
June 12th, 2010 | 184 Entries

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184 Entries for “smiles”

  1. A smile is the most simply beautiful thing in the world. A baby with only a few teeth, an old couple smiling on a park bench. A smile captures pure happiness.

  2. I get a buttload of those little gestures of joy. Sometimes, even from kids I don’t even know at school. Yet, all the same, I smile back and go about my day.

  3. were her favorite thing. She made them, caused them, bought and sold and traded and gave them away. Smiling was her business, and she had the monopoly. It took just one flash of perfect white teeth, and anyone would be a puddle at her feet.

  4. Smiles are very nice. They make people’s faces look brighter and friendlier. I love happy, happy smiles. I like to make hobos smile. But I like just making regular people smile too.

    by pampletrousse on 06.12.2010
  5. Diamonds dull in comparison.
    Stars can’t shimmer as bright.
    It’s greater than every last ocean.
    And brightens each dreary night.
    It makes my heart flutter.
    It stretches onward for miles.
    I bless each star studded day
    that I’m graced with one of your smiles.

  6. everything I know is in the smile my daughter gives me. everything i understand about a person is in their smile – the honesty and the lies, the secrets, the insecurity and the longing for something more than just a hello. all i want is a smile that means what it should mean – happiness.

    by Harmony on 06.12.2010
  7. I love to smile. And kind of smile just brightens my day. I love it when people smile towards me, especially if I don’t know them. It just makes things even better. I think when you smile you are in a better mood.

    by Emily on 06.12.2010
  8. I like smiles. I give mine out freely for the most part. Sometimes I act as if my smile is so special that I feel it radiates to other people that they are special for receiving it. I am pretty full of myself these days, but its true.

    by jane on 06.12.2010
  9. Smiles are a dime a dozen. You can fake them. You can mean them. But they never make a difference. How someone really feels is hidden by a smile. There’s nothing more convenient than that.

    by Samantha on 06.12.2010
  10. There is nothing like a genuine smile, nothing except a deceptive smile.

  11. They were far too few in the past days. Far too rare. But things were looking up. One minute at a time, they were looking up. Things were going to get brighter. The day was getting better and better, and soon, he knew, he would be able to smile again.

  12. The smiles of the little children brought back faded memories to her foggy mind. The yellowed faces of her own children running around the front lawn in the sprinkler. She could remember the dripping of ice cream, the energy filled laughter as they jumped through the sprays of water.

  13. heaven smiles on the are by far better than me in every beauty fame fun..just what you didn’t want to win again..

    by georgie porgy on 06.12.2010
  14. when someone smiles it lights up the entire room, unless it’s fake. then everyone knows and it becomes more and more awkward as time passes, like my life.

    by Joanna on 06.12.2010
  15. One smile can light up a day. Many smiles can light up a life.
    I want to see you smile.

  16. Smiling hurt him. He did it because he thought he had to, but he never meant it. But one day she smiled at him, so bright it almost blinded him. Something uncoiled inside him, and as he shook her hand he smiled back, a real one.
    “My name’s Chris.”
    “Imogen,” she said. “Pleased to meet you.”
    That was what started everything.

  17. happy
    everything, everyday, what we want
    what I want
    good things
    and to make better bad things…

    smile, just this

    by ju on 06.12.2010
  18. i think smiles have the ability to change a person’s mood. you’re angry and then you see someone give you the most genuine smile and your world turns around, you smile and everything is okay because you have people around you smiling – and you have at least SOMETHING to be thankful for :-) give people a smile whenever you can – it’ll make a difference in their day.

    by ashley on 06.12.2010
  19. The best smiles are the ones where you weren’t expecting them. You see someone’s face light up because of something you said. They are surprised and smile, and then so do you.

    by Emily on 06.12.2010
  20. happy
    banana yellow
    slicew tennis is the best
    rafael nadal is as bad as a rat pick ass

    by pech on 06.12.2010
  21. Oh to be able to smile again and really mean it.
    “Smile, though your heart is aching.”
    Michael Jackson. That’s who i think of when I think of smiles. Great smiles, that is. I Miss him so much. I love you MJ.

  22. smiles seem so often foreign to me. he made me cry from happiness yesterday. it’s a beautiful thing to cry for joy as opposed to despair, for once. We’re going to try to stay together, across the country.

    by shannon on 06.12.2010
  23. SMILE!! Smiles make you happy, and then you smile even more, and make more people happy! XD YAY!! A smile brightens your day! So SMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILE!! XD And now! XD! XD!

    by Anne on 06.12.2010
  24. smiles are God’s way of showing he cares. it’s our way of giving back to others. it’s the taboo thing we do on the streets when we pass others. why can’t we just smile and be happy that other people are sharing the same moment with us?? why do we always look down and look ashamed. smiles are special and worth sharing

    by Krista Pekarek on 06.12.2010
  25. he was all smiles this morning… what excitement for a 5 year old to be on the field and receive an actual trophy for playing the game of t-ball. priceless… forever embedded into my memory.

  26. She didn’t do it often, but Jeice caught it every time. She would give a little smile at him, then suddenly realize she was supposed to be yelling at him for some crazy sceme gone wrong. It was one of the things he loved about her. She could never hide that smile for long.

  27. the most natural thing you can do, contageous if not infectious! some go for years without ever knowing the beauty of this one simple thing. In the harshest of times and the darkest of places a smile can save your life.

    by Alan Cotter on 06.12.2010
  28. smiles don’t always indicate happiness, unfortunately for the human eye. although, i do enjoy putting the occasional real one on someone else’s face. nice to know you can make that happen.

    by Asia on 06.12.2010
  29. Smiles are contagious. They affect who you are and what people think about you. A smile can reflect the inside of a person’s soul. They bring warmth to a colder world and they can make or break your interaction with other people. A smile is magical.

    by Amber on 06.12.2010
  30. smiles can look good, depending on who is using it. but a smile, you can seem to see right through. a smile can brighten up someone’s day if it seems to be an honest smile, not a fake one like the ones some famouse people or reporters might do. a smile can matter a lot.

    by erin on 06.12.2010
  31. Smiles are awesome!!! I love smiling! Smiles make you feel better, and sometimes they can make you feel worse…like an evil smile.

    by Colleen on 06.12.2010
  32. Smiles are the small sunshines I of my days. They get me through the cold of winter, the stress of school and they make me forget about my problems. It is the universal symbol to say: “I am happy being with you.”

  33. He turned to me and the room lit up. His smile had always been surprisingly joyful and careless, but there was something about it now after I hadn’t seen him for ages that made it just amazing. I never realised how much I loved it until now….

  34. i gave you my smile check your right pocket. he was searching for the right.. the right look, the right kiss, the right touch, the right gesture.. but he never looked in his right pocket and thats where my smile was.

  35. childrens smiles that wrap there whole face in joy, nothings better! The smile from a loved one when you enter a room, and you can see how happy they are to see your smilling face.

  36. I haven’t really seen a smile in such a long time, and it was so bizarrely beautiful to see them all over your face for days on end. The way you look at each other is gorgeous. I love when you smile. I love you.

  37. Smile though your heart is breaking. Smile though you are aching. The Charlie Chaplin tune floated through the summer air. There was something calm and haunting and peaceful about this night.

  38. All smiles, they say. Not for the real. The ones who cannot hide their emotions get called grumpy, unhappy, brats. Not the case. They cannot hide behind a smile for everyone to think they are okay. Because sometimes, they aren’t okay, but they are the only ones that show it.

  39. The teacher looked out onto her kindergarten class, a sea of happy smiles that looked up at her expectantly. Suddenly she realized exactly how important she was in the kids lives.

  40. Smiles crept across everyone’s face. “See? I told you smiling was infectous,” he remarked to her. She still could not get over how easy it was for him to win over an entire crowd of total strangers.