
April 19th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “island”

  1. I want to live in an island because it is relaxing and peaceful to live in. I wish I could live there with my wife and children. Or I could visit island more often if I can’t live there. I want to own an island in Cambodia but it is expensive. However, I can visit island in Cambodia. There are a lot of island in Cambodia such as Rong Sonlem island.

    by sil on 04.20.2024
  2. Islands are lonely or communal. It brings us together because we all must choose to leave. But if you are shunned then the island is lonely again. You must live with the island and you must live with its people or else you are left adrift.

    by Hannah on 04.20.2024
  3. The park in the center of the city was a zone of quiet. The Thais often referred to Lumphini park as the lungs of Bangkok. The air around the lake was often clearer than the smog in the streets, and elders came for morning exercise then sat in small groups, drinking tea and eating Chinese donuts.

    by Chanpheng on 04.19.2024