
October 12th, 2009 | 337 Entries

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337 Entries for “pie”

  1. As Jeff bit into his last slice of pie, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was all too much. Nevertheless, he carried on at an amazing rate, wolfing every morsel down.

    He looked left and then right, seeing everyone was still eating, he stood up, cheered, and accepted his gold medal.

    Good job Jeff, ya fat bastard.

    by Ryan on 10.13.2009
  2. Pie in the sky. Why don’t we al just die?
    Dust to dust
    Broke or bust
    Having a purpose is a must
    I don’t really like the crust

    by on 10.13.2009
  3. My favorite pie was a peanut butter pie in Alton IL.
    In a restaurant named Braniyards. It was a huge cream pie and It only cost 25 cents a slice.

    by Bob Learned on 10.13.2009
  4. pies are good and filled with plenty they keep me satisfied they are greeaaate crusty on the ouitside chewy in the inside i love pies chocolate

    by valerie b on 10.13.2009
  5. In this limerick, I’d like to try
    to recite several digits of Pi:

    by Lim, Rick on 10.13.2009
  6. mmm tasty tasty. i dig my fingers into the hot gooey mess that now sits in the center of my table. i bring the sugary goodness to my mouth with my fingers. utter and complete heaven in every bite. i like each of my fingers savoring each taste as the gel that holds the fruit together coats my tongue.

    by curry on 10.13.2009
  7. Aunty Ella’s pie smelt good. It had soft, moist, juicy strawberries in it, the filling of a crispy, light golden crust. But even the sweet aroma could not entice her. She took one look at the pie and threw it out of the window. It was just like the pies her mother used to bake. Her mother was dead.

    by Cherry on 10.13.2009
  8. On this factoid you can rely:
    She knows how to make a great pie.
    From crust to the filling,
    and every bite thrilling,
    her pies are the best, that’s no lie.

    by Lim, Rick on 10.13.2009
  9. the pie was a lovely cheery flavour, sweet and deliciously tasty. Amy loved pie – it was her absolute most favourite food ever. YUMMYUMM! Amy thought as she ate her pie. This is absolutely delicious! I love pie!

    by Rhiannon on 10.13.2009
  10. Pie, a nickname for a loved one, the thing you smash into a person’s face, the thing you eat if you want to get cavities, the thing that gooseberries are so hard to make a good one of.

    by fishing nets on 10.13.2009
  11. apple peach cherry an american icon. the favorite birthday treat for my father, candles and all. A pie case filled and seen when stomach is empty. But after dinner, the reality of no room for pie. Opportunity missed. The best breakfast ever.

    by bjbgriffin on 10.13.2009
  12. Pie is a good word. Blueberry and Apple. Pumpkin is best. Not the thick, squashy kind. Time thins. Pie is a good word. Pie is good.

    by Thomas Pee on 10.13.2009
  13. pie is good, my mother never makes pie, its american tradition i guess?. pie rhimes with die, that makes it a negative word? i like pie, you take my pie you die! YEAH

    by Ola on 10.13.2009
  14. Ich liebe Kuchen. Am liebsten den mit Erdbeeren, den meine Oma immer macht. Wenn ich Samstags nach der Arbeit nach Hause komme, erwartet sie mich immer mit einer Ofenfrischen ERdbeertorte. Doch heute nicht. Sie ist heute nacht gestoben.

    by Jane on 10.13.2009
  15. OMG so schnell wei

    by Elke on 10.13.2009
  16. I can’t have any due to constraints of my diet.

    by Dski on 10.13.2009
  17. Cutie pie he is the apple of my eye my life was exciting and amazing but so sad and lonely and angst filled until he came along yes, sure i don’t travel the world anymore but that’s okay i miss it but i have him and that has made even the most horrible horrors bearable he has made everything okay.

    by tja on 10.13.2009
  18. pumpkin pie reminds me of thansgiving. it is sooo good. and so pumpkiny. nothing is as good as pie. there are so many different kinds. and stories about pie, like black birds baked in a pie. speaking of baked, i am soo baked right now, so i dont understand what i am doing. ill just keep talking.

    by nill on 10.13.2009
  19. Pie is one of those great words. You can literally ‘eat’ pie and metaphorically too. It’s also really useful when you’re messing about with circles!

    by the man who ate all the pies on 10.13.2009
  20. yummy and meaty. Or it could be full of potato or cream. Or it could be your dessert, your lunch, dinner. Suit for all purposes. Party pies, mince pies, spinach and ricotta pies. Crystal dies for one.

    by Felix on 10.13.2009
  21. i love pie. i love it when its hot and sitting on the window sill. i like to watch the steam come off of it as it cools down. my mother always says to keep away from the pie. but its always hard to when it smells so good.

    by ekuehlk@nmu.edu on 10.13.2009
  22. Oh its still pie? I thought you might get a new word every time… i guess not. hmmm so there is one chance per day…this is good …stoking the improvisational fire…or is that a word??

    by lotus on 10.13.2009
  23. Charts…or that string of numbers that goes on for ever – related to the circumference of a circle right? I used to know those things. Apple in Amsterdam is our favorite. In winter, when we go there to dance tango.

    by Lotus on 10.13.2009
  24. The clowns bloated white painted face was grinning at me horribly. His bright blue hair that stuck out from his mostly balding head in little cones like ice cream cones were imprinted on my retinas.
    “NOT THE PIE!” I scream trying to back away as he comes ever closer.

    by Evil Cown. on 10.13.2009
  25. Sie a

    by on 10.13.2009
  26. so good after a long night or after 50 winks with warm milk or cold ice cream, just think of all the times uve had pie but not remembermed how it tasted the day after, why would u eat anything ellse for dessert

    by on 10.13.2009
  27. Things you eat at Thanksgiving.

    by Beth on 10.13.2009
  28. i like pie. thats my password. for everything.

    by jasminleistreet on 10.13.2009
  29. She hid the slice of apple pie in a napkin inside her coat. She could feel it squish against her hand but knew it wouldn’t matter. Any food, even sqished food would be better than no food for Daniel. If he insisted on staying in her shed tonight he’d have to take what he was given.

    by helen on 10.13.2009
  30. warm winter hot onions fresh baking mum

    by on 10.13.2009
  31. Once upon a time there was a man named Archibald Piehead. He made crows for a living. Once, he was carving out some crow’s feet when a pie fell out of the sky and struck him on the head. His demise brought millions of mourners to his small town of Piesville.

    by Chandni on 10.13.2009
  32. mmmm pie lets eat pie

    by bronwyn on 10.13.2009
  33. American pie, the dream to be all that our fathers and mothers wanted us to be the dream to achieve and succeed in that perfect sense of home that sense of safety the perfect family that will never be.

    by dr0s3 on 10.13.2009
  34. Mmm.. pie are delicious. I could use a pie right now… like a cherry crumble or a custard pie… Thank god pies exist! =)

    by E on 10.13.2009
  35. Yum! I feel obliged to let you know I make a pretty good apple pie. Cinnamon, nutmeg the works. Yum! Enough said. Cop that you timer bar. Who’s in control now!

    by Will on 10.13.2009
  36. There’s a witch in the Forest of Beyond, cruel as a wickerman, the devil himself. But, by the Gods, she makes a good pie. Blackberry, strawberry, liver and apple. Twenty-two recipes, all deliciously made. Shame she’s an evil old hag.

    by antonio watson on 10.13.2009
  37. food apple cherry blueberry dinner hungry happy thirsty

    by Kim on 10.13.2009
  38. applie pie sweet juicy apples falling off a tree in the garden onto wet grass with leaves falling and a wasp buzzing sticky toffee apples drizzling bonfire night in november fireworks and sparklers and cold frosty nights

    by on 10.13.2009
  39. Pies are lovely. I love the way the pastry melts in my mouth. My favourite pies are steak and real ale. Mmmm . . . I love the rich, warm gravy, and he tender chunks of meat. I love to eat mashed potatoes with my pies, rather than chips.

    by xxx on 10.13.2009
  40. Sweet and wholesome. Desire in a round pan. The crust is the best part. Tossed through the air, it is a creme projectile for a surprised face. It sounds simple as why? or die. Eaten to remind feed humility or fatten pleasure. It cools on a sill, an overalled boy about to pounce. It is easy, a whiff of sugar in a shoo-fly world.

    by Brian Slusher on 10.13.2009