
September 21st, 2023 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “marvel”

  1. She went through the door, which was illuminated by that strange light and entered a passageway lit by that dim glow, At the end, she opened another door and looked out at a mountain scene, a marvel of a natural world, which someone had been designed just for her.

    by Chanpheng on 09.22.2023
  2. this word is a beautiful one. in can be a verb or a noun. it means that something is really good.

    by Maria on 09.22.2023
  3. I marvel at the sheer talent some people have. They make the most difficult tasks seem so easy. Then when I am made aware that what I envision as talent they envision as hard work and dedication. I am once again humbled by my short-sightedness.

  4. It’s about something who i don’t know what it is

    by Popa Mirela on 09.21.2023