
May 12th, 2009 | 259 Entries

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259 Entries for “pose”

  1. America’s Next Top Model is on tomorrow and they’re always telling the models not to pose but then they have a workshop on posing so it always confuses me. I don’t think I could ever be a model and I don’t really want to be anyway. But sometimes I try to do the poses they do in the show for fun and it’s funny haha.

    by Kayla on 05.12.2009
  2. poseerasin toimiston nurkalla. ehkä hän vihdoin huomaisi, olin pukeutunut mustaan hameeseen, valkoiseen kauluspaitaan ja liiviin, kuten aina, mutta tavallista huolellisemmin ,ajatuksella. ei sillä, että sitä kukaan ulkopuolinen huomaisi, pitsialusvaatteet eivät näy ulospäin.

    by Elsa on 05.12.2009
  3. I watched as I posed in the mirror. i stared at myself. My luscious lips. My golden hair. And then my unbearable acne. It ruined everything. Why me? I ask the mirror. Why? “No reason.” The mirror replies.

    by Zorana on 05.12.2009

    by Emily on 05.12.2009
  5. pose is like trying to freeze for a moment in your life so someone could take a picture, its kinda hard y’know? when you have to freezze your entire face and the person taking the picture is like i got it i got it and they leave you like that for 5 minutes >.<.

    by jocy on 05.12.2009
  6. women are objects, at least thats what they say. posing is one of the things women do best, especially when it comes to photos or pictures. i love the female form, myself; i cant get enough of it. I LOVE WOMEN

    by ted on 05.12.2009
  7. Again and again. Too Shallow. Too meaningless. Show me! Work it! Come on! Why? I don’t want to. Hide my face, this my shame. It hurts, look away, make it stop, I need the money. Share my pain, don’t patronize me.
    Help me.

    by Betsy on 05.12.2009
  8. Pose, eine Pose ist eine Figur die man einnimmt um in derselben von anderen betrachtet zu werden, zum Beispiel auf einem Photo.
    He’s such a poser!
    Possen allerdings sind flegelhafte Redensarten, auf der Gasse ausgetauscht.

    by Frenchis on 05.12.2009
  9. To walk, to strike a posture. It’s simple enough, She thought, stiffly walking down the isle when she was trying to “flow”. She didn’t even like molding, but the carrier that magically opened up to her was to god to pass up.

    by Betsy on 05.12.2009
  10. posing is over rated.
    it should come from the heart
    not from the face.
    eyes, mouth, teeth, body language are good.
    but soul is needed.
    whats better?
    a tall bright faced model looking like a rabbit in head lights in a picture or a short stocky model with passion for modelling in her eyes?

    by Caoimhe on 05.12.2009
  11. Pose like a model and strut your stuff down the runway. Strike a pose like Madonna. Ring around the rosey, pockey full of posies… Flowers.

    by Trish on 05.12.2009
  12. A camera staring you down, a critic to hard to bare. A picture worth a thousand words. You fear faliure, you fear rejection, you fear the ugly. You have no choice. You do what everyone does in life when placed infront of their cameras. You grin, take a breath…and pose.

    by john on 05.12.2009
  13. stay in one place. don’t move. it’s that temptation to fidget. to rebel and move. but don’t do it. strike a pose. look glamorous. but sometimes you just can’t look perfect all the time. sometimes all of that posing isn’t worth it. be you. it’s that confidence that is beautiful. not the posing. not the attempting to find the perfect position. let your true self shine through.

    by Brittney on 05.12.2009
  14. I hate posing. It always means there is some kind of camera involved =/

    by Shelby on 05.12.2009
  15. We pose stiffly, sucking in and pushing out our respective bad and good parts and pieces. The camera flashes and causes us to blink, yet still we hold it; our eyes are dead, are limbs give the appearance of rest, but are tensed in anxious angles.

    by Morgan on 05.12.2009
  16. So FAKE! Hate poses. It’s a symbol of conformity, I think. Peace signs, cute girl poses, cool guy poses, all of them just repeats, people trying to copy another persons look. Eh. I prefer au natural.

    by asdfas on 05.12.2009
  17. Strike it. Let the world swirl around you. Just watch. Watch them watch you. Strike it again. Try something new. They’ll never know the true you. Just keep on doing it. Strike it again. People pass, they don’t see. All they see is you. Posing.

    by Cassidy on 05.12.2009
  18. like poser, i remember when i went all emo-i-fied and everyone made fun of me; or like in art when u have to CAPTURE the POSE!!…wahoo…it hard part of the time…i see it as a bad word

    by Jordan on 05.12.2009
  19. Pose a thought and wonder who else thinks the same way you do. Pose a inspiration and others will follow you. Pose in a magazine and people will believe you are beautiful. Pose for people for this is life.

    by Christa R. Troger on 05.12.2009
  20. stand naked with your feet firmly planted on the ground, then bend at the waist and grab your ankles with the opposite hand. then crouch at the knees.

    by Drew on 05.12.2009
  21. as i sat posed on the bed, waiting for his arrival, i couldn’t but think of how he would perceive me. would he enjoy the surprise? or would it be my demise? i longed for his touch. it’d been so long since the last time we connected like this. what was i doing?

    by Lillian on 05.12.2009
  22. Everyone is a poser. They don’t have any true feelings and never tell the truth. They pretend to be something that they are not to impress the other posers. Strike a pose; take on a role; be someone else. it doesn’t matter, everyone lies and everyone tries to give off the vibe that they are better than they really are.

    by monica on 05.12.2009
  23. hey, it’s purple!

    “I feel silly,” Maria whined, slouching ridiculously. The lace was itching her leg.

    “Please? Just do it,” Kyle said, peering out from behind the black lense that made him seem like something out of War of the Worlds. “Just strike a pose.”

    “Like what?” she said. “I can’t do sexy.” Even as she said it, she felt the blush rising to her cheeks.

    “Don’t do sexy then. Just do you.”

    Distinctly aware–of awkward legs, her wrinkled blouse, her crooked smile–Maria sat down with her legs crossed. The flash went off and the shutter clicked.

    by yona on 05.12.2009
  24. down to the ground i see something up in the air and i see the world as it once was in a place that could have been something else but NO the big bad men have to come and ruin it all taking advantage of everything, NOTHINGG IS WOKRING
    DOWN to GROUND boww boww boww bowwwwwwww

    by Vincent on 05.12.2009
  25. models trya banks. poise. posing is what you do when there is nothing better TO do. posing discovers angles and a different outlook on things. pose is a characterist of people.

    by nicole on 05.12.2009
  26. Pose for a camera. Post for life. You’re always posing, in a never ending cycle.

    You pose everyday with our pretty smile and hair all done up nicely, your cute little outfit. But for what? Who’s going to love you for how you look? Love, really love? Nobody. It’s not what you pose as that they’ll love.

    by Julie on 05.12.2009
  27. it’s not something you do without thinking. you strike it when you want to look a certain way. look small, look scared, look cute, but it hardly ever works. You’ve got to practice to fill the pose with what it’s meant to have. the pose is about you, what you’re feeling, but it’s not you.

    I’m watching america’s next top model right now.


    great word.

    go internet

    by Ananya on 05.12.2009
  28. i like to pose in front of the mirror. I am a model. no, I want to be a model. I watch lots of shows. I watch america’s next top model. I don’t like tyra though. and a lot of those girls are mean. are all models mean? maybe I don’t want to be a model. I just want to be beautiful. am I beautiful?

    by brianna on 05.12.2009
  29. Pose. Ugh, I hate it when people pose as others online. It drives me crazy. I try and find a celebrity’s myspace or twitter, and there are so many posers I can’t tell any real ones. It drives me crazy, and I want it to stop. Please, stop, posers. UUUGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    by Anne Boleyn on 05.12.2009
  30. POSE
    YES! YES!

    by ARIEL on 05.12.2009
  31. Pose. To pose. A pose. Posing. In front of a camera. Fun. With friends. Myspace pictures. Posing is fun to do in public with friends when people stare at you. I always find it fun to do on my own, you get more stares that way ;)

    by Caitlin on 05.12.2009
  32. it might have seemed posed, how she’d fallen asleep on his shoulder, hair gently falling in her face. he certainly was stock-stiff enough. it was only because, however, he was afraid she’d kill him when she woke up. it was a strong incentive for being still.

    by Sunshine on 05.12.2009
  33. im posing to the photo.
    ooo! look how idiot. check out my butt.
    whoa! my skirt flew off! hehee…
    check out my titties! ooo..

    by popoto on 05.12.2009
  34. A dancer. Arms outstreched, head raised, her eyes look dead-ahead. The lights shine, as she strikes and holds her pose.

    by Jasmine on 05.12.2009
  35. picture!!!!!!!!!!!!

    by andrew on 05.12.2009
  36. cffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdsssssssssdsdfdfsdfsdfssssssssdffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

    by Julia on 05.12.2009
  37. oh, well this is actually my second time writing one of these. everyone pretends like they write theirs just by thinking the way they usually think, but it all seems sort of pretentious to me– as if they’re attempting to show off just how much cooler the thoughts in their heads are than anyone else. I realize, guiltily that I am doing the same, posing my ideas for a lyrical camera of 60 second exposure.

    by Corey on 05.12.2009
  38. I pose in my bedroom mirror wondering who I’m looking at this morning. Is this the face of someone who may rule the world? Or will I simply live out the rest of my life in front of my TV with my bong billowing smoke. I still smoke cigarettes as well. Why? Why do I drink this damn coffee every day?

    by doodle on 05.12.2009
  39. standing up because somebody is looking at you, often in front of the camera, like a peacock trying to show its feathers just the right way, hitting the light perfectly to accentuate the best of your features, to elicit a reaction, to make yourself seem larger or better than you are.

    by Corey on 05.12.2009
  40. POSE: Strike a pose, poser, nose, what else is there to say about pose, other than many fail at it. It is actually quite hard to pose, specially if you are posing on your head, like a handstand! Nice!

    by KatOfDiamonds on 05.12.2009