
December 14th, 2010 | 290 Entries

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290 Entries for “sheets”

  1. I could see the huge blood stain on my white sheets but could anyone else? There were all acting like it was such a huge mystery where he had been killed. “Right there! Can’t you see it’s right — ” I stopped in realization. Where was my voice? They paid no attention to me whatsoever, and I knew why. The grasifiscus curse I performed on Hallum must have backfired. Everything I can see and hear, and everything I say is non-existent to the others. Perfect, now who’s going to solve the murder of Gregery Pasket?

  2. I am slightly disturbed by the fact that oneword seems to simply be using the plural forms of words they have already used in the past.

  3. Comfort and safety embodied.
    Making foldable forts as a child was half the fun.
    Warmth is a thing we take for granted.

  4. I lay down again, my body wracked with so many emotions and feelings and dread. I lay down again, because earlier I couldn’t. Earlier, I had to get up and do something but right now I couldn’t. Instead I crawled into my bed, over the familiar sheets and melted into them, collapsing, savoring the only place I liked to be anymore. My bed. Where sleeping means being able to escape.

    by Jessica on 12.14.2010
  5. white crisp fresh. like a spring day with the lime trees and thirsty grass. the leaves fresh, new, the caterpillars not yet butterflies. smelling like clean linen. best in the world.

  6. I spend most of my time scribbling down short sentences on sheets of paper only to crumple them up and start anew.

  7. When I saw them, I laughed. Duck-webbed yellow with navy blue circles.

    by Jacob on 12.14.2010
  8. Relax .. in your sheets
    Read a book .. in your sheets
    “Snuggle” .. in your sheets
    Explore your laptop .. in your sheets
    Explore your boy/girl friend .. in your sheets
    Cry .. in your sheets
    Watch TV .. in your sheets
    Draw .. in your sheets
    Or, y’know.. just simply sleep .. in your sheets

  9. I love cozying up in my sheets on a cold or wet or snowy day. The flannel ones are the best. That and a good book by my lamp…. it’s perfect. If I could be there now, I’d go in a heartbeat. Too bad I have too much fucking work…. <33333333

  10. You do not really need sheets.
    Just make love.
    Untamed, sweet, earth-stopping love.
    That way, you will not notice the lack of sheets.

  11. I love it when my mind is crystal clean. I do not think of anything but the one thing I am doing. That’s when I start to write these beautiful shits on the clean white notebook sheets!

    by Pressian on 12.14.2010
  12. I love sheets. The red satin ones I had in Phoenix were fun, but like Phoenix, way too hot for this Montana girl. Guess that’s why I’m back in Montana, with good ol’ cotton sheets now.

  13. sheets, Bill Sheets was a criminal investigator, a private eye who always had an eye out for the ladies. Nevertheless, he did hiswork, too. At the moment he was working for a defense attorneywho was requesting him take several phographs ofan intersection where a tragic traffic accident had taken place. He did and then returned the information to the attorney, who collated it and began preparing her case. The information was not at all complicated. An accident had occurred at a busy intersection. A motorist was driving at a high speed through the intersection when he collided with another car turning in front of him. Although he had not intended to kill anyone, well it happened.

    by James Tenant on 12.14.2010
  14. Sheets to sleep in, or sheets for writing?
    Sheets for notes or sheets for drawing?
    Sheets for it all, they are always handy.

  15. softly lain across the bed, angelic white were the sheets she lay under- it gave her a pious feeling when she was alone, and served as her sanctuary when she was scared, scared he was coming for white the red hot fury and hate the five year old could only assume came with every father.

  16. The sheets on the bed were pristine and strikingly white. This, in contrast to the blood red carpet, made the room apear to be a celebration of valentine’s day. Unfortunately, that holiday was nothing like the day Christy had just been through and all she wanted to do was lie down in the soft, white, and welcomng sheets of the foreign bed.

    by on 12.14.2010
  17. The sheets on music were sitting on my desk, untouched. They had been that way for a while now. I wish I had the courage to sing the songs I wrote, but honestly, I didn’t think I could sing at all!

  18. The sheets crowd around me in the beginning and then they dissipated to other horizons in the night. I feel them leave me. They have their moments and I feel them. They cover what they need to and do what you ask of them.

    by Travis on 12.14.2010
  19. Warm breathe in my ear,
    I love to look in your eyes.
    Tangled in the sheets.

    by Hannah Rose on 12.14.2010
  20. I love bed sheets, my favourites are my snowman sheets, I have a harry potter blanket, I wish I had harry Potter bed sheets, then I would have a harry potter blanket, pillow, other blanket and sheets! then life would be complete. I LOVE HARRY POTTER! (:

    by danica on 12.14.2010
  21. I like sheets, especially flannel sheets. Since it is freezing here right now, the sheets sound especially nice. I like the warm feel against my skin and love to burrow down underneath the quilts.

  22. She looked down at the blood splattered sheets. She was frozen, felt as though her very breath was held back. The only sound was the loud “thud, thud” of her heart. There was not a sound anywhere, no birds chirping outside in the trees, no traffic noises, no children playing in the street. It was as if everything had come to a complete stop.

    by Freya on 12.14.2010
  23. I hate when my sheets aren’t warm enough. They are too thin or too short. And they feel like sheets of ice. That is not very nice. I think i would be better off with a sheet of paper sometimes. Sheesh sheets. Do a better job. Um how much longer is this going to go for? A guess a minute is a long time to write about sheets. I wonder if i get a

    by bob on 12.14.2010
  24. Bedsheets billow on the clothesline, back-lit and see through in the afternoon sunshine.

  25. As she wrote through the night the pile of sheets to her tale grew, and grew, until she had to put a paper weight on top to keep the pile from toppling over.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 12.14.2010
  26. Underneath the sheets on your
    Makeshift bed it’s really just a
    Mattress on the floor
    You’re at school and I’m on vacation
    Reading until you return
    Then just saving up ever moment
    We’re together

  27. I don’t use sheets. I don’t like the feel of them when I’m trying to enjoy my time in bed. They make me feel scratchy and weird and it’s just an all around unpleasant time. Of course, clothes and any sort of covering makes me uncomfortable, but I handle that feeling during the day. Night’s my time and I go au naturale.

  28. My eyes slipped up toward the sky. Sun rays shot across and wove through every cloud. Dew drops, sprinkled on every bit of life, sparkled in its magnificent light. And as my sheets billowed in the wind, the sun sent its luminescence to dry every wet patch, and finish the job of cleansing.

    by Cecilia on 12.14.2010
  29. Butch in the streets, femme in the sheets. I’ll admit, more than it’s not, that’s so me. While I am quite the dominant one I do love a good pillow queen session. I would love to find that lover that challenges me in bed, dares me to try new things, and allows herself to be challenged as well. No more vanilla for me. Give me a lover who can fill me in, up, down and out .. so I can eagerly return the favor a million times over.

  30. Crumpled white sea,
    Writes quiet misery,
    No situation more dire,
    remnants of lust and desire.

  31. bed, sleep, sex, cold, clean, smell good, fresh, crisp, soft, new, stains, too short, wrinkles, holes, tangled, cuddles, love, dreams

    by kelly on 12.14.2010
  32. Until recently, I used 200 thread count sheets. Then on a whim, I bought a set of 400 count sheets. My life has changed dramatically for the better and all is good.

    by Mike Bechtol on 12.14.2010
  33. At the end of a stressful day of school I can fall into my bed and lay back my head. And continue into a dream of imagination.

  34. Beautiful blank sheets
    One of life’s simplest joys is
    a brand new notebook

  35. paper
    teddy bear

    by Samantha Smith on 12.14.2010
  36. I keep looking for them but they won’t come out from under or down from above, the sheets of her dreams are just that, and she doesn’t dream of me so I’ll never be able to find them.

    by nannan on 12.14.2010
  37. so sleepy. so soft. i love my sheets and i love my bed. comfy. wonderful. :)

  38. Their sheets reflect the sharp glare of the sun as they march in single file across the lawn. Each of them has one of the flaming red crosses adorning the breast of his robe. The sheets of white covering their faces keeps each one anonymous. Each one hiding from their shame of their hate.
    The lone African American weeps silently as he’s led forward.

  39. Between the sheets, I’m a man. Mortal, fallible, easily frustrated.

    But outside them, I am a God. Confident, overbearing at times, ready to kick some serious tail without even taking names.

    Such is the curse of having such a small piece of manhood.

  40. They were similar to the sheets that were spread on his childhood bed. Always crisp and white from blowing in the summer breeze. Or that’s what his sister liked to think. She despised the idea of her beloved brother being covered by a generic, uncaring, and starchy chunk of fabric in the back of the funeral home.