
May 26th, 2010 | 310 Entries

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310 Entries for “pillar”

  1. Like a pillar of salt filled to the brim and overflowing into nothingness. Woman here there and everywhere, ubiquitous
    and more
    NO men left for us
    Who love men who love men

    by Kenneth on 05.26.2010
  2. Macy felt the air wheeze out of her lungs as she ran for her life. In a moment of uncertainty, she glanced behind her to see if she was still being chased. With a sudden flood of pain, she realized she had run straight into a pillar of the very building she was attempting to escape from.

  3. standing that tall, i bet i would find a new perspective,
    and see that the problems i think are big
    are actually small compared to the rest of my life.

  4. strong support, and yet, just like a Greek column, it collapses into marble dust and blankets the ground for a new start.

  5. i could see so many pillars when i sleep, it is as if i like to see them standing far at the back of the crowd, staring at me and thinking how ridiculous i look staring back at them, trying to tell if they are talking of even thinking about me. And yet i am still thinking of you.

    by Connor Galbraith on 05.26.2010
  6. It’s Grecian, tall and marble and white. She crouches at the bottom, feeling the cold along her spine. The front is bleeding, dark and crimson. She can see the gate, gunfire pinging off the edge. She’ll never make it. She looks at the component, clutched in her shaking hand.

    by Pip Pipperton on 05.26.2010
  7. the last pillar standing of this once great civilization, is just one of the reminders of the beauty the world once possessed before are the genocide and all everyone wanted was power.

    by SamSam on 05.26.2010
  8. your beautifull legs
    are just like pillars
    so white
    so cold
    so strong
    so far…
    with my feelings
    you’re in a horrid war.

    by Emma Unzueta on 05.26.2010
  9. a pillar of salt stood before her, a great friend who had always know what to say was now gone from her life forever. as she attempted to run, she saw why.

  10. the pillars rise up from the ground like tall gods from the moutain. they are strong, they are careless, and they are there… forever. they will tell the stories of our past, the stories of our future, and they will tell the stories of everything else. they are strenght.

    by lexi on 05.26.2010
  11. i was leaning on the pillar when he came into my view. i was never a believer in love at first sight, but this very moment could have changed my mind. i started making up scenarios in my mind. what was his name, his progession?

    by Jenna Marie on 05.26.2010
  12. There is a pillar there, in that room. I remember it clearly. It was there to watch me grow, and I was there to watch it deteriorate. It started to crumble and waver, and with tears in my eyes I watched it.

  13. He was a pillar in their lives; solid, unyielding, holding them aloft with cold strength while the world threatened to collapse about them. His iron will bore them through the worst of times, but they touched nothing but , frigid marble when in need of a tender embrace they frantically reached for him.

  14. I just wrote a huge ramble on me having a heat stroke and saying, thinking, very strange things, and then like a flimsy pillar crashing down, the internet crashed. Life is nice :) I tend to save my rants for later but this time I was actually going to post it. It fell down with the internet. Saved again. It’s Life’s pillars that are strongest.

    by Frankovich on 05.26.2010
  15. there are pillars of salt among us whose white feet trample and season the tides their flesh coating the hours that we leave overnight in the dark

  16. support system, beyond our time. it’s right when it’s upright, you lift but cannot maintain a balance, a system, it’s easier said than done; keep north, or upward to some. it’s necessary. it is.

    by Erik Mabry on 05.26.2010
  17. you are my strong tower shelter over me… i love that song by kutless. idk what that has to do with a pillar but thats what it made me think of and now you know. check out the song!!!

  18. so i saw these gorgeous pillars from back in the roman time period. these pillars held up the heavens from dropping down on this incredible place. rome, what a magical place. almost as if the gods themselves reside there.

    by Marguerite on 05.26.2010
  19. pillar. tall strong white. grecian. support. society. architecture. grooved. curves. ageless. pure. innocent. cool.

  20. There’s a pillar outside my window, supporting the the roof to of the porch. The paint is chipping, there is bird shit all around it; the roof is collapsing.

    by Kaylah on 05.26.2010
  21. A pillar is usually a long object. I think of pillars as white and towering, in a Roman villa, supporting a beautiful and delicious roof. I want a pillar right now.

    by Jacob on 05.26.2010
  22. The dog ran as fast as he could, leaving his owner and the leash behind in the dust. He stopped suddenly, lifted his leg, and urinated on the pillar.

  23. Climb on top of the strong pillars of man flesh. i want to ride your pillar. ionic and doric. greek myths. pillars of strength in my presence. can you be mine? i need you now.

  24. At the explorotorium in San Fran there are the most beautiful pillars that surround the small pond. Sea birds flutter about calling “Caw, caw,caw!”

    by Dawn on 05.26.2010
  25. the long edification held up the buliding, It remindd me of the things i had to do for my best friend. I was always there for him, no matter what: i was his pillar.

    by jess on 05.26.2010


    …and my body rests a couple of feet below.

  27. He was a pillar amongst the township. He cared for the animals of the forest, who appeared to be drawn to his gentleness. They had no fear of him. Just like his fellow townfolk. He was loved by all.

  28. what a day, what a scene. sometimes i just need something to lean on and absorb all the stress, all the worry. just something to place all my frustration in. a pillar of emotion that feels nothing and takes it all in. there’s nothing like that.

    by laura on 05.26.2010
  29. it’s something that sustains a weight. that weight can be physical or emotional. My emotional pillar is my family.

    by someone in the earth on 05.26.2010
  30. The copious carniferous could not cover what damaging plots the queen held beyond her “big stick” pillars.

    by TJ Bokovoy on 05.26.2010
  31. the pillar itself was intricately drawn: vines and flowers curved around and around inside the marble, white. a goat was carved beside a goatherd, and nothing could see it.

    by laura on 05.26.2010
  32. Stone, the only thing not crumbling amidst the ruins. Laughing at the weakness of the earth. Take down trees and plants to plant a stone tree. It’s amazing what man has created. Strength among failure.

  33. Strength. Weakness.
    Trapped. Free.
    Tall. Short.
    Bold. Afraid.

    by AaronTyl3r on 05.26.2010
  34. I think I can’t take it anymore. It’s like I don’t anywhere to stand, to have support… Will I have be able to resist? I’m melting down… falling into pieces. I need something to withstand the heat, the pain, the wind hitting my cheeks… I need… a pillar.

    by Nico V. on 05.26.2010
  35. A tall white vertical beam with creases in it that is greek and white and found in greece.

    by Liz Shearer on 05.26.2010
  36. The support which held me. He was a pillar. But He fell. Like all the others. It was impossible to stop the flood, the decay. So there he lies.

    by Shakalaka on 05.26.2010
  37. My pillar of strength is my baby.
    And sometimes it’s just myself.
    Mostly it’s just myself.
    After all, I can only rely on one person to be there forever right? And that’s just me.

  38. the structure was so fragile. you made me guess myself.. now im not sure i can stand it anymore, this hills are rolling, the pillars are falling.

  39. A pillar is a tall structure invented in the roman times to hold up buildings. It is used on big banks and the whitehouse and such today.

    by Kayleigh on 05.26.2010
  40. The girl was tied to the pillar in the center of the woodpile. she was calm and serene despite the situation she was in. the village people all crowed around. children were playing and woman were selling fruit, like it was a party.