
June 4th, 2010 | 270 Entries

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270 Entries for “spine”

  1. i broke my back seven times last week taking out the trash for the old lady mable at the top of the street, oddly enough she lived on the south side, funny how things work out like that. She kept it real

    by steve french on 06.04.2010
  2. spine. snakes. they have spines, right? well, mean don’t me are spinesless jeks no one likes a spineless jerk. well, worms don’t have spines; men are like worms. correct? yes.

    by manda on 06.04.2010
  3. middle
    i don’t think people can live without the spine because it’s like the core boe of the center of our body in the back of our minds

    by hage on 06.04.2010
  4. She rubber her fingers over the spine of the manuscript, wondering, is it good enough? Is this the one she should send out to be read or should it end up tossed into the corner with the others which had become a towering tribute to her own lack of self confidence.The clock is ticking, what’s it going to be?

    by Paulie on 06.04.2010
  5. My spine is tight and my muscles hurt. The tension keeps me uncomfortable as I try to relax and unwind. There is a region in my spine that is knotted with pain.

  6. Don’t you wish you had a spine? To do the things you want, and say the way you feel. Don’t you with you had a spine, so you could just be yourself?

  7. This word makes my cousin cringe. And when she cringes I giggle. I really don’t know what I’d do with out her. We were raised as brother ansd sister and now we just stay together all the time :D I love her so much :D

  8. the backbone of the body, rigid and flexible, can support, the binding of a book, i think of pine cones too, proboby because of the word pine,

    by monica on 06.04.2010
  9. I have a spine. It’s white and it has bones and cartilage. My spine helps me move. I walk with my spine. If I didn’t have my spine, I’d be a vegetable. I wouldn’t like being a vegetable unless I was a carrot. Carrots are good. Yum. Carrots. Carrots. Also, I like string beans. I wouldn’t mind being a string bean because they’re stringy and skinny. Also delicious with butter and other sauces. Then people would be delighted when I was in their mouth.

    by Allie on 06.04.2010
  10. jellyfish. although jellyfish don’t actually have spines…or skeletons. is there an expression or something that has to do with spines and jellyfish? I guess you can call someone who is ‘spineless’ a jellyfish.

    by Caroline on 06.04.2010
  11. I saw it, there in the darkness ahead of me. A corpse of the body I had only killed just hours before. The body was already diminishing to oblivion, the bones sticking out at odd angles, the skull was bent at an awkward angle, as was the spine. It gave me the chills. I kept walking; ignoring the blood and gore and death around me.

    by Cheyenne on 06.04.2010
  12. one should have it to make a decission

    by Mahmood Faridi on 06.04.2010
  13. The neck, the back, the curve of his body. The flesh itself is nothing new, i have seen many like it before, but he, his dips,the falls, the

    by alli on 06.04.2010
  14. Her spine tingled deliciously as her lover ran his fingers along the nape of her neck. She giggled and leaned toward him to kiss his cheek.

  15. long, mrigid and helpful. If keep so your whole body in tact. It is part of the central nervous system, which also includes the brain. The brain has many pasrts

    by stef g on 06.04.2010
  16. You have no spine. You are a coward, who won’t face their fears or admit your feelings. But that’s okay, because so am I.

  17. What is the spine
    designed to act hard
    information to control boulevard
    unleash past, step to correct modern day function
    erupt into times past with sophisticated seduction.
    my mind don’t mind mine enter into mine to crack spine


    by EMMA on 06.04.2010
  19. The spine is something you can’t live without, obviously. But it can be the one thing that ruins your life, if you don’t take care of it. Recently I hurt my back, and the one thing I wish I remembered was that your spine connects to everything else in your body. It makes you feel pain in your legs, your feet and everywhere else.

    by Stephanie on 06.04.2010
  20. Spine crack bone shack tormented in the little bow ties of life
    supply strife engineered device that sounds like sand and a knife
    devastating munitions indecision leave leaps and bounds drowned into submission.

    by Justin Thomas on 06.04.2010
  21. a lot of people don’t have one. having a spine is something that is required to get through each new day and every new experience. life is scary. grow one.

    by justin on 06.04.2010
  22. Vertebrates have them. But not cowards. you will die one day. Whether or not this calcium-rich matter is straight or crooked depends on one’s actions. And inactions. But who cares.

    by Doug Brown on 06.04.2010
  23. My spine was slowly deteriorating. I could feel each vertebra popping and snapping as I stood up. Then – then it started to hurt. I thought death must be nearer. I could taste the bitter-sweetness of it on my tongue. The only thing that kept me breathing was his eyes…

    by sharon on 06.04.2010
  24. my spine is merely a protrusion. when i hug, all i can think is, my back, my back, my back. i am spine and only spine, i can’t tell. do you know my back is only spine? all spine spine spine.

  25. It wasn’t as glamarous as I thought it would be. There it was naked and raw. I rotated the picture. Nope. That did not help. It was still a picture of a spine. Spinal surgery to be exact. Spinal surgery go awry if you want to be technical. Geesh.

    by Anya Smith on 06.04.2010
  26. i think that there should be more spine in the world. more people should have the spine to stand up to what they believe in. and who they believe in. where’s your spine?

    by brit on 06.04.2010
  27. I get chills down my spine when he is near.

    by LogiskBum on 06.04.2010
  28. the piece of your back that keeps you up straight and when you break it you get paralyzed and sometimes it ruins your life but sometimes it shows you how much people really care about you and will stick by you in hard times and that is the most amazing thing you could ever possibly want, and that love becomes the silver lining of your seemingly awful situation. and someday, that love and support will maybe get you back on your feet again, and if not, you always know who you can count on.

    by Elizabeth on 06.04.2010
  29. I had one once, i think. It was so long ago, I kind of forget the feeling, when it gets up in there and burrows and is like an electrical conduit to your heart. Your heart is just a bud off the branch, your spine is totally where it’s at. So don’t you forget to bend over backwards the next time you break your heart. The next time you fall to pieces. Your spine is already in pieces and it still carries more than you’d expect.

    by Miles on 06.04.2010
  30. hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa

    by victoria bazlamit on 06.04.2010
  31. Spine pine line wine time chyme chime mine lime twine fine swine dine shine.

    by Jessica on 06.04.2010
  32. Every time he saw those eyes, chills went up his spine. Even in his dreams, with the thing’s voice in his head, all around him, all that fake safety…nothing helped. That was part of why he stopped sleeping. It wasn’t all about Jess at all, even though he told Dean it was.

    by TimTim on 06.04.2010
  33. she smells like nicotine and honey in the morning sun. if i open my eyes wide enough, the sky swallows her whole and my heart stops. her spine is a rocky incline in my periphery, tiny steps on the plane of her back, skin smooth like pavement and pathways i’ve taken time and time again, and love is a heavy word that suddenly burdens the back of my mouth.

    by i give nothing on 06.04.2010
  34. It was a dusty red thing. Not too thick, not too thin. But I couldn’t help but wonder what was hidden behind the spine of the book with no name

    by Stefanie on 06.04.2010
  35. the main central backbone connecting the brain with nerves to all parts of the body. Marrow is very vital.

  36. The light touch of his fingers up and down my spine kindled in me chills of euphoria as he whispered the sweet words of our song to be remembered forever.

    by Kira on 06.04.2010
  37. its the long, thin, white, tube like columb of discs running down your back – it can also be something that induces gumpshion or bravery

    by nick ruff on 06.04.2010
  38. You shouldn’t allow anyone to bring you down. To suck out what makes you, you, is sickening.

    by Jules on 06.04.2010
  39. chills and shivers went down my spine, a frenzy of disjunct fears. it seemed to be crackling with the cruel fate of life, never to be perfect again…

    by cc on 06.04.2010
  40. she tried to hold her head up
    although it made the tears fall
    face it face first
    the hurt
    the pain
    grown one
    bring it on.

    by stephanie gutierrez on 06.04.2010