
March 11th, 2011 | 419 Entries

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419 Entries for “scarves”

  1. scarves, sitting tightly, holding your head down so that it does not float away, keeping it tied down to your neck, scarves, long, short, knitted, knitting resembles the word knotting, knitting involves a series of knots, knot, knot, not,

    by Erin on 03.12.2011
  2. i like scarves. scarves make me warm in the winter. i wish i had a scarf right now because i’m cold in the bahamas. wtf. scarves come in many different colors and fabrics. i own at least 4 scarves. knifes. yes. i want this to end so i can get a new word. yeeeaaauhhhh.

    by muhammad on 03.12.2011
  3. I really lke scarves. I feel like when i wear one I look more individual and they keep your neck warm, which is actually an issue in Edinburgh!

    by Clemmie on 03.12.2011
  4. scarves are a weird thing. they’re all different, they all cost different prices, some are nice, some are fancy, some a ratty. kind of like people, we’re all different but have the same purpose.

    by emily on 03.12.2011
  5. a piece of cloth which will bring out the beauty of the person who is wearing it!! especially if worn by a woman it brings out the elgance as to how she will drape it.

    by nikitha on 03.12.2011
  6. Raindrops are falling from the sky,
    she hugs her coat around her small frame.

    The wind blows her hair,
    rips her scarf off.

    Chasing, she runs runs runs
    after it.

    He catches it
    and hands it to her, a light smile playing on his lips.

    “hello, gorgeous.”

  7. You wear them when you are cold in the winter. Or sometimes we just use them as a way to express ourselves in the fashion department. There are many different types of scarves but the best ones are the ones your grandma made you.

    by Kenzie on 03.12.2011
  8. It’s raining. What a blasphemous rain it is. Every raindrop, so hideous – it’s a crying shame. So I take out a million flamboyant scarves for the rain to soak, to hide from the gazing eyes.

    by Pin FTW on 03.12.2011
  9. I live in Miami Beach. I don’t own scarves.

    by Becky on 03.12.2011
  10. I don’t usually wear them but I love them.
    All the colours and shapes and sizes and materials and textures and even the ways of using them! On your head, on your shoulders, on your neck and even on the beach to cover your bum in a bikini.

    by Kiki on 03.12.2011
  11. Silk

    by AmyAmy on 03.12.2011
  12. He never ran that fast so as to catch up to who he thought to believe was Elvis to get him to sign the scarves they stole during the Super Bowl halftime show. It wasn’t him, it was Terry Bradshaw. How could he get this mixed up?

    “What I’m gonna do wit d’s terrible scarves?” wondered Lamont.

  13. the scarves have me
    under their hold, their pull, their tug
    spiny fingers, soft skin, scratchy tags
    they are holding my neck, clinging,
    they cling because they want me
    or because they want me to feel pain
    the scarves have me
    keeping me from bitterness
    keeping me to themselves

  14. something that I’ve always loved to wear but always look silly in somehow. i had a zebra one… that’s the one one I really loved wearing. it hardly goes with anything i have anyway. nothing much to say. oh boys look great in them. ;>

    by Alaska Sommers on 03.12.2011
  15. Scarves. Scarves are whimsical. You always wonder about a person who wears scarves. Where did they get them? What’s the story behind each one? Yeah, scarves are pretty spectacular.

  16. She wrapped her scarf around her neck and squinted into the foggy sky.
    “it looks like rain… Or maybe snow…” she thought. “I may get trapped here.”
    She took her keys ot of her pocket and unlocked her door.

    by Victoria on 03.12.2011
  17. I never ran so fast as to catch up to who I thought to believe was Elvis to get him to sign the scarves we grabbed after the show. It wasn’t him, it was Terry Bradshaw. How could I get this mixed up?

    “What I’m gonna’ do with these terrible scarves?”

  18. i get scarves when i fall. usually i fall when i’m drunk. i slip and fall and then the guy i’m with, the guy who got me drunk, stands beside me and laughs.

    by Tiina J Parviainen on 03.12.2011
  19. I love scarves. Especially knit ones. Blue ones, red ones, green ones. Fuzzy ones. Scarves keep you warm. You can knit them for the one you love or for yourself, especially if you love yourself. That’s an extra special scarf. Scarf sounds like barf but they’re nothing alike.

    by Bryana on 03.12.2011
  20. scarves is a main for a ladies. it is useful for protection from sunlight and it is also helpful for cleanliness of our face.

    by Tejas Shah on 03.12.2011
  21. we use scarves in winter. i like it, it can be found in many colors. they are kinda fixing my mood, because of their beautiful colours.

    by milena on 03.12.2011
  22. Scarves. Some people wear them for the cold to protect their neck while others where them just for fashion. A lot of common wear has been transformed into fashion: jeans, hats, scarves, different types of shoes…

  23. Hmm scarves. Like the things I wear on my neck? Haha! Well if they are I love them! There just so fuzzy and warm! :D Scarves <3

  24. Scarves? Random. The first thing that I think of when I heard “Scarves” is that most people where I live do not properly know how to wear one. In TN, People will just wrap it around their neck and keep going. If you’re from a truly cold climate, you know to make a loop w/ the middle of the scarf and then thread the loose ends through and have THAT around your neck. Keeps out the wind and cold much better.

  25. scarves are very beautiful for ladies. you can see it being used in many countries inspite of their colour, creed ad culture.
    scarves look very stylish , and also it prevents sun light on your face and of course some countries use it as their religious culture.

    by bessell on 03.12.2011
  26. i knitted you a scarf once. it was gorgeous, really it was. i knew you’d never wear it but i figured you’d think of me when you saw it hanging in your closet or strewn across your bedroom floor. i don’t know if you ever ended up wearing that scarf. i wish you had stuck around long enough for winter time so that i could know.

    by Aubrey on 03.12.2011
  27. i wrap my pprinted scarve around my neck as I saunter into the criips, cool fall day inNYC. I hail a cb and slide into the worn leather seat. Direting him to THird stree, i glance back out of the window. A man is staniding there watching me. When he sees me noticing hm,he pulls his shades back down, turns sharply

    by Mlehart7 on 03.12.2011
  28. covering my neck so I am warm, trust them not to kill me as my neck is a very sensitive place which can make me quite vulnerable. I guess that’s why scarves are inanimate otherwise I would be dead! :)
    also a great fashion accessory and compliment the rest of the outfit so I guess scarves are team players and individuals at the same time :)

    by Didorius Onyango on 03.12.2011
  29. I was walking through the most beautiful city in the world and watching all the people. There were dark African men flitting here and there, tourists stopping to watch the sun go down. Florence was so stunning, the only way for me to remember it was to buy some scarves from the market there.

    by Kaleidascope on 03.12.2011
  30. I love them around my neck in the cold winter months. My throat is no longer lonely. The colors keep it company.

    by Carley on 03.12.2011
  31. The red rosy scarf around her neck complimented her pale white skin in such a manner that I could do nothing but scathe the blessed skin hidden beneath it. That scarf might have well been the starter of our relationship, and never would I forget it. Today that woman is my wife and that red scarf lies dauntingly on the nightstand sending us on a twirling trip back in time every time we give it a second glance.

    by Hannah on 03.12.2011
  32. The red rosey scarf around her neck complimented her pale white skin in such a manner that I could do nothing but scathe the blessed skin hidden beneath it. That scarf might have well been the starter of our relationship, and never would I forget it. Today that woman is my wife and that red scarf lies dauntingly on the nightstand.

    by Hannah on 03.12.2011
  33. i need to shield myself from your words of marvs. so i shall cover myself with a world of scarves.

  34. I don’t need a scarve. Scarves are restricting and always too warm. They prick in your neck. Itchy. Scratchy. Woman like scarves.

    by Desmond on 03.12.2011
  35. The wind whipped along, aft to bow, as the commuters pushed their way off the ferry at the Manhattan side. Umbrellas turned inside out. And women’s scarves, wrapped many times around their heads to keep their hair in place, blew off and floated like feathers on the bay.

  36. wool, knitted, warm, soft, cosy, silk, itchy, hat, winter, warmer, hot chocolate, stripy, spotty, happy

    by lauren on 03.12.2011
  37. they keep you warm when nothing else seems to work…there are so many different varieties yet people seem to never think about all the options while they’re looking at how ebst to keep themselves warm…so many colours, materials, styles, not to mention the different ways you can tie them

    by Tiffany on 03.12.2011
  38. i like to wear scarves they are warm and make everything look infinitely more put together. The colors are beautiful often the patterns and material are comfy and warm i like the gypsies that wear scarves wandering about they have a sense of traveling vagabond to them.

    by Liz Colyar on 03.12.2011
  39. I like scarves a lot, they add flavor and personality to my outfit. I like the big knit ones that look itchy but are soft and cozy. They keep me warm when the wind tries to cut up my face and freeze my throat. I like them a lot.

    by Joan on 03.12.2011
  40. Thursday was market day and she couldn’t wait to get to today’s market. The lingerie vendor had promised the scarves would be arriving today. There was that early chill in the year, it would be a long winter and