
October 15th, 2009 | 710 Entries

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710 Entries for “permission”

  1. grant me permission to get my head out of my butt and get moving in a direction that won’t keep me chained to a desk five days a week for 90 percent of the year. The drudgery is going to drive me into the ground where I’ll stay for ever and ever. Give me permission to throw it all over and leep into something.

    by E. Fluvia on 10.16.2009
  2. I saw the permission slip sitting on mr Jenkins desk I knew what it was about. I had forged my Fathers signiture and now without ever getting to go on the trip I was going to be kicked out

    by Joe on 10.16.2009
  3. ffsdfsdg

    by dff on 10.16.2009
  4. do Not beg my permission, foolish boy, for you shall never have it. Anything you wish of me, you must take, not request. For there is a strength in taking that you must acquire before the politeness of Asking permission comes across as you would wish, before you can carry it off with dignity.

    by Mo on 10.16.2009
  5. i don t need permission.. i have my own permissions.. there are file permissions in unix and linux..

    by suhas on 10.16.2009
  6. permission

    by kristina on 10.16.2009
  7. Better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission. Os so they tell me. I find sometimes that asking permission, in the right way, gets you so much more than what you’ dsurvive doing on your own initiative. Do you beleive this? I think that you may be wrong. Permissive, my parents. dismissive, my foe. If

    by on 10.16.2009
  8. you would say you had to get permission from your parents to go places, but i don’t. i just go anyways. permission is not a word in my vocabulary when it comes to going to places that i’m not allowed to go to.

    by diana on 10.16.2009

    by on 10.16.2009
  10. Asking permission can be a mission. Thinking for the right thing to say. Maybe it is better to forget sometimes.

    by Me on 10.16.2009
  11. why do we need permission to do stuff? we should be allowed to do whatever we want. but not really, because if people could do whatever they wanted to do there would be chaos everywhere. but, i do believe that if someone really wants to do something they wont wait for permission to do it.

    by J on 10.16.2009
  12. do we need it? i dont! i act without it and always strive to. this may b acceptabel because i am young but

    by smithy on 10.16.2009
  13. Permission granted! Thats what the princi said when we asked her if we could go out and booze the following day at night that too at 12 am thats like soo late that too with like 5 6 boys and only 2 girls haha that was so fun and stuff you know this permission thing sucks actually everything needs permission and stuff even with parents whats this what the fuck this thing totally is sad asking permission to everybody esp parents

    by paahh on 10.16.2009
  14. i don’t need it.

    by luke on 10.16.2009
  15. permission means so much, permision to copy things, permission to go somewhere. Sometimes we just do something without permission. most of the time permission is overrated.

    by joe on 10.16.2009
  16. Why do we have to ask for permission? Sometimes it’s just easier to go ahead and do it anyway, and then just ask for forgiveness. I don’t understand why we let others have power over us, that we need to ask their permission. Kids asking permission from adults is one thing, but adults asking permission from other adults – insanity.

    by teacherguy66 on 10.16.2009
  17. i never have permission to do anything. i’m sick and tired of it. do i need it? no, i don’t. screw it. who cares. i can do what i want. i don’t care what anyone says anymore. i’m my own person and i don’t need PERMISSION! you can’t stop me, no one can. i’m done with asking. i’m done with it all. go fuck yourselves.

    by jan on 10.16.2009
  18. you must ask permission, dont just do.. you must ask. that actually makes such little sense now that i think about (iknow, dont think) but who do you even have to ask permission from in the first place? those that are attempting to control our lives, or those were are just trying to better their own conditions? does anyone care about others- are are we all just

    by E on 10.16.2009
  19. i dont have my own permission to sleep.

    by al on 10.16.2009
  20. it’s not always what you want, but what you get. I weanted to light my head on fire, but I couldn;t get permission. i think that, maybe, if permission wasn;t requirred to do dangerous things, then stupid things qould not happen as often.
    if things weren’t forbidden, then they wouldn;t be popular.

    like anarchism, but with a mo

    by Austin on 10.16.2009
  21. if i give you permission to see what you want to see will you give me permission to have what i want to have. or is this permission thing just an illusion?

    by on 10.16.2009
  22. “I don’t want to ask permission any more! I’m sick of it!” she screamed at her over bearing husband.

    Having to ask permission to speak with her own mother was too much. The last straw.

    Two months later, he was laying in a ditch, dead.

    by on 10.16.2009
  23. yeah , like signing your parents name to your early dismissal slips when your in high very very long ago

    by Megan on 10.16.2009
  24. Permission is a great thing to have. Permission is freeing and without guilt. Give yourself permission to enjoy and love and breath. It is a great gift. Supreme.

    by Vic on 10.16.2009
  25. It is something you have to have to complete an action you wish to do. If you complete an action that requires permission, yet you don’t have it you can be in trouble.

    by on 10.16.2009
  26. I don

    by Michelle on 10.16.2009
  27. I used to ask permission for everything, so now whenever I do anything entirely of my own volition, I feel guilty. I should really move on sometime. After all, I’m already 50 years old.

    by vish on 10.16.2009
  28. i need permission to go to a party next week end. everyone will be there, can i go? please??

    by Alexa on 10.16.2009
  29. I have permission to kill you. you have no choice. you will die today, in one way or another. you have permission to request one last wish. tell me in the next 30 seconds before i will slaughter your brain out with this gun

    by sarah on 10.16.2009
  30. Whenever my mother says I can’t throw a party because it’ll cost too much money or the house will be a mess, I flip her off and decide to throw it anyway. She says she hopes no one shows up, but I happily continue to blow up balloons and bring out chairs. On the inside, I secretly root for her. I hope that my party’ll be a failure and that I’ll end up sitting in a chair in the middle of the dance floor, sipping cocktails alone. That the next day she’ll be there to hear me call up my lonely old aunts asking if they’d like a good eight pounds of shrimp fried rice and two party trays of BBQ ribs. I’m not sure why this happens, why I long for my downfall.

    by Loser on 10.16.2009
  31. And then she turned to her father and she said, “It really doesn’t matter what you think about the situation,” she snarled. “I really couldn’t give a damn if you don’t like his clothes or you don’t like his hair, or you don’t like his attitude. I love him. And frankly, that’s all there is to it.”

    by perkyshadowgirl on 10.16.2009
  32. permission? why? why do we need permission? is it the added security? maybe its better to ask forgiveness? Permission could be the only thing that holds you back… but maybe it is a trait that more people need to learn? A question…

    by Hadley on 10.16.2009
  33. I don’t have a car and when I need one, I have to ask my mom’s permission. But if my sister or brother need one (and they both have cars of their own) they just take it. It’s really annoying. What if I needed it? Why can’t you take your own car? Learn some manners.

    by Liane on 10.16.2009
  34. how many times have you asked permission in the last year? to whom? Does it mean anything to ask permission in this society. would you do it regardless of what perrmission was not given? What about the person that has to give it? Do they enjoy givining permission? do they feel a certain amount of power? does it make them feel like they are needed? does anyone really care?

    by Holly on 10.16.2009
  35. i would love permission to fulfill my dreams of traveling and making the films i desire to make. permission is such a hassle at times. why is permission even needed in most cases? oh well – permission has to be in place so people dont go haywire.

    by Rikki Henry on 10.16.2009
  36. You always have to ask permission of your parents, sisters, elders, other surrounding people in society, if you are allowed to do something. Either the government is not allowing it, or it doesn’t seem politically correct to do so.

    by Paul on 10.16.2009
  37. Permission is when someone tells you you can do something, Allows you to do something.

    by Scarlett on 10.16.2009
  38. i give you permission to love. i give you permission to cry. i give you permission to leave. but will you give me permission to be yours? will you let me cry? please may i have your permission?

    by Tyler Ellis on 10.16.2009
  39. “Don’t even think about it,” she stormed. “If you think that making love gives you permission to make me stay here, you’re sorely mistaken.”

    Speaking of sore, she thought, I wonder if the gymnastics of the night have left my back completely out of whack. Men! Some nerve he has, thinking I would cancel my plans because of a little unexpected sex.

    by Linda on 10.16.2009
  40. do i have your permission? your permission to talk, to smile, to exist?
    why do you do this, with your dismissive glares. what satisfaction do you reap from my submission?
    i refuse to submit any longer.
    i don’t need your permission.
    i don’t want your permission.
    i will do what i want, when i want to.
    i don’t need anyone’s permission to be the person i know i am.

    permission granted.

    by bad day on 10.16.2009