
June 26th, 2009 | 123 Entries

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123 Entries for “sandals”

  1. They caress my feet and make me happy, even more so if I have pretty toes on display. This is harder than I thought!

    by Abbie on 06.27.2009
  2. For so long he resisted wearing sandals. They seemed too unfinished, like lazy shoes. And his toes were twisted and refused to be beautiful. But one day, his wife plucked down a pair before him and said, “It’s time.” Now, with the breeze lapping his naked piggies, he feels Greek and unchained, like a sown seed open for business.

    by Brian Slusher on 06.27.2009
  3. i love them, so nice and summery, and airy. had like a million pairs since i was a kid. always had this vacation association! wear sandals to work! that’ll b the day! getting off just thinking about it!
    and now im out of stuff to say. umm. is there a point to this?


    by dd on 06.27.2009
  4. yup i have the one…
    these sandals that allow me to conquer sand hills in a single bound
    keep feet from being bound by worn out soul
    cus my soul is to fresh and free to be laced and bound
    besides the sun is bright
    and my toes need to take flight to space…

    by luminoUS on 06.27.2009
  5. Sandals reminds me of the beach. And the beach reminds me of you. The way your hair was dirty and wet from the salty ocean, and the sand sticking to your feet. You slipped into your sandals and walked along the pier with me. We held hands, and kissed. The sand was still stuck to your face

    by Heidi on 06.27.2009
  6. “You’re wearing my sandals,” said Elvis presley.
    “You said to walk a mile in your shoes before I abuse, criticise and accuse.”
    “Maybe so, I just wish you’d let me take them off first.”

    by on 06.27.2009
  7. beach, I love the beach. especially because of that relaxed feeling about everything there. what you eat, what you drink, how you act, and of course, what you wear. You practically wear nothing. A bathing suit and sandals. And that’s it! Cool, huh?

    by CRLG on 06.27.2009
  8. she’s got me trying on shoes of every kind
    sandals, flats, boots
    and my favourite – stilettos
    I love to feel tall in them, but mostly I love them because I can claim I have bad balance
    Trip and fall into your arms

    by bee. on 06.27.2009
  9. legs……comfort..figure.. physology, fashion, imression…..

    by Ami on 06.27.2009
  10. i have many sandals! so many colors. perfect tools to beat up your boyfriends and the street side tricksters who brush by deliberately. however the flat sandals are much more satisfactory to beat with as they give a resounding slapping feeling rather than the ones with heels! SANDALS ROCK!

    by esha on 06.27.2009
  11. Lots of people wear socks in sandals. Pretty nerdy, I think. The point of sandals is that you don’t have to wear socks, so your feet won’t sweat.

    by Maria on 06.27.2009
  12. I hate her. I hate her long, tan legs and yes, even her tan toes peeking out from under a pair of leather sandals, that are darker than her by only one shade. An expensive pair sewn from animal hides, to cover her own–she more animal than they.

    by connie on 06.26.2009
  13. Sandals are ok, but when it comes to breathable footwear you can’t beat a flip flop. i myself enjoy the flip flop so much that my feet have tan lines.

    by aaron on 06.26.2009
  14. I wear sandals that show off the hair on my feet. It is as thick a sheep’s fleece. I love my foot hair. It’s great. Good night, moon.

    by Jason on 06.26.2009
  15. Beach. Seagulls. Watching the kids play in the sand, debating whether or not I want to take off my sandals to wade out and play in the water with them or just go as is.

    by Mark on 06.26.2009
  16. 26 sandals rested on the beach. The greatest minds in the world were rocking back and forth in the surf. Answers were in the near future.

    by cam on 06.26.2009
  17. i bought the cutest sandals at the market today. I think Joannes will love them. They make my feet look almost feminine. I hope he likes them.
    I don’t think anything or anyone makes my heart beat as fast as Yohannes.

    by jer on 06.26.2009
  18. the beach, i loved it, sand, and sun and wind on my face, and time would stop and I would be here for ever.

    by malcolm allum on 06.26.2009
  19. sandals
    all the better to feel every single grain
    between toes.
    freedom to move
    without having to move as a unit
    who can’t help but wear the signal of summer.
    at least that’s what she asked me.

    by NuSol on 06.26.2009
  20. open toes
    hidden state
    nothing but the east
    reflecting towards the sun
    gambling for a share
    of what it had given

    by geoff on 06.26.2009
  21. sandals are extremely cool. but not when worn with socks. with socks just looks incredibly lame.
    if i saw someone walking down the street with sandals and socks i would probably cry.

    by taag on 06.26.2009
  22. Great when paired with a little black dress;
    Summer weddings and salsa nights;
    Buy the expensive ones so you don’t get
    blisters on your heels.

    by holly on 06.26.2009
  23. I love wearing sandals. It means the weather is warm and it will soon be time for the beach. I have to have a nice pedicure for sandals, though. I’ll need to think about that. Maybe next week.

    by fishwife on 06.26.2009
  24. The wooden soles clapped noisily along the floor. A pair of feet methodically smacked along the ground to the door at the end of a hallway. The man opened it and sunlight steamed into the dark room. Sand glittered and sky shone blue. He kicked off the sandals and stepped outside.

    by Jallice on 06.26.2009
  25. sandals are great. Jesus wore sandals. and they keep your feet cool. Plus, they come in many fashions and colors. I love sandals. But better, are MANDALS!!!!! Yes, mandals. MAN-SANDALS. they are a hoot. but sometimes they look gay if thay\\ey aren’t brown or tan.

    by kayleigh on 06.26.2009
  26. The beach is so beautiful during those warm summer evenings. I love how the sun reflects of the warm, shimmery water. It humbles me to look out over the water and see all the little waves so far away. I love to feel so small in such a big place.

    by erin on 06.26.2009
  27. it makes me think of the beaches and protecting my feet from sand. i think of the soft feeling feet take on in the summer and of a flexibility unavailable during the winter. sandals make me think of leather and heat and dirt and grass.

    by katie on 06.26.2009
  28. I love sandals, but what’s the difference between sandals and open toes shoes? Where is the line? At work we can’t wear sandals but can wear open toed shoes.

    So only peep-toes allowed?
    Strappy shoes with heels are okay?

    Not okay?

    Is it the “thong” that constitutes a sandal?

    by celtichippie on 06.26.2009
  29. I resented my nickname
    until you strung together those laces
    around my cold feet
    and kissed away the piercing
    feeling that makes us human.

    by synne.r on 06.26.2009
  30. I wear sandals when I go to the beach. I like to feel the sand as I walk on the shore. Well, supposedly. I haven’t gone to the beach for a year.

    by Jjp137 on 06.26.2009
  31. beach sandals flip flops when I get stuck in the sand being kicked off because the wet sand gets between my toes. Stores at the mall selling strappy nothings to skinny girls. The bitches. What do they think they are? I don’t like a lot of sandals, mainly birkenstocks and flip flops. Such a variety.

    by on 06.26.2009
  32. Sandals resorts – a vacation I’ll never take and maybe one I should never want. Maybe the easy acquisition of everything you think you want, of every desire gifted to you, isn’t such a good thing after all. Maybe the wages of too much halcyon zombie comfort are death, rather than sin, after all.

    by Mushi on 06.26.2009
  33. i’ve never been one for sandals, he said. they make me feel as if i should be wearing a robe and changing water into wine, or raising the dead.

    i handed him the new pair i’d bought, giving the wifely glare that says, wear these or no more sex.

    amazing how that glare works… looking like a saviour was preferable to being chaste…he put them on, and i discovered he was right. with the beard and the sandals, he was rather holy, in a hot way.

    by quin browne on 06.26.2009
  34. Nothing like the smack of flip-flops against your feet, the rope straining as the sole tries to stay connected to the ground. The thin sole is a close to being barefoot as it gets, as close to nature as you get, and it’s a wonderful thing to be able to do.
    Sandals and Watermelon are summer and freedom.

    by Abbey on 06.26.2009
  35. I hate wearing sandals on airplanes. They make you take your shoes off in security and stand barefoot on the cold floor, and then there’s always the close quarter issue with potentially smelly feet. The convenience of being beach-ready as soon as you arrive isn’t worth it.

    by Sue on 06.26.2009
  36. I am wearing my black sandals today. You know the ones with the little pink horsemen. I think that they make my feet look cute. And I want to look cute today because the postman is coming. Not my normal postman, but the one who works when my regular guy is sick or on vacation.

    by Melissa Lynch on 01.01.1970
  37. I would like to wear sandals more often than i do now

    by andythrobber on 01.01.1970
  38. I love walking on the beach. Barefoot, flipflops, all kinds of sandles. The wind rushing in your hair…the right way. Not behind you, because that can be annoying. I just feel so free, so … the feeling is unexplainable. It’s a kind of feeling that I want forever.

    by Melody on 01.01.1970
  39. jag g

    by sofado on 01.01.1970
  40. jesus shoes,let your feet

    by elpaso on 01.01.1970