
January 16th, 2010 | 366 Entries

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366 Entries for “sink”

  1. what the fuck am i supposed to write in this blue cornered box, like what the fuck? -haha. I have like 60 fucking seconds too..Such bullshit. Dude, peace out, cause i have nothing else to writee. Love you by, sexy.

    by N!CK on 01.17.2010
  2. Sinking falling never coming up for air. she was drowning. she was helpless. ‘i just hope…everyone else is safe form this…’

    by LunarStar77 on 01.17.2010
  3. the that i had put in my bathroom the other was not working. so i call home depo to come fix it come to find out there was something wrong with my water pipe

    by tiffany osei on 01.17.2010
  4. fuck sinks. I think they’re stupid. Just running water. Go jump in an ocean. Same difference.Wash your hands in the toilet or something who gives a fuck? Lol. Wow I’m slow right now. That’s okay though. Go wash your hands in a toilet mothereffers =]

    by why should i tell you? on 01.17.2010
  5. she was falling fast hard into an ocean of despair and pain. blood everywhere pain surronding her. no one could save. then she wakes up and she can see her saviors face his voice asking if shes okay
    her only answer is a smile and an apology she brought him into this and he wasnt letting go

    by LunarStar77 on 01.17.2010
  6. Dirty dishes deep in the sink. It’s sunday; a day of rest…do ’em tomorrow: that’d be best.

    by Wildewood on 01.17.2010
  7. wow sinks suck. they are so effin’ wet. god. bleh. ew. teeth. toothbruth. i dont even knowwww. i think im running out of time, but seriously we have like 3 million sinks in my house oh and a fridge, too. mhmm. i think i have to go now. wait. not yeat. not out of time,

    by megan on 01.17.2010
  8. i sunk my breath into the sink, dripping and folding like a paper plate, while my mother loomed behind my shoulder, thin veined hand resting on the windowsill cracked with paint. she was making that face, like a sour lemon with no juice, all dry and loathing. as i vomited into the bin

    by samantha on 01.17.2010
  9. My stomach untwisted the knot in me, realized something. For so many years, I’ve seen myself as an adult. I’ve talked to my parents, my parents’ friends, my brothers’ friends. I’ve never had that many conversations with my peers. I’ve never looked at myself as one of them, and to associate with them would mean that I have to start a conversation, instead of listen to my older family talk to their friends and so on while I sit in. I’ve realized that my human connection has been with people older than me, usually with more knowledge. I’ve never had to lead a conversation in my life. My stomach sunk.

    by Scythe42 on 01.17.2010
  10. I’m underwater; I’m shedding my mind. I feel like the only thing I want to do is sink and feel water pull me down, cool and heavy and satin. I want to feel my lungs give out and pray for life because otherwise life has no value to me. The idea of water cooling my face, cooling my thoughts, is so tempting. Why aren’t I sinking all the time? I am. Just not in water, I suppose.

    by name on 01.17.2010
  11. I dont want to sink.
    I have a kitchen sink it is clear and big.
    Sink into me

    by claudia on 01.17.2010
  12. it means a feeling or something in the bathroom its that sinking feeling – oh well there you go

    by ferenzi on 01.17.2010
  13. water :)
    tap water
    i fail at life.
    whats the point of this?
    that one time i fell in the to

    by on 01.17.2010
  14. a place to wash dishes and do other cool stuff
    also when you’re in water and you start do go down, like and get dead. so yeah, it’s a cool word. ok

    by chuck norris on 01.17.2010
  15. Sinking down into the sand, the water disappeared, making the sand squishy wet between my toes. Looking up I scan the horizon

    by Stella on 01.17.2010
  16. sinks are great for holding water. they also can be a great bath place for a child. I like to soak thing sin my sink, and of course it is great for washing dishes! I love sinks for washing hands and being able to put fresh water in my plants. Sometimes ships sink if something goes wrong. That is always sad, like the titanic.

    by on 01.17.2010
  17. To sink usually means a bad thing. This brings to mind the thought of suicide and how people usually view it as a negative thing. They will go so far out of their way to keep someone from ending themselves yet would never want someone else to have control over the last thing they have left. Sinking feelings.

    by Volia on 01.17.2010
  18. The heavy weight of the Haitian tragedy is only now beginning to sink it as scores of new pictures documenting the destruction pop up on the Net daily. Horror.

    by J Micah on 01.17.2010
  19. below the surface
    of the soul
    the rock steps down
    and falls to the floor

    a child picks it up
    only to throw it
    across the street
    at the house made of glass

    as the dreams come crashing
    the house begins to cry
    and becomes fragmented
    as nothing ever mattered

    by microcosmic man on 01.17.2010
  20. My sink is blue and that’s why i like it.

    by chocochris on 01.17.2010
  21. My sink is very dirty…I need to clean it. The makeup is semi stuck on the sides and a big lump of toothpaste reminds me of how I failed putting toothpaste properly on my toothbrush. I would clean it but I’m just too lazy…

    by on 01.17.2010
  22. to lower and lower depths my mind sinks and swims through as the night digresses. Around and compound the dirty thoughts

    by Jag on 01.17.2010
  23. under
    flow into water
    float maybe please
    you dont know what im doing in the ocean
    with the sharks
    with the rays
    the fish are eating me
    i am a drowner
    i do not float
    i am sinking sinking sinking
    water rise
    a flood

    by Carl on 01.17.2010
  24. what happens when you can’t swim?
    pretty obvious
    you drown


    and what happens when you try to love?
    you drown



    by Jools on 01.17.2010
  25. into the abiss

    by on 01.17.2010
  26. ravage

    by on 01.17.2010
  27. She was sinking. She was sinking and she didn’t care. What was there to care about after all that had happened… The plague, the Order, and… the Others. The thought of the Others, what she still had to do, was finally enough to break her, to break her loose from the diamond shell she’d built around herself.

    by Leah on 01.17.2010
  28. with dishes and lovely hot water–i love to wash dishes because for some reason it is so soothing-=-i love the accomplishment of it–the idea that we were fed and then we ate and then we clean up and a clean sink and kitchen are lovely–i also love to see the colors of tye die coming out of textiles in the sink and swirling together and making new colors–the sink to me is a joy sometimes–washing my hair in the sink is also fun :)

    by alex on 01.17.2010
  29. The water was falling farther and farther away.
    A hand reached out for the surface.
    Falling falling.
    They would sink to the bottom.
    Never to be found.

    by Brittany Rubio on 01.17.2010
  30. I had a sinking feeling when I saw what my best friend had written. roux

    by on 01.17.2010
  31. Shitting in a sink. Never done it, might someday. Who knows. You put dishes in there and let them sit for a few weeks until you need dishes, then you inadequately rinse them out with soap and water, one dish at a time as you need it, and that’s it.

    by nicci gras on 01.17.2010
  32. or swim? Have you got everything including it? Do you need stuff to stay bouyant in life or as the Thai phraes goes – happiness is knowing what you need, not what you have

    by Barney Green on 01.17.2010
  33. falling,
    water consuming rapidly
    too heavy to stay afloat

    by D.H. on 01.17.2010
  34. I guess I’m prevaricating when I should be applying for a job. sitting here, happy for my career to go down the drain that, very loosely, is connected to the sink by a short section of piping. see what I mean?

    by Ed on 01.17.2010
  35. I’m not sure if it is just me but the words or should I say word “oneword” only shows as a half. not the whole thing is shown. I dont know what else to write so I guess I will just tell you that I am having a good day today. how about you? That is all for me, have a good life.

    by Elijah Guess on 01.17.2010
  36. that sinking feeling sneaks up on you sometimes. you can never be sure if you deserve it, either.

    by on 01.17.2010
  37. sink

    by Wayne on 01.17.2010
  38. I felt myself falling, sinking down into depression. Nothing could tame the lions inside of me. I tried to pull myself up but I couldn’t I just kept sinking…sinking.

    by on 01.17.2010
  39. we have a sink in our kitchen, i dont really like it though its just to plain and boring. Honsetly why do all kitchen sinks have to look the same? just double sided and silver. Why cant we add a little flair to our kitchen?

    by Maddy on 01.17.2010
  40. Im sinking here, in my ocean of sorry. waves of our music crash in around me. I fall, I fall, just keep falling. falling & not hitting the bottom, drowning and yet not dying. Just stuck in pain. always the pain. always starts with you…

    by Linnessa on 01.17.2010