.15.2010
  39. I see a point in the distance. I don’t know what it is, I can’t even see it but I know it’s there. I can hear it and feel it crushing me, pushing me forward. I love it and I hat it.

    by .. on 01.15.2010
  40. it’s a little spot
    a little dot
    on the nose of your tot
    and it winks
    and grins
    at your terrible lot
    and he’s going
    and running
    your fine little tot
    and he’s going
    he’s going
    with all that you’ve got
    and you’re lonely
    it’s clearly
    what shouldn’t have been
    but now youre marked
    with a dot
    a sweet little spot

    by sabriina on 01.15.2010