
June 28th, 2010 | 139 Entries

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139 Entries for “spike”

  1. spike….i think of a volly ball player hitting the ball right in the face of her apponent. she cries. she wins…:D…

    by andrew on 06.28.2010
  2. spike. hm that reminds me of the guy from buffy the vampire splayer. his name is william or something but he is called spike because of some incident with railroad spikes. spikes are a symbol of danger. everything symbolizes a certain type of feeling towards someone. its interesting how for example a spike symbolizes danger to most people, instead of like sheep.

    by molly on 06.28.2010
  3. Spike the ball, spike the punch, spike the dog. The word itself is mostly awkward, one of those words that only sounds worse and more peculiar with each time it’s spoken. It’s pretty lame if you ask me.

  4. He is a spiky Pretzel. As a defense mechanism against the evil girl with no sense of socialization. LET GO OF HIS GOD DAMN HANDS YOU WHORE. I want his hands…

  5. its potiny and it hurts and police officers throw them out at the bad guys onj the streets…also you can spike a volleyball im good at that spikey hair is sexy on some guys umm idk what else to say about spike o its a dogs name kinda sometimes

    by Hillary on 06.28.2010
  6. A surly bikers nickname, a frat boys favorite hair style, or my all time favorite…laconic dinosaur from the Land Before Time

  7. There was a guy. He had spiky hair and lots of tattoos. He was looking my way and I finally went and talked to him. He had an energy drink in hand and offered me a sip.

    by Cortney on 06.28.2010
  8. In volleyball, this is a form of serving. I really don’t know anything about volleyball, except that my friend played it in high school, but that is all I could think of with the word “spike.” Or a dog. Wasn’t the dog on Rugrats named Spike?

    by Kaylie on 06.28.2010
  9. Spike was a lonely boy. With pointy teeth and ruffled socks. No one could get passed the smell to talk to him. I wondered one day how he got to where he was. What happened in his life to make him the smelly guy in class. Where were his parents when he needed a bath at night?

    by Kathryn Wright on 06.28.2010
  10. spikey hair. blah, thats so 90s. and i missed that trend. mostly. anyways i was too young then. i had my clothes chosen for me. mostly.

  11. He slid the spike into the key hole and the door opened. He was an agent and his job was to find the clues and make the arrest. No rest for those with conviction.

  12. it’s about the hair, or it’s just like a sharp pencil. spike also like a dog’s name.

    by tiieee on 06.28.2010
  13. Driven down holding me here like a chained dog to this field of memory, my master gone and abandoning our promise…

    by DMK on 06.28.2010
  14. one word.. one word could mean anything to one person.. it could mean the world or it could be very hurtful.. my favorite is love<3 and peace. one word.

    by Nikki on 06.28.2010
  15. Covered in poisoned spikes was the stem of the delicate flower. She touched it, unable to keep her pale fingers away from the one that she was named after. It resembled her so. Soft and delicate, untouchable like her porcelain skin yet wrapped in a defensive shield that lured all away but the brave or the insane.

  16. she peered at her opponents through the net. wiping sweat off of her forehead and letting her mind wander. she was ready. she knew what was coming and she was going to spike the shit out of that ball.

  17. one spiked drink leads to one raped girl leads to one broken family
    one spiked haircut leads to one badass punk looking like a fool, trying to make up for self esteem with hair gel.
    one spiked boot leads to one biker bar leads to a day of southern comfort

    by Clara on 06.28.2010
  18. Spike
    spiked punch
    in the face
    full of mace
    your words
    spittle all over
    and run down my body
    all hot and warm
    and give me a weird sort of comfort
    and disgust all at the same time

  19. Spike sounds like a dog’s name. Or a fish. It sounds so innocent, but yet, isn’t a spikme something harmful? I’m just trying to remember here, the words barely in my grasp. Spiike is a dinosaur, isn’t he?

    by Janette on 06.28.2010
  20. It was only then, with the reindeer head band above her forehead and her undies below her ankles, when she realized it wasn’t just limeade in the punch.

    by Lauren Scharf on 06.28.2010
  21. there was something in my shoe that wouldn’t go away. i remember feeling it in the backyard of my babysitter’s house, but we were going inside and i didn’t want to be the last one in. when i walked inside i quickly took off my shoe and found a small railroad spike lodged in the gum sole, just barely poking through to the bottom of my foot.

  22. spike! i automatically think of that like a name, like spike off Buffy the vampire slayer. haha…

  23. i remember feeling the impact like an ice pick from the roof or a lemon dog on my shoe. too many people told me it was going straight to my head so i pretended it wasn’t and left everything there alone. goodbye. together. fall colors.

    by adam on 06.28.2010
  24. Is the word spike? A spike like a dagger that stabs into my heart? into my soul? My life is a spike to others lives. I hurt them. Pain.

    by Hen on 06.28.2010
  25. She was ten minutes late. Later, that was all I could remember about her. Most of her family called her “Spike,” a reference to her childhood fondness of weapons and male attire.

    Now, I just call her stupid.

  26. The adrenaline is running through my veins. My eyes are focused on the target: the bone-colored ball which speeds through the air with one human touch. The serve barrels over the net. The ball is lightly bumped into the air with one quick hit. Then it is boisteriously popped into a set high above of us all. My heart is racing as the ball soars above my head, waiting to be taken advantage of with one great punch. I raise my body towards the heavens and spike it over the net. They are not fast enough. It quickly hits the ground then slowly rolls off the court. That felt good.

  27. I spike the ball down the hall knowing that I should follow, but I don’t wish to fall on my ass as I chase it and tumble.

  28. The Spike hurt as it drove into my leg. The man laugh maniacally, looming over me, a scarecrow hidden in shadow. I clenched my teeth in anguish. Sweet blackness engulfed me.

    by Hayley on 06.28.2010
  29. The spike,
    the delicate pressure
    in my forehead,
    over my arms,
    surging up to rest on my knuckles,
    she taunts,
    and taints,
    with misery
    and joy.

    by Rosie on 06.28.2010
  30. the dog couldnt believe it. he fell down the steps forty three times yesterday and he didn’t even have a scratch on him. he wasnt much for balance. clumsy as he was, his family loved him. his name represented a dangerous pillar. he shouldve been named lumpy.

    by matt on 06.28.2010
  31. It wasn’t even very sharp – sharp enough, evidently, but kind of rough and rounded at the end. So he stood (he could do little else) and considered just how it had managed to pass right through his foot, sole to arch, in one neat puncture.

  32. Roses are red, violets are blue, I love you.

    by luza on 06.28.2010
  33. The points of the fence shined so hard she was sure she’d go blind if she looked for one more second. But his house was just past that face. Merely a few yards. If she looked just a few more seconds, he would come out his glorious front door.

  34. the sound of the spikes being sharpened could be heard all over town. The heretic was to be impalled this afternoon. We did not know this man so most of the families were getting ready for the festivities that would follow the ceremony.

  35. He swiftly hit the spike, driving it deeper and deeper. No taking chances this time, he thought.

    by slrslr on 06.28.2010
  36. there was a large spike sticking out of his partner’s back. He obviously didn’t get there in time. Now he would have to explain to his commander what happened. This conversation isn’t going to end well.

  37. SHARP, LOUD, INTENSE, METAL, edgy, high,

    by Rebecca on 06.28.2010
  38. Spike Jonze wanted spiked hair, but couldn’t find gel that could make it stand sky-high. Instead Spike settled on a spiked leather collar, which he wore out his door with a sigh.

  39. the spike was long, sharp and it was hard. if you touched it, then you would have a very long, deep cut. and if you even looked at it, it made your finger hurt.
    But the spike was lonly, so it strived to become less sharp and more approachable. And so it cut itself down, till it was nothing more then a toothpick, but then it was stilll too sharp, since it couldn’t snap it off at a good angle, adn so the spike dispaired

    by Louisa Paarsmarkt on 06.28.2010
  40. Spiking drinks?
    Spike lee?
    Spikes on the emo jewelry?

    I’ve got nothing.

    by DeeDee on 06.28.2010