
February 18th, 2010 | 121 Entries

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121 Entries for “spoon”

  1. Spoons are needed to eat lots of meals with. You Use it for soup, eating ice cream, and many more. People put spoons on their nose to see it it will stay on their nose and stick.

    by Brian Murray on 02.18.2010
  2. A spoon is what I use to stir tea and hot chocolate. I use it to eat soup, yoghurt, beans and JELLY! They come in all sorts of sizes and I refuse to use the big one to eat my cereal!! The little ones are used for tea but are never long enough to stir the bottom of the drink with!

    by Sam on 02.18.2010
  3. I am the only one that can change not my mother, not my sister or brother but unfortunately they tried to change my thoughts I hate when people critizice others they don’t understand that God create us different

    by Aracely on 02.18.2010
  4. I had a spoon in the cup . it fell onto the floor and i picked it up and washed it.

    by linda Wardell on 02.18.2010
  5. spoon is what you use to eat with and its a utencil in the dinning room. its preetty good for soups. its a great help. s

    by Guadalupe Ramos on 02.18.2010
  6. I use a spoon when i go and eat a soup. A spoon is really use full when i want to eat a yougort. I like eating things with a spoon.

    by Leticia Maldonado on 02.18.2010
  7. sitting in the bowl
    waiting for me
    i like the way it feels
    i like the movement
    need a hug
    these days
    come on over, fool
    i miss your pretty face
    and the way you tease
    you lick my spoons
    and throw them

    by Meg on 02.18.2010
  8. II felt chilly this morning. I wish I had someone to spoon with. It would have been wonderful if that person would also make me some soup – oh how I love soup when you get to eat it with those fabulous soup spoons. MMMMmmmmmm.

    by Lindsay on 02.18.2010
  9. laying in bed next to me as i fall asleep waking from a nightsweat my dehydrated body craves a bowl of cereal with ice cold milk. Must use a big spoon or it doesn’t taste right.

    by Linda on 02.18.2010
  10. silver ladle in my mouth. bring your warm broth to me. the simplicity the elegant what do you want in your mouth.

    by pyrobob on 02.18.2010
  11. laying in the night, he asked if i were awake and I lied with silence. There was something he had to say and I didn’t want to hear it, but I also didn’t want to not hear it.

    by Betty Wolfanger on 02.18.2010
  12. i eat with spoons. my favorite band is spoon. i read an article about the band in this weird magazine and was surprised to hear all this about them, their lead singer turns out to be areal weirdo. hes always hungover, and really as a major fan i was surprised to hear that he was a real druggie. big disappointment. Other then that, i use spoons to eat ice cream. My best friend Madison LOVES ice cream. I made her Carmel Cupcakes for her birthday. She liked them. She is sitting next to me and doesn’t know I’m writing about her in this box of wisdom. Because in this note i am writing is nothing but the truth and the misleading crazy unexplainable path of my thought process. Spoon, okay we’re back on track. My cousin runs track. She’s crazy, she runs every day of her life, everyday all day. 20 miles is her starting, no joke.

    by Kayla on 02.18.2010
  13. Shiny silver cuddle mirror, how much time left?, dish affair ( it ran away with it) :)

    by Chuck on 02.18.2010
  14. there is a spoon it waits for you to use it to eat with it to love. the spoon has simple needs it lays with other spoons all day but it requires human companionship as well.

    by J.R. Caudle on 02.18.2010
  15. spoon was running away with the dish because they were only allowed to get married in a few states. So to Connecticut they went!

    by Justyn Palmatier on 02.18.2010
  16. I used a spoon to get my way out of the prison. The mud was thick and it stuck under my finger nails like cake. I was angry and couldnt believe i had leveled down to using a spoon to get out of this mental institution. the spoon was all i had. it was my best friend. it freed me.

    by Savanna on 02.18.2010
  17. There are several spoons in my room, most of them resting on top of my minifridge, the others scattered throughout the mess of my desk. They are mostly clean, but if you look closely enough on all of them, you will almost definitely be able to see remnants of coffee from earlier mornings.

    by Kendra on 02.18.2010
  18. Spoons are dead! Long live sporks!!!

    by Bee on 02.18.2010
  19. He saw the dessert fork lying on the table. She is beautiful, he thought. He watched her glisten beneath the chandelier. In the dishwasher, the two began to spoon.

    by Cara on 02.18.2010
  20. Her cheerios were getting stale. The shook the box dejectedly, but poured some in her bowl anyway.It wasn’t as if she had much of a choice. It was the end of the world, after all.

    by Doe on 02.18.2010
  21. spoon are for eating things like soup, cereal and pudding. I love spoons, they are so useful. I don’t know what I would do without one. Forks have limited uses but a spoon does not.

    by kassandra on 02.18.2010
  22. dfh

    by dfh on 02.18.2010
  23. I eat mostly with spoons during winter — soup!! Soft boiled eggs! ice cream, yoghurt, good stuff!
    Spoons are the utensil that gets washed the most.

    by Angelica on 02.18.2010
  24. Lying in the spoon position next to the one I love, is extremely reasurring..

    Eating soft, creamy smooth icecream from a tub using a spoon, whilst watching a girly weepy movie.

    I’d love to be talented enough to play the spoons…

    by Olivia Van Logum on 02.18.2010
  25. There

    by ThomG on 02.18.2010
  26. She wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth. That old saying was something she’d become accustomed to hearing over her sixteen years of life. No one believed she wasn’t the child of some rich Hollywood family. That was just the way people perceived her.

    by Mandy on 02.18.2010
  27. inside your strong, warm embrace, safe enough to fall asleep, secure enough to dream, spooned inside your arms, your legs, your love….

    by theamarie on 02.18.2010
  28. I remember watching this Arthur special during elementary school. Titled “foon and spork”? I think? I miss those days…sometimes. Had all the time in the world back then.

    by jessica on 02.18.2010
  29. The kids came out of nowhere, attacking me in the lunchroom. I always sat alone. I didn’t have any friends. I don’t know where the teachers were on this particular day, or why the kids decided they needed to pick on me, but they did. And they continued until I fought back with my spoon, accidently popping one of the assailants’ eyes.

    by Doug McIntire on 02.18.2010
  30. spoons are the hardest to feed nephews with. why? if you’re too slow, then he grabs it, making the feeding difficult. and if you’re too fast, then he ends up getting mush all over him. but spoons are worse than forks. that’s the truth.

    by Lana on 02.18.2010
  31. Spoons and Forks have Spork children.

    And Spork children are hybrids. When these hybrids’ middle midgetprongs are broken off, the resulting shape is reminiscent of Batman.

    If Batman is promoting hybrids, I think I can get behind that.

    by Minikimii on 02.18.2010
  32. on

    by af on 02.18.2010
  33. deep in the soup bowl. pulling up the thickest piece of beef, and then bite in. Savor. Repeat, but the pieces get smaller. The flavor stays strong, smoeitimes more intense. Ahh.

    by B Gibbs on 02.18.2010
  34. Spooning is fun. Cuddle. Get close to another human or big dod, or small cat.that’s one spoon. the other is an instrument to eat those things that will fall through a fork. Soup, ice cream, etc.

    by thamer on 02.18.2010
  35. HAIKU- Yonde arimasu kudasai:

    With Chili or Soup
    I like to eat with a SPOON
    Anodized in blue!

    Odd that a teaSPOON
    Is something I use often
    But rarely with tea?

    by The-Apotheosis on 02.18.2010
  36. On TV today cartoons are sh!#
    I wish they’d bring back “The Tick”
    But make Authur less of a doof
    and get him some other power suit.

    “Ya know Arthur, It’s like a date with Lady Justice! It’s a crime to keep her waiting!
    SPOOOOOOON!!!!” -Tick

    by Barry is "The Tick" on 02.18.2010
  37. spoon me. hold me. cuddle me. and most importantly of all love me. these were the words i whispered into his ears as he clambered into bed with me. these were the last words he would hear. an embolism in his brain caused the stroke, and it was after this that he was struck deaf and lost control of the left side of his body.

    by Freddie on 02.18.2010
  38. The spoon had been used earlier when he stirred his coffee and he had licked it clean before setting it down on the counter. He grabbed it, plunging it without thought into the half-eaten quart of ice cream, dipping out a half cup or so into a possibly clean bowl for her and mindlessly spooning the rest into his mouth between dips.

    by gino on 02.18.2010
  39. A spoon, holder of many a delicious sauce. Chilli sauce, apple sauce. An aeroplane heading towards my mouth. Spoons.

    by Martyn on 02.18.2010
  40. are we digging down deep to our core? there is love in there somewhere. I’m certain.