
August 14th, 2010 | 180 Entries

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180 Entries for “saved”

  1. Oh how I wish we had saved some of that nearly (gulp) million dollars my husband made over the couple of years time back in golden days of computer software sales in the late nineties.

    by Danelle on 08.14.2010
  2. those saved from the fall are those lost in the war.
    those saved from their lives are those without lives to begin with.
    those saved from themselves are all of us; everyone has been saved from himself and everyone will endanger himself again.

    by Elleni on 08.14.2010
  3. God has saved me. Through Him, I’m going to heaven.
    My friends have saved me. I don’t know where I’d have been without them.
    This website might save many people. It’s helpful.

    by Sam on 08.14.2010
  4. When I’m at church, it feels like everyone else is feeling something
    People talk about how the’ve been saved
    They feel so overwhelmed by God
    But I feel nothing

    by Lauren on 08.14.2010
  5. i was being saved again, atleast they thought so. “what are you guys doing!!! DON’T” this wasnnt meant to play out like this, i didnt want to be saved i dont want to be here wth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh.

  6. I saved about a hundred minutes the time that I decided to walk my giraffe with a motor scooter instead of roller skates. The problem is that I wasn’t able to save his neck . . . he got it caught in a tree branch because i was going too fast.

    by Jeff on 08.14.2010
  7. I was saved years ago. I wish I hadn’t been. The man who saved me turned out to be nothing but a devil. He turned my world to heaven for a little while, but then it turned to hell. My heart broke when he said goodbye, I’ve never been whole or happy since.

    by Caitlin on 08.14.2010
  8. I was saved the day I looked into your eyes. My soul took flight and I was lost in happiness.

  9. i was never saved
    by jesus
    by my mother
    or my father
    they all let me fall
    i do not believe in them
    can save me
    i have fallen
    below the wings of a fallen angel
    he calls himself my savior
    if he only knew
    i am so lost,
    i whisper
    save me

    by Sincerly yours on 08.14.2010
  10. I saved you the last one. The last one of what you ask? Does it matter? I saved it! Here you go! Do you like it? I mean, if you really don’t want it, I’ll take it back. It was pretty hard to save you one after all. They’re really good. What are they you ask? Oh they’re–

  11. As she spoke those words in my ear again, my heart thudding out a sick beat in my chest, I breathed again. I’d been saved from that horrific fate. This time. Next time she may not be there to save me from it. And that thought? It scared me. Still scares me. Chills me to the bone. I’m afraid that one day I won’t be saved from the words that hurt and destroy til they eat a hole in your heart and infect your thoughts like a vicious virus, gnawing and melting away any semblance of humanity you had left in you until you become a shell, empty and broken, wishing that you would hear those three little words again and be made whole in a seconds time. Thats what it means to be saved. To me. Now I should get off of the internet and go tell her that I love her. She deserves it.

  12. edward cullen saved bella swan cause the AMAZING tyler guy “accidently” slipped on ice and “unintentionally” almost hit her. SAD):

  13. Save me
    She cried as she stood
    On the edge of the world
    Waiting for the fall
    Just to see if she was alive
    Save me
    She cried as she fell
    Off the edge of the world
    She knew she was alive

  14. she said I was saved because she baptised me in the sink. if she hadn’t i’d be hellbound that’s what i get for being born after a priest pissed my mom off. thank god for sinks.

  15. I saved the sail songbird squandered in squalor selling silly sing song sheets sadly sunken in soil

    by trevor on 08.14.2010
  16. You saved me from drowning. Period.

  17. when Soria takes over for whoever is pitching for the royals
    when you accept god into your heart

    by Eric Fraser on 08.14.2010
  18. They always thought there was something wrong with me. Me, a pastor’s daughter, atheist? They thought I was being stubborn, refusing to be saved. But it was never that simple.

    by MJ on 08.14.2010
  19. There was nothing I could do. It was all your whim, it was all you wanted. And I’ve never felt more useless and unwanted in my life.

    by Samantharrr on 08.14.2010
  20. i am saved by Jesus Christ. He loves when you love him. In fact it is all he has asked for in return for saving you. He saved man kind. You were put on this earth for a purpose. Find that purpose and fufill it. Celebrate Life and that Jesus has saved you! :)

    by on 08.14.2010
  21. saved, when i think of saved i think of GOD, i think of baseball, and i think of all the times i DIDN’T get in trouble, and all the trouble it saved me! Saved is a word that works when someone is trying to save something or there something that needs to be saved.<3

  22. He saved his pennies for weeks, months really. Finally the day had come. He held my hand as we walked up to the register with the Magic 8 Ball. “I’d like to buy this please,” my five year old said to the cashier.

    by Heather on 08.14.2010
  23. What does it mean to say that I’m “saved”? Does it mean that I’m changed, that I’m happy? Or does it just mean that I realize that life sucks so horribly and yet I’m willing to be taken in some way with the idea of leaving it?

    by James on 08.14.2010
  24. jesus mandy moore kept love protected rescued religion convert earned.

    by megabear on 08.14.2010
  25. I have been saved by Jesus Christ. What? No, I’m kidding. I don’t believe in that bunk. But apparently we’ve all be saved because some guy died in the name of US, to save US from ourselves. What? I don’t need to be saved!

  26. He uttered the word silently and it could have been missed – “…” But it was that word that saved his life. He would not relaise it’s value until later that night when the truth was revealed.

  27. Saved. lord jesus amen brother of mary jesus and joseph. We have been saved by the lord, he died for us, he saved us, right? And that’s why we’ve got to pray to God. We’ve gotta thank jesus every day cause we’ve been saved!!! from ourselves.

    by Rosalie Stewart on 08.14.2010
  28. The end. It was supposed to protect me. As my blood seeps through my shirt and down my jacket into the graveled grooves of the asphalt. The Bible has failed me, yet again.

  29. I was saved by love. that was the word, love. not some teenage, dramatic bunch of love notes sent through soft whispers. no. it was simple, serious, love.

  30. My soul was saved by the Minister Aldous Urthington of the fine borough of Indasta, Ohio. I welcomed him to my home with a bottle of corn. He was a kind man made of many good things, such as oil and peroxide.

  31. i kept the jars, the plastic wrap, the aluminium foil. I kept the extra buttons sewn into the sides of clothes. I kept my garden clippings, the onion peels, and even the carrot tops. I saved it all.

    by Zom G. on 08.14.2010
  32. In the back of her mind were saved memories of him. He was gone, dragged away by death. He slipped from her hands, leaving her to cry and console herself. But she knew these weren’t just memories saved, they were his spirit and being, memorialized by past experiences that she cherished.

  33. As my cousin glanced at me through the screen of the computer, I felt my heart pumping wildly. “You saved me,” he said, whispering quietly, so he wouldn’t wake the rest of the house. “No,” I said, “You let me save you.”

    by Kayla on 08.14.2010
  34. Words on an illuminated screen stared back at me; a representation of everything I felt. That moment, to this moment. Everything is just a moment. I move my thin wrists across the pale pine desk, pressing my fingers to the dark plastic buttons that determine it’s preservation.

  35. I saved you a seat next to me at lunch.
    I packed an extra juice box to share with you.
    I hope we can be best friends forever.
    I know some good hideouts in the playground.

  36. I was saved by Jesus Christ. True Story.

    by sitonmuhfase on 08.14.2010
  37. I don’t want to be saved. I need to be saved. No one will save me. I’m not worth being saved. I’ve saved others. I hope someone saves me. I need to be able to save myself. Save me.

    by Maya on 08.14.2010
  38. I was saved by the grace of those who love me. It is not so much that they have brought me out of the darkness–rather, they have shown me that there is a light.

  39. I am saved by the breath
    in your throat
    as your lips exhale
    I inhale and breathe.

    by Nina Ignaczak on 08.14.2010
  40. She was lonely, and I was lonely. There was something that we shared; that loneliness. But it saved us both.

    by Maya on 08.14.2010