
January 26th, 2011 | 336 Entries

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336 Entries for “relatives”

  1. Superb submit, I seriously watch for fresh news from you.

  2. relatives are one of your biggest support of all time,they are there no matter what, for giving love,support,help and ultimate feeling of security.

  3. my relatives are cool,nice,and other stuff.They are real friendly. One you meet them they’ll be just like your family.

  4. Incomprehensible. Both mathematical, scientifical and familial.

  5. I love my relatives More than anything. (Except maybe my dad). Relatives are family That cannot be replaced. Soft hugs, warm kisses from aunt’s and uncle’s. Happiness all around, something that reminds us all that no matter how hard things may seem, Family is always there. Poem Warm arms, Priceless laughs that fill open air with safety,
    Happy hugs, Joy is near, love is clear.

  6. Relatives refer to people who are related to you. Often these are people you don’t see or talk to enough. They’re people you see on holidays, and they are important. Sometimes people have to drive to see them, as families can live far away from each other.

  7. some people think my realatives are weird most of the time so people givetehm funny looks at the store or anywere in public.

  8. I think that relatives are the people in our lives that give us our dreams to do what we most want, but its our job to make those dreams come true.

  9. i have 2 bothers and a sister i love them so much some times not so much but ya

  10. I have many relatives. Most of my relatives live in California. I’m closer to my relatives in California. It’s kind of sad that i have little relatives on my mom’s side because most of them have passed away.

    Shae!? :D
  11. when i hear relatives i think about family like grandmas grandpas and cousins. relatives are family that you celabrate holidays and speacial ocassinas with.

  12. Relatives come for holidays,Christmas,Thanksgiving, and fun. Loving and caring relatives.

  13. brother are fun. sometimes. other times they are not fun. but they kwon you will.

  14. my relatives are very funny and cool i love all of them it weard cuz in a way i dont lol so yah yah my thing iam doing

  15. there my family.
    i am them.
    they are me.
