
April 28th, 2008 | 193 Entries

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193 Entries for “sentence”

  1. sentence. this is a sentence. a sentence is a line of words that means something. it can be something you are doing something you want to do or anything really. many sentences add up and become a paragraph or an essay or a book.

    by kelsey on 04.28.2008
  2. sentence: something i hate to structure…I much prefer to ramble on without proper punctuation…so there…

    by jp on 04.28.2008
  3. We never did learn how to diagram a sentence. My mother always thought this was an outrage, because apparently she spent a lot of time in middle school doing it, but I have yet to determine exactly what good the knowledge of how to diagram a sentence would be. Maybe I’d be miles ahead in life if I knew how to diagram a sentence….

    by Freddie on 04.28.2008
  4. ADDICTION IS A SENTENCE. I bought my freedom the day I decided to walk away. It took twelve steps and a conviction that I wanted to live. Today I am free of the self-imposed sentence. Free to finally live.

    by Sue on 04.28.2008

    by TOM on 04.28.2008
  6. there once was a very bad sentence who wandered into beautiful prose. like rudolph, he was shunned mericilessly and told to leave at once. the sentence remained firm and defiant. I have just as much merit and meaning as you do, you other meaningless strings of words! I perhaps mean more and affect more than any of you have the power to do.

    by caitlin on 04.28.2008
  7. i hated having to write sentences on the blackboard but that’s what miss. right always made us do when we did something that we shouldn’t have, i don’t think it was fair.

    by Rose H. on 04.28.2008
  8. connect them together to creat storys and fairy tales to entertain people for ages they can be used to pass down history or tell the tale of a lonely boy who was adopted at the age of 6 and passed from foster home to foster home. a string of words that can have so much power over a person and so much meaning that it could make them cry, laugh , smile, or cringe.

    by Kevin Smith on 04.28.2008
  9. my sentence gos alot like this
    then i will leave this place
    leave this place to go out in the rain
    not before I sing -though

    by stephen T. on 04.28.2008
  10. sentence

    by sunny on 04.28.2008
  11. im typing a sentence right now, and as i see it, i should be satisfied that im doing any writing at all. i wish i had time to write more sentences, and put them together in a thoughtful flow, but rather, i enjoy coloring thoughts in my head, and letting them fester in there, rather than one paper, where they are so much harder to read

    by rachel on 04.28.2008
  12. A sentence is a magical thing that can include a variety of things. Truths, lies, things of wonder and amazement, or things of sorrow and depression. Sentences can literally mean anything you want them to. And that is why a sentence is a very magical thing.

    by Robert on 04.28.2008
  13. Sentence reminds me of my number, 10, which I wore this past weekend during a regional tournament. It doesn’t really matter what sport I play, so don’t worry, but today’s word could have been anything and it’d remind me of that tournament. We lost in the most horrible way possible and our season is over. Specifically mine, which is over forever.

    by Justin D. Wright on 04.28.2008
  14. i create sentences all the time…. every day….
    we all do….
    we would be nothing but stupid animals yelling at each other without sentences….

    by keena on 04.28.2008
  15. sentence is a sentense. write if words. I really don’t like this word. SENTENCE is so.. “senten

    by luhmanika on 04.28.2008
  16. sentences how do words form them how did they come to be. why do they matter so much, in school. as children we are taught to use complete sentences make it neat and tidy. life isn’t neat and tidy so why do we need sentences.

    by gracie on 04.28.2008
  17. “Sentence” — I came here hoping for some sort of direction, some sense of where to go from here. “Sentence?” How is THAT helpful? Everything I write is a sentence, or ought to be, by the laws of grammar set into motion centuries ago. English teachers, unite!

    by amelia on 04.28.2008
  18. Constructed of parts, words, these components form intelligible thoughts, phrases, ideas. Grammar and structure are the building blocks, blueprints.

    by ron on 04.28.2008
  19. String a few words together and you have something supposedly more meaningful. It is capable of tapping into the very essence of what makes us tick, it could make us laugh, or it could spark an unreasonable amount of rage in us. If it is anything like this collection of letters and words, it means nothing.

    by bryan on 04.28.2008
  20. So, who would want to write about a sentence? It depends on what you mean, the grammar unit, or a punishment for wrongdoing. I suppose if your punishment was to attend english and writing courses at a community college, you could experience both simultaneously.

    by Bob on 04.28.2008
  21. Best way to read instructions. Conjugate and parse. Repaeat if necessary. 5 make a paragraph. I love words. They love me back. It’s a verbose relationship.

    by patrocks on 04.28.2008
  22. i write a sentence. you write a sentence. he, she, it writes a sentence. someones you don’t need a sentence, one word will do. sometimes you need a paragraph & pages upon pages. depends on what youre trying to say to who really, alth

    by bex (: on 04.28.2008
  23. “I’m engaged Bitch!” How could you marry someone who says things like that? Maybe I am so judgemental because I used to wear your ring…but still…First you have the audacity to be with her, she has the same name as I do, then you knock her up…now marry her? How dare YOU?

    by The Real Sarah on 04.28.2008
  24. I look at the sentence not really believing what I am seeing. Twins!, but how could that be I was on the pill! Oh well, I suppose I will cope, what difference will it make when I already have 5 other children to look after Besides the more the merrier, family christmases are going to be a blast from now on and just think, I will always have someone to look after me in old age…what else do you have kids for eh!

    by shelley on 04.28.2008
  25. A way to share your heart or cover it well.

    by Diane on 04.28.2008
  26. a sentence is simple. this is really weird. do we share these with others? wow that little green bar is going fast! makes me think of 5th grade english class. miss ottato teaching us on the side chalkboard. looking out the window seeing roofers on top of the church. singing God is so good in my old opera voice. sean mcfarland. time must be running out. i miss elementary school. i love st. mary’s. too bad it’s closed next year.

    by allison on 04.28.2008
  27. Sentences, used to express emotions, the deepest darkest thoughts of the mind. The desires, for the one with the hair of gold and the dimpled cheeks, sitting, unaware of the awe in which he is held. He goes on oblivious to the future plans that involve, and indeed revolve around, him. Yeah, Sentence.

    by Bobby McGee on 04.28.2008
  28. senteces are the meaningufl way of existance, through which mankind can discover itself, become self awar and find that it is self discovering, self delighting, self appeasing. Meanwhile a sentance may fumble in a greasy till adding half-pence to the pence in the study hall with the one he wanted ever since it all began.

    by james on 04.28.2008
  29. Sentences break up your thoughts wheather you like it or not. You have to think through what you say before you actually say it otherwise it never gets said. Sentences make it easier to think and work with what you want to say.

    by Jackie on 04.28.2008
  30. well I guess I’ll write one lol, because that’s what you do…right? Write a sentence. What else could there be? The death sentence I guess but that’s not as interesting.

    by nico on 04.28.2008
  31. Okay, he said, just one sentence. Make it good. Make it effective. The key to good writing is brevity, picking the perfect words. Do that and your writing will be poetry in motion.

    by Steph on 04.28.2008
  32. Sentences are challenging. They seem so simple, words strung together to communicate an idea. A noun or two, a handful of verbs, adverbs, adjectives, connecting words. Simple. But when you need to put some down together they can stop you dead in your tracks.

    by Joey the Saint on 04.28.2008
  33. YOU ARE UGLY the judge exclaimed.

    by NOO on 04.28.2008
  34. i was sentanced to jail.

    by Mygodoness on 04.28.2008
  35. I was sentanced to jail.

    by Ally. on 04.28.2008
  36. That one sentence every person dreads, “I think we should see other people.” That one sentence that changed my life pretty drastically. That one sentence that left my heart feeling empty. Today would have been 3 years. But after that one sentence, everything we worked for, cried for, loved is gone.

    by kate on 04.28.2008
  37. Syntax grasping at language to form a coherent thought. I wonder sometimes whether my ability to create a living sentence has diminished with the fog of age and the disillusionment that comes with time. A sentence must end some time.

    by platocave on 04.28.2008
  38. Sentence. That wasn’t one. That was a fragment. A sentence has a noun and a verb. The shortest sentence you can make is a command or question. Go! The longest sentence.. could have clauses galore. Sentences are no fun.

    Fragments. Are great.

    by Lindsey M on 04.28.2008
  39. This is a sentence

    by Barry on 04.28.2008
  40. A sentence is a basic unit of grammar and communication. In English it must have a verb and a subject. It’s easy to write a simple sentence and for some people, it is equally easy to write a run-on sentence.

    by PinkyPinkster on 01.01.1970