
July 17th, 2008 | 2,211 Entries

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2,211 Entries for “scarf”

  1. something you would wear in the cold to keep your face warm. something you would wear as a fashion accessory. Men also could wear a scarf. some could wear to cover up a love bite on their neck. scarves can be colorful and or dull. scarves can have fringe or no fringe.

    by me on 07.21.2008
  2. ever since i was little i marveled at my fathers scarf. it is 9 feet long ang when it drapes over you you feel warm. when he gave it to me i was so excited i wore it every day for a month.

    by cornelius on 07.21.2008
  3. The blistering wind billowed my red and yellow striped scarf. The scarf bubbled up, tugging from my neck, flailing in the autumn leaves. It was one huge bubble filling with the crisp autumn air, and it begged me to come with it and play like I used to have time to when I was little. So I did. I ran around the feilds, rejoicing under the blue sky. I was playing again, connected with my childhod. Thank you to the scarf for helping.

    by Rachyl Duffy on 07.21.2008
  4. It was a cold winter night and I was glad I had brought my scarf. The biting wind stung my eyes and nose, but my neck remained warm and toasty. In the distance I could see the lodge, smoke billowing out of the chimney.

    by Alex Starr on 07.21.2008
  5. to cover you neck.. keeps you warm.. eat fast. pick up quick.

    by Sammie on 07.21.2008
  6. I learned to knit last year. We started with a scarf. It was pretty easy, though I got bored with it pretty quick. I made a bunch of them though. One for my aunt, MIL, mom, friends, husband, dog, strangers, etc. I’ve moved on now to more advanced items – sweaters and such. But scarfs are easy things you don’t need to think about while knitting. Good to do while watching TV. I made one for myself that’s WAY too long. But I guess that’s better than too short. Geez, isn’t 60 seconds up yet? How long can I make this anyway?

    by brenda on 07.21.2008
  7. To eat fast, to gobble down
    this is the way people eat
    it is an incrediable feat
    to eat so much meat

    by Brian Eves on 07.21.2008
  8. Tightly wrapped, amountly bound,
    nothing, not a sound, silence,
    whispering to my left, screams,
    then a thud to back of my head,
    Snowball FIGHT!!!!!!

    by HardWarlock on 07.21.2008
  9. bos, neck cover, warmer, shield, protection, winter,

    by Cheryl French on 07.21.2008
  10. cold winter day with bright colors wrapped around me flapping in the breeze. Little strings on the end wiggle and tickle my nose when they fly up. d

    by Kayla Rose on 07.21.2008
  11. It’s a decoration for a woman or even perhaps a useful item to keep the head warm, clean and dry.

    by Mark Anderson on 07.21.2008
  12. To eat heartily, as in, “I scarfed down the whole pizza!” Also something worn around the neck like a noose, which is a stupid as wearing a necktie.

    by Gerrit Gorter on 07.21.2008
  13. cloth around the neck…decorative.

    by Shan on 07.21.2008
  14. to take something away and/or to keep warm in a winter storm.

    by me on 07.21.2008
  15. Something you wear around your neck. It can be many colors and designed in my fashions. It keeps you warm in the winter months. You can tuck in your coat and have it hanging out to wrap around your neck.

    by Sara on 07.21.2008
  16. a red wrap around a womens neck off seting her wounderful hair and great eyes

    by rocky on 07.21.2008
  17. I bought a new scarff to wear around my neck. It is a beautiful red with touches of black, which will make it a very good accessory for most of my outfits. I am an avid collector of scarfs. I prefer solid ccolored ones, but multi colored scarfs match several different suits. Scarves make the perfect little something extra to compliment wwhat you are wearing.

    by Janet W on 07.21.2008
  18. eating quitely barely taking in a breath he scarf done the dog food to survive

    by nancy m on 07.21.2008
  19. The light pink scarf fluttered in the wind as the harried christmas shopper tried valiantly to get her many bags into the cab. The driver was tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for her to finally finish

    by CerTifiable on 07.21.2008
  20. i love the way the look on girls
    in just a tank and with leg warmers
    i love the way the feel
    the style it adds to an outfit
    it makes me feel secure
    a small and insignificant article
    yet it can be held
    it can cover
    it can be moved
    it can be shared

    by elle on 07.21.2008
  21. wrapped around a neck lovely and slender, below a face hovering pale and perfect

    by monkenstick on 07.21.2008
  22. what you put around your neck. Something that keeps you warm. Use to use it to cover your head for church. There are many different colors and styles of scarves. You don’t see them as much as you use to,

    by Pat on 07.21.2008
  23. The scarf was torn, tattered, frayed at the ends. It had been beautiful once, probably very expensive, with its heavy silk and lovely, intricate embroidery. Now, however, it was a woebegone remnant of the past, a reminder of what had once been and would never be again.

    by Valerie on 07.21.2008
  24. I love my red scarf; it’s soft,cozy, and filled with memories of my freshman fall. I was happier then. I wear it as much as possible to this day. It helps me stick out in a crowd.

    by L on 07.21.2008
  25. i wrapped a scarf around my legs to keep the rats out of my jeans. but the rats still scurried through, biting my ankles, my goodness it hurts!

    by Tanaja on 07.21.2008
  26. one of the finest places of wearing a scarf is around your beautiful neck.It prevents us from the cool breeze to hit your ears and shakes you.It is sewn with wool.It is better.

    by aditya on 07.21.2008
  27. i wear a scarf at sndawn. it is a good measure of preperation against the dusk breeze. I used to feel comfortable wearing scarfes until my friend who looks bad in them started wearing them all the time and gave me a complex about the whole idea of wearing scarves. i mean is your neck really that big to where you need another piece of clothing to cover it? sure it may make sense in a winterland but not here, not now.

    by g.brett on 07.21.2008
  28. steal, eat it all fast, take more than your share, what a straght man does not wear,

    by to on 07.21.2008
  29. The scarf flickered gently in the breeze. It whipped and teased behind. He stood in the wind and felt majestic, powerful.



    “Are you going to stand there all day?”

    by Alan Donald on 07.21.2008
  30. I love scarves. I have a ton of them and I always look forward to wearing them when the weather turns cold. Bright colorful ones, fluffy ones, neutral ones…

    by Nic on 07.21.2008
  31. A colorful band of cloth, that can either be knitted or sewn. Comes in a variety of colors and is worn about the neck to keep the chill out. Can also be another name for a garment worn on the head.

    by Kage_Rose on 07.21.2008
  32. The last time I saw a scarf that obnoxiously big it was in a jlo video.. The girl hissed to a friend behind the unwilling suspects back. That’s what these two did. They picked people out and tored them down for no reason at all. Some could say they were clever, others just thought they were bitches.

    by viv on 07.21.2008
  33. A lovely item to adorn one’s neck, or to keep one warm in cold weather. Often colorful.

    by Laura Walsh on 07.21.2008
  34. I have to consider a step before I can write about it. A scarf is nice for some people, but I prefer not to wear them.

    by Barbara Culpepper on 07.21.2008
  35. a thousand scarfs huddled in a department store, lined up in a most lustrous sort of way. Millions of strands bundled together. Love in the winter.

    by mallory on 07.21.2008
  36. A scarf is an item to protect us on many occasions: when we become chilled in different frigid areas or if some area needs protection. However, that is one reason why I like Florida. If I can avoid wearing a scarf, as they do make me feel somewhat restricted, I do so. They can be very decorative on some people.

    by Barbara Culpepper on 07.21.2008
  37. keeps your neck warm. Accessory. can be light weight or heavy. Decorative. OR scarf down (to eat). Isadora Duncan died when her scarf caught in the spoke of her car wheel and broke her neck.

    by Margaret Hester on 07.21.2008
  38. My girlfriend made me a scarf for our first christmas together… It was such a simple thing, but it meant a lot to me. I really am a huge fan of it, and I don’t take nearly as much care of it as I should… But, yes, it meant much more to me than anything she could’ve bought me.

    by Christopher on 07.20.2008
  39. she walked to the fair with popcorn nipples dripping off her lips thinking about him. him in his dusted cowboy boots and thoughts of twirling girls in a dusted coral for all to see. she wanted to conquere him like any young pony. own him.

    by ninja chick on 07.20.2008
  40. the red scarf flew past the leafless tree swaying in the cold, winter breeze. A small girl chased after it crying.

    by ashley on 07.20.2008