
August 11th, 2010 | 203 Entries

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203 Entries for “sponge”

  1. Living at the bottom of the ocean, this creature feels safe until the prying hands of women needing scrubbing steal them from their homes to wipe them down.

    by Scott on 08.11.2010
  2. He dabbed at the cut, wincing as the wet sponge made contact with his skin. This was ridiculous, he thought, gritting his teeth as pain shot through his arm. Yet ANOTHER injury caused my tennis. He was really starting to get sick of that bastard’s violent ways.

  3. spongebob! information sponge of my brain. taking it. my arm is asleep. its almost two. sponge soft like my bed, which i need to go sleep in.

    by .. on 08.11.2010
  4. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

  5. He couldn’t use it. Why didn’t people rinse it out better? The tupperware he brought to work smelled better after sitting at his cube unwashed for 3 hours than it did after he washed it in the break room.

  6. She absorbed all of it- all of the hate, all of the sadness. She simply watched and drew it all in. It became too much pain one day.

    She stopped taking things in- all things.

    She stopped breathing.

    by Charlotte on 08.11.2010
  7. i don’t like sponges. i’m more of a towelette kind of girl. ew gross.

    by janis on 08.11.2010
  8. there was that one guy named bob, but he was like, sentient, so it would have been weird to clean with him. i think that kinda disqualifies him from being an above average absorber YO WHATS UP ALLITERATION (SP) never mind spell check

    by noah on 08.11.2010
  9. I soaked in every word. I wanted more and more. I didn’t want his adventure to end. But by the end, I knew his time had come to a close. Now was my time to take up his spot and find myself.

  10. People just adore sponging off of you in order to feel better about themselves. They feed off you to feel worthy of being alive. I’m sick of having to make others happy.

    by Sam on 08.11.2010
  11. A squishy square shaped block filled with pores, and when placed into liquid, fills up and becomes slush when squeezed. It is fun to play with. :)

  12. The sponge was a simple little thing. The color had drained out of it by the day, and it looked as lonely as the woman who held it, though, daily, had more within it. Her husband was drinking. She was washing dinner dishes. Sharon was simply lonely.

    by Dani on 08.11.2010
  13. All of a sudden I felt something wet hit the back of my head.
    He stood there smiling.
    I smiled back and said “Fuck you”.
    Then I returned the sponge, throwing it fiercely at him.

  14. I am absorbing things like a sponge. Art, education, the possibilities are endless now that I’m as free as a bird. I crave to learn after I’ve learned to crave. I can’t wait to learn more. Give me the world, with food wine and endless life.

    by Hillary Till on 08.11.2010
  15. The most disgusting noun in the world is the sponge. Reviled by anyone with any sense of cleanliness whatsoever, your kitchen’s simple death knell. Who needs it?
    Only Seinfeld fans.

    by Fifi on 08.11.2010
  16. who lives in a pineapple under the sea? spongebob squarepants!

    by Shaman on 08.11.2010
  17. Everything I say absorbs into your ears, but drips out shortly thereafter.
    Stop it.

  18. versitility. i use it everyday at work. its the basis of every stunt. important in so many ways. my use of sponge is unconventional, i love it

  19. Soak it all up like a sponge – soak up the lies and stories and let them flow through your bloodstream like a sedative until you no longer care. Let the rest – the morals and ethics of it all – flow out through your fingertips and then maybe society will think you brainwashed enough to let you speak.

  20. He called me a sponge, said I soaked it all up so quickly and so well. I asked him if someone squeezed my head, would it all come squirting back out? He looked at me for a moment, considered how my brains would look gushing out of my ears and each nostril.

  21. quishy and gross and they remind me of doing dishes more then spongebob square pants. they always have gross leftover food and crap all over them and they smell rank after two seconds of using them blegh. I hate them wi

    by Miranda on 08.11.2010
  22. Spongebob Squarepants is usually the first word that pops into your head when someone hears the word “sponge”. But of course, there is much more to sponges than the loveable sea creature.

    by Heather on 08.11.2010
  23. who lives in a pinapple under the sea? spongebob square pants. who absorbs so much yellow in pores of the sea? sponge bob squarepants. who’s easy and simple and swimslike a fish? sponge bob square pants! and pop ion the deck and flop like a fish? spong bob square pants! *CUE MUSIC

    by CIERRA on 08.11.2010
  24. I take all the bullshit you throw at me. Every name. Every lie. Every bit of invalidation you have to use to make yourself feel human. I sponge it all up. Taking your misery. Heavy, wet, leaking.. .you can’t do anything with me. And even when it evaporates inside of me somewhere, I am left porous and dry.

  25. I used the yellow sponge that was sitting in the sink to wipe up speckles of Spaghetti sauce. I think that the sponge is stained now.

    by Sparkle on 08.11.2010
  26. I always feel like sponges are extremely dirty… even when clean. Their nature is to absorb.

    When they start to get old… they smell weird too. sponge.

  27. She picked up the sponge, squeezing it to get the excess water out. With a sigh, she scrubbed away at the floor removing all the evidence of the previous night. She tried pretending that this would be the last time, that she would never has to do this again. The substance stuck to the tile like a sticker from her childhood that was lost int the pocket of her jeans during the wash. A tear slid down her face turning a new stain into a sticky liquid. With a low groan, she scrubbed harder not wanting to think about anything. She shook her head as more tears came.

    Collapsing to the floor, she threw her bloody sponge against the wall, and just sat there refusing to let any more tears fall. Hopefully, this would be the last night she would ever have to touch that filthy sponge ever again.

    If only, if only.

  28. The sponge was washed up on the beach, as we walked along we saw this Blob of what is that? we all wondered out loud until The Bloke said “it’s a sponge!”
    Well blow me down who would have thought that sponges came in such a range of colours

  29. She collects all the blood on the floor with a sponge. It quickly changes from yellow to red.

  30. she was a sponge, soaking in every word and thought that could possibly be said to or about her. It was not that she wanted to be, she just remembered every little thing.

  31. I’m not quite sure how my brain wants to read this…as an animal or a thing! I think it is also the way I feel my students are sometimes when they’re learning, so it’s also like an adjective.

    by LissieBarro on 08.11.2010
  32. Soak up everything in the moment and never forget. Keep it all in but let it all out. Absorb it all. Let nothing out. Remember Me.

    by Jae on 08.11.2010
  33. bob square pants sponge bob square pants!!!!! I love to take baths and scrub my feet I really enjoy the water. but i hate washing dishes. it sucks.

    by daymir on 08.11.2010
  34. the sponge she used to clean the bathroom was the nastiest thing she had seen ever. She couldn’t beileve that these people used this to clean the dishes. yuck! she threw it in the garbage and grabbed a norwex cloth that worked much better.

    by Kay Heik on 08.11.2010
  35. spongebob. The First cartoon that that really empathized on dumb. After that cartoons got dumber and dumber

    by Jason on 08.11.2010
  36. I absorb the love you throw at me, whetting my heart’s appetite. I breathe in the essence of your whispered words and exhale pure contentment. I hang on to every aspect of your being.

  37. Sponge Bob,
    filled with holes,

    What the hell am I supposed to say about a sponge?

  38. I absorb the love you throw at me, whetting my heart’s appetite. I breathe in the essence of your whispered words and exhale pure contentment.

    by LynnArts - Jen on 08.11.2010
  39. a sponge bath to an old man my first assignment at the hospital. volunteering wasnt my idea it was my fathers he said coleges love that king of stuff and becasue i dont want to go to the school he teaches at to be a tech-head im stck doing everything i can to get a scohar ship to a school that will teache me how to do something creative with my life so now im spongeing an old man. yay!

  40. A sponge was originally created from sea creatures (also called sponges, interestingly). These days, sponges are artificial and find use in many kitchens, as well as baths for pets.

    by Jesse C. Slicer on 08.11.2010