
September 22nd, 2023 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “panorama”

  1. Panorama of life is not easy to understand.

    by anjali on 09.23.2023
  2. she loved being behind the camera. it was where she could breathe, focus, concentrate on what mattered. the beautiful, the unique, the wild and the tame. it was all perfect, because it was all hers to capture when she could.

  3. She picked up the feather and put it in her hair, tugged on her earlobe and took a deep breath. She turned around to face the edge.
    A void of fog.
    So high.
    An invisible border.
    A panorama of possibilities.

  4. He held out his phone, hit the panorama button on the camera and slowly started to rotate. He was taking it all in, making a record forever. A photograph of a widened horizon.

  5. I’m on top of the mountain, with this panorama view. All I think about is you. How much you would enjoy this success of reaching the top. To look below and see your village. My backpack is heavy and my back is aching from the weight and the hike.

    by Jackie Magner on 09.22.2023
  6. I stared at the panorama of events in my life which was laid out before me. Many I had forgotten about since they happened years ago, but fond memories suddenly hit me like a torrential downpour of emotion because I will no longer be able to experience any more.