
November 26th, 2009 | 562 Entries

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562 Entries for “pumpkin”

  1. The pumpkin was the most deadly fruite in all of Heathwater. The residents there kindly refeard to it as the big ornge ball of wet stool death. Yes, life in heathwater was

    by on 11.27.2009
  2. Halloween

    by J on 11.27.2009
  3. well this is orange and can sometimes be very large. it tastes really good when its put into a pie with all the spices and stuff. it is hard but yet when it is smashed on the floor it shatters into mush. Odd.

    by Jenn on 11.27.2009
  4. I love pumpkin pie! Even more so with cool Whip in top, orange cinnimon, but this year no pie on a work trip and frozen pizza for Thanksgiving!! Hopfully for Christmas I really need my fix. My mom will do it for me :)

    by Christy on 11.27.2009
  5. pumpkin cheesecake is delicious. i made my first one two days ago for thnkasgiving. everyone seemed to really like it :) i also recently made a pumpkin curry for my friend’s housewarming party. that was pretty good, too. pumpkin is good.

    by kristin on 11.27.2009
  6. the look on its face after it was done being carved. some stupid old smile, crooked teeth, big boxed eyes, with a triangle noes, a jackolanter with no insides left any more, how silly you look now.

    by Emelia on 11.27.2009
  7. thanksgiving…halloween…home. memory, warm, cold, fire, mom. vermont in the fall. sitting at the table. looking outside. remembering.

    by on 11.27.2009
  8. I love pumpkin pie, but like half way through the first slice it begans to taste disgusting and I stop, and eat all the whip cream instead.

    by Acely on 11.27.2009
  9. pumpkin pie is nasty. it’s orange and has a distictive smell to it that you always recognoze in the months of October and November. many people enjoy this fall dessert. you eat it with whipped cream. it’s circular.

    by meredith on 11.27.2009
  10. And he said to her, “I love you so much.”
    And he tossed her pumpkin colored hair out of her eyes. He looked into them and said “That will never change.”

    by maggie on 11.27.2009
  11. Pumpkin is a color, a smell, a flavor, an idea. Pumpkin is a season and an aura.
    The shape of pumpkin, a metaphor for life, is neither round nor perfect. But pumpkin, luckily, emerges in the most perfect time of the year. When the blistering heat of summer has surpassed and the chilling effects of winter have yet to cross the threshhold.

    by Kevin McPherson on 11.27.2009
  12. I absolutely love pumpkins because they remind me of my birthday, Halloween! They are fun to carve and have delicious seeds. The insides are so moist and wet

    by E on 11.27.2009
  13. The smell of pumpkin soup makes me feel all warm inside despite my freezing cold hands as I type this. Funnily enough my hands have gone a weird shade of pumpkin. I think I need gloves…

    by Clare on 11.27.2009
  14. sticky hands and filled nails. Carving them is so much fun, oh halloween i miss you so.

    by lu on 11.27.2009
  15. oh hello pumpkin you are my hunny bunch shookum shuckum what else d o we say apart form halloween and whatnot, all about pumpkins and carving them and they’re orange! orange orange orange, which is a surprisingly difficult word to type, orange. wuite difficult, but what of it?

    by Sally Sparrow on 11.27.2009
  16. a place where sarah and i could connect. but spending money lacks the connection we need. the pumpkins were still nice all the same. next year, i believe i will suprise her with pumpkins.

    by rshamrock on 11.27.2009
  17. I really like pumpkin pie. last fall i went and picked pumpkins and call one that was so big. I couldn’t carry it. It took two people had to lift it. Then i painted a tropical scene on it which has nothing to do with fall but i felt like it. It sat on my porch until it rotted which was basically all

    by Vanessa on 11.27.2009
  18. smashing pumpkin, pump kit, pump, pumper, pumper nic, kin maya, pum-pum, tiro en la sien.

    pumpkin es calabaza
    and my bitch is away.

    by loyo on 11.27.2009
  19. the pumpkin orange carved and hallow
    sits on a outdoor table shipped from france.
    there is a wax stain from it’s bleeding heart
    making an impenetrable seal across the table.

    by alec on 11.27.2009
  20. A golden orange orb sitting in the middle of weeds and leaves, waiting to be plucked off the vine. Mash it, pie it, make a face, or set it on the door step to admire as you walk in. Take the color to your walls, wear it.

    by Lee on 11.27.2009
  21. A golden orange orb sitting in the middle of weeds and leaves, waiting to be plucked off the vine. Mash it, pie it, make a face, or set it on the door step to admire as you walk in. Take the color to your walls, wear it.

    by Lee on 11.27.2009
  22. pumpkin pie last night was okay, not that good but it’ll do.

    by on 11.27.2009
  23. I really like to eat pumpkin pie because it is so yummy.

    by on 11.27.2009
  24. i once went pumpkin picking with my friends…than we went into a corn maze and got lost…my neighbors use a pumpkin as the head of there scarecrow..its scared the hell out of my friends when we were ghosting them lol

    by on 11.27.2009
  25. orange,circular and joyus. Spends hours just wondering what to carve, what to make. Pie, Cake, Muffins? Jack-o-lantern with jagged teeth, one with none? What to grow, what to eat.Pumpkin

    by alleycat on 11.27.2009
  26. I ate a pumpkin desert today that my mom made for thanksgiving. It has crumbs on the top and is a sporey pumpkin pie substance on the bottom. I only like the top crust part, but i eat the whole thing to satisfy my mother. It’s kinda good, but i don’t want it anymore.

    by Mike on 11.27.2009
  27. orange with light but heavy with meat. autum comes in a way as death is swift in

    by on 11.27.2009
  28. Thanksgiving, it’s a tiny pie, in a Mamas box, only a couple bites I never really liked pie much. Breakfast leftovers, I’ll try again maybe, eternally optimistic, it does look like it should be so delicious, and sweet, but somehow it never works for me.

    by Abi on 11.27.2009
  29. I wish I was an artist sometime. I find everythig I draw is shit. I am proud of one piece mind- my sister (who can draw very well) asked me to sit and paint with her, which I did. I produced burnard- a strange creature….

    by Samantha Flynn on 11.27.2009
  30. pumpkin pie halloween scary
    light up the house/porch/outside a kids clothes line

    by georgia on 11.27.2009
  31. large round orange pumpkins. Ready for carving. ready for eating. pies and warm smells invite me back home. ready for family. hugs and love. football and stories await. but i am not at home. i am far away and cold. no pumpkins in sight.

    by Clay on 11.27.2009
  32. spice pie mountain shaggy song trumpet rainwater halfway house morning sunlight washes the empires inebriation following my lovers curves I become lost in her shadow forever reminded that she disappears every moment…

    by brahmancurry on 11.27.2009
  33. Plenty of pumpkin yesterday. A pumpkin is a wonderful thing, growing larger than a horse and cart or as small as a bird in your hand. Lots of pumpkin in the trash last night. The big pumpkin day has passed, and leftovers are in order for the next week.

    by jobo on 11.27.2009
  34. pumpkin pie and pumkin soup,
    autumn time and falling leaves
    crispy foliage, cottage pies
    and crumbles

    jams and pine cones
    roaring fires
    reds and yellows
    amber golds

    by frankiesoup on 11.27.2009
  35. i remember making jack-o-lanterns with my boyfriend last year for Halloween- it was kinda lame but we were together, which was fun. I also don’t like pumpkin pie– everyone seems to think that makes me some sort of Thanksgiving heathen, but I feel that it just leaves more for them! Maybe they should relish the fact that I’m not taking any away from them.

    by on 11.27.2009
  36. is the source of all my evil calorie consumption this past week. but i can live with that. yum!

    by trace on 11.27.2009
  37. orange round halloween calving portias minny saww punkin fis facebook rhys lengden
    0 omg sue and dave resses as halloween thinbgs my birthday pizza express loool superdrug bread stalks the night mare before christmad hocus pocus face book comments omg u bitch

    by Georgia. on 11.27.2009
  38. i love my pumpkin. she is my everything. i love her so much. and i love to eat pumpkin’s also. and stab

    by Filip on 11.27.2009
  39. why oh why
    did i eat
    so much

    i think that i
    well, i ate
    too much

    by d* on 11.27.2009
  40. Every halloween, my parents and my brother and I used to buy pumpkins. My favorite part was gutting it – i guess i was a violent child. My brother gagged every time he went near the guts. He loved to carve them. I always made sure my pumpkin had a place for a large face and a proper happy expression – i didn’t want to scare the little kids. maybe i wasn’t so violent, after all.

    by maggie on 11.27.2009