
July 16th, 2009 | 268 Entries

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268 Entries for “palm”

  1. of my hand. little kids. Everybody needs a palm pilot. is this a test? I don’t know where the palm tree is. you’re fingertips across my skin the palm tree’s swayin

    by marina on 07.17.2009
  2. Today it is possible to have all your data in the palm of your hand. I almost cannot live without my Palm Pilot. It contains my to-do list, calendar, notes, etc. I know that people didn’t have these things just a few years ago, but it just makes life so much easier.

    by Chris Huff on 07.17.2009
  3. palm is my hand .i like palmistry.. my palm is very rough. i like to hold hands with my husband.. my daughters palm is also very rough like my palm.palmistry can be believed. i was as crazy about palmistry once. now i don’t believe so much.

    by anna on 07.17.2009
  4. if it’s down it’s satan. … someone once said this..
    religion, pff.

    by josi on 07.17.2009
  5. Palm, as in palm tree; or palm, as in the palm of my hand. Why does it say “dont think” anyway, one just has to think, there is just less of a process of sorting. I am clearly thinking, as I am thinking about the directive to not think, its just I let the words stream from my conscious thought more quickly.

    by Charle on 07.17.2009
  6. Ich liege unter Palmen,
    Der Strand ist mein zuhaus,
    Stunden kan ich wandern,
    finde doch nie heruas.
    Ich esse Kokosnüsse,
    Und trinke ihre Milch,
    Ich ernte saltzge Küsse,
    Bin hier ein lustger Knilch.
    Die Palmen geben Schatten,
    Sie geben mir ein Dach,
    Ich liebe ihre Blätter,
    liege darunter wach.

    by Eva-Maria Obermann on 07.17.2009
  7. At the palm of my hand I had his number… but all I could remember was the nigth he broke my heart…

    by Sara on 07.17.2009
  8. The palm of my hand looks back at me with the same intensity I look at it. I see my future, no, not just the lines, I see the calluses from rowing, the years of easy labor overcome by hard labor as I make my way through the world.

    by Brenna on 07.17.2009
  9. My brothers are always sweaty. No matter where we are or what we’re doing his palms are sweaty. It means I always hated holding hands with him when we were younger. He used complain and whine and cry until i just put up with it and held his hand anyway. He’s older now and we never hold hands. Thank god. I hate sweaty palms.

    by Becky on 07.17.2009
  10. Last night I signed the papers giving her absolute control of the living room. It was a hard decision, but I still retain the den and most of the kitchen, and both yards are still open for passage at all hours. The driveway continues to be a flashpoint, but the palm tree is definitely leaning towards me.

    by Brian Slusher on 07.17.2009
  11. palm of my hand is what he held as we walked to the shore. i was four and had my red boots on: ‘my’ being an exaggeration since i didnt understand ownership; boots being an understatement because they were huge, mammoth sized things, made for my brothers but bequeathed to me after the rubber ran out.

    by elisia Guerena on 07.17.2009
  12. Will their Pre be an iPhone killer? Sure looks good and has feature coveted by us Apples fans. However we’ll have to wait and see if it really does the job in the next few months.

    by Sean S on 07.17.2009
  13. its shaking! its sweaty! its so numb! no feeling at all! ooo.. yes, u r in love…

    by jasmine on 07.17.2009
  14. top. up. digital assistant shaking hands – the old world meeting the new. the palm used to be a sign of good faith now it’s a sign of good technology and little else. palmtop computers are overrated anyway. i prefer a handshake anyway.

    by martin on 07.17.2009
  15. up, right to my face. swinging her long lean arms. arms that, by all means, i should have inherited. what did i say? what made her eyes leave thier focus of the road, and now stare wildly at me? what made her hit me?

    when i said, “momma, i’m gay.”

    by savanah on 07.17.2009
  16. its a very nice tree in beach and it must fly if i want it but it does not so i’m very sad about it. what a pity bla bla bla i want to swim in a sea and lie down palm, palm palm and i want coconats and bananas also. Good!

    by dmnks on 07.17.2009
  17. Palm. It’s one of the best words to rhyme with. You just say palm, and balm comes to mind. Nevermind, it doesn’t work out so well. But the song “I have the whole world in my hands” does come to mind. If you look at it intensely, you notice all these small lines.

    by Roy on 07.17.2009
  18. The palm is an opening through which you can connect two souls; a great expanse of openness that you can offer to someone to help hold them up, pull them along, raise their spirits.

    by JMac on 07.17.2009
  19. The whole universe sits

    in the center of each hand

    that has ever held

    the stirring of new life

    and felt the warmth of it’s promise.

    by Jen on 07.17.2009
  20. In the palm of her hand, she saw many lines. more lines then she remember from her teenage years. This shows experience of life, and hardships I have faced, she thought to herself. not every lady has hands like mine, she said to herself proudly.

    by Rida on 07.17.2009
  21. in the palm of my hand is a world of my own making, no offense to religion. I do believe that your fate rests in that same palm, but it is somehow not…

    by on 07.17.2009
  22. the palm of your hand is the soft part next to your wrist. palm is also a kind of tree, the palm tree, which can be found in coastal regions and subtropic climates

    by andre on 07.17.2009
  23. I placed my hand on his palm while his fingers closed over mine. He traced the lines on my palm over and over, remarking how pale they were. “You should go to a doctor”, he said softly.

    by pri on 07.17.2009
  24. some people say that one’s destiny is written in his palm… but if its true than it means the people with no hand have no destiny… no future…

    whats say?

    by Vipul Pathak on 07.16.2009
  25. Thats a type of phone. I like my blackberry better. I think if I could have any phone it would be an iphone.

    by Katie on 07.16.2009
  26. THis is the palm of my hand… and half the reason i even decided to write this was because I wanted to see how much text I could type in 60 seconds.. The average isnt that much.. how do i compare. but my palm is white, mostly white that is, it has no hair, at least i hope it doesnt. Yes, it doesn’t.

    by steve on 07.16.2009
  27. the palm of your hand. its so soft. it caresses my face in this gentle way. it makes me believe for a second that you might genuinly care. but then it moves down, onto my breasts, and i remember, that it’s all just a game to you. It always will be.

    by isabelle B on 07.16.2009
  28. the palm of his hand was pressed firmly into hers. and he said he would never leave, and that they were forever. And now he’s gone, and the wind blows on her palms, face into the wind.

    by Alex on 07.16.2009
  29. It’s what makes the sound of thunder when graced with the two meeting and rythme keeps the beat steady and words flowing of troubles and knowings. Patty cake, ms. merry mac, you know all the best.

    by brittany on 07.16.2009
  30. The palm tree sways alone on the sandy shore of a forgotten beach. What stories could it tell? What has happened around it? One will never know the story of the palm tree.

    by Shannon on 07.16.2009
  31. I look at my palm tracing the inside– following my life line with my eyes wonder…”is this shit for real?” Doubt it.

    by fro on 07.16.2009
  32. He closed his fingers tight around the note in the palm of his hand. An electric shock shot through his body from his hand to his stomach and to the extremities of his body. His whole being was elated as his heart ignited.

    by Linda on 07.16.2009
  33. his palm pressed violently against my face, striking the side with such a passionate force that i almost forgot that it was out of anger, not love, that i felt his hand on my cheek to begin with.

    by ari on 07.16.2009
  34. The palm swayed scarily but I was determined to get to the top. The coconut beckoned and I was starving. I had no idea how I’d open it once it was in my hands but that was the problem for later on, not now. All I needed was a chance

    by Christine on 07.16.2009
  35. She felt controled.Like she was slepping in someone’s hands.

    by Ester on 07.16.2009
  36. the palm of my hand was sweaty, his hand left mine, alone, my heart shattered, broken. my eyes were wet with tears. how could he leave me? my palms empty. nothing but sweat, and his scent.

    by nikolette on 07.16.2009
  37. palm trees… and my sister is obsessed with palm trees. palm sunday? ew jesus. who knows if hes real or not. people liek to lie. so thats probably a lie to…palm trees..i want ot go awya. far. with palm trees. and quietneess. where noone can bother me. and i can just be happy. and alone. and quiet =]<3 i woulc be relaxed..for once.

    by julie on 07.16.2009
  38. The lush, green palm umbrella towers over me, offering shade from scorching sun. I gaze up longingly at its nest of leaves, wanting to climb up…higher.

    by hansley on 07.16.2009
  39. On the palm of my hand, I can see your fingers. Timidly, you play with them, hesitating, afraid of just holding my hand. Our conversation? It is rather plain and irrelevant. How long will this continue? I wonder…

    by Edna Paulet on 07.16.2009
  40. in the palm of my hand is a dime yougn grasshopper.
    get this dime and u shall have it.
    this plam also hold the key to life; each line signifying a different pathway and story beholden for you. decifer it and you shall be free .
    you have 5 seconds..

    by haneia on 07.16.2009