
April 18th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “palm”

  1. I see the palm of his hand, trembling as he reaches mine.
    It has blood.
    It has a lot of blood.
    The world is swallowed up to that point.
    He’s dying and I’m sitting useless at his side.
    I never should had let him take the gun.

    by I on 04.19.2024
  2. Soft kisses taking over each fingerprint, moving down the lines in which destiny dictates. His face felt warm, he thought he might be sick, he had known the touch of a kiss but not like this.

  3. Palm tree against the sky, fronds like fingers brushing the blue, long and thin, a symbol of faraway places, where we, the foreigners, lounge all day while the men fix their nets and a teenage girl stands in the heat yelling “Ice cream!” all day.

  4. she saw the palm-sized leaf and pick it from the branch. It shimmered in the shaft of sunlight that poked through the fores canopy and on to the floor.

    by Chanpheng on 04.18.2024