
January 20th, 2010 | 411 Entries

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411 Entries for “options”

  1. there are always other options than the ones you choose.

    Don’t judge somebody just because they don’t choose the same as you. You won’t always be right, and besides, opinions are never wrong! Purely subjective!

    by Scarlett on 01.21.2010
  2. Do I have any? I don’t know. I’m 19, going on 20. I’m an adult. What options do I have to make? Graduate High School; check. Get into College; check. Graduate college; working on it. Then get a job, get married, settle down, and there’s your life.

    by Ian Kowalski on 01.21.2010
  3. the right to decide what you want to do with your existence. i’m writing nonsense because i’m under pressure. options is the button you press on the corner of the page when you don’t like something about it and you want to change the settings i don’t know

    by katie on 01.21.2010
  4. test

    by test on 01.21.2010
  5. she had two options: one, go left and lose everything she knew.
    Two: go right and never know a new thing again.

    Standing in the face of this fork in the road, Jenna felt a compelling sense of lonliness and confusion. Which would she choose/

    by Jenny on 01.21.2010
  6. there aren’t many options i don’t have any i’m walking a straight path and it’s boring and stupid and i can see the end already and i want to find more options but i can’t because there are none that are different they seem different but it’s not real they all lead the same place i can see it above the people all around me like health bars i can see where they’re going and it’s the same place as me, that is to say, nowhere.

    by Savannah on 01.21.2010
  7. choose
    your decion
    umm i have no idea how to explain this haha
    i thought the word was bamboo
    it starts with o
    a helper
    tool to help you

    by Claudia on 01.21.2010
  8. Options are good to have and when you have none, Oh well, you are out!

    by Jeggy Po on 01.21.2010
  9. Many choices, or ideas presented to a person or people.

    by on 01.21.2010
  10. Running out of options, not positive, the octaves in my voice are shaking something fierce, it feels strange wierd. Pierces the senses. feelin pensive reversed. coerced into something pitiful

    by patto on 01.21.2010
  11. Options. people are always talking about options. You have the option to help someone or to walk away. You have the option do do good or bad. The question is, what option do you choose? It’s a hard choice sometime…but there is always an option.

    by Becca on 01.21.2010
  12. i wish i had options in my train of thought,even wwith optionds i will fall down ..maybe i had some but lost them in my head ,but then i found it

    by on 01.21.2010
  13. There are so many options. I don’t know what to do. Hesitation, my bane, my existance…I pause. Stop. Think. Decisions, decisions. The way his hand feels against the curve of my spine ocuntered with his cold demeanor. The way the other loves me, but how he leaves me cold.

    by Anon on 01.21.2010
  14. I have so many options. Everyone Does. But not really. I am not worth options, I cannot make a decision to save my life. I do not deserve options. But what is a life without them?

    by Jessica on 01.21.2010
  15. there are many options in life. what you eat, where you go, who you talk to, what you do with your life, who you can be, who you make others, how you influence people, what you say, what you think about, what you listen to, options are endless, amazing ventures in humanity.=]

    by taylor on 01.21.2010
  16. There are too many in each day.
    They change the destiny of our day, sometimes the course of our lives.
    They shape everything.
    What more is there to say

    by Anusha M. on 01.21.2010
  17. too many roads.
    im so sick of having to choose
    from the stack that others give me.
    i want to have my own choice.
    i want what makes ME happy.
    what the hell is wrong with this country.

    by J on 01.21.2010
  18. There are plenty of fish in the sea. You can be anything you want when you grow up. There is no limit to what you can accomplish. Summed up in this way, it would seem life is chock full of options and opportunities… But then why do I feel so trapped?

    by laurajfranks@gmail.com on 01.21.2010
  19. options are cool, i’m not joking. so we’re here talking about different options and thats great because we don’t have a lot of options. we’re all going to die soon, and its all because of these evil options that are going to kill us and we will rot in helllllllllllllllllllllllll.

    by Jesus on 01.21.2010
  20. Your options are to listen to the doctor. To listen to your wife cry at your bedside. To listen to your children talk about their inheritance. To endure your comalike conscious state.

    by mathmartin@tx.rr.com on 01.21.2010
  21. the thing that only I can have.

    by Bella on 01.21.2010
  22. Jobs. Job options. My major has none has none whatsoever. Life options. The option to be happy or the option to be rich. Not rich, comfortable. So few options.

    by Nicolette on 01.21.2010
  23. choices

    by grace on 01.21.2010
  24. too many

    by rainy day on 01.21.2010
  25. i have many options but am blind to most of them. it is difficult to get an honest assessment of your situation. you often have to get out of your head to see the big picture.

    by jules on 01.21.2010
  26. I have a ton of options laid out in front of me I can do pretty much whatever I want with my life. I feel like I do not share those though with the people I care most about bc I am scared that they will in some way reject me.

    by Ben Taylor on 01.21.2010
  27. There are million options in life. You can choose whatever you want. It’s all in our hands. Our hands are not bound. Our life is our life. Options make life worth living. It is a present and a

    by kekek on 01.21.2010
  28. She had the options. She didn’t know what to do with them, where to go, or how to even open her eyes. She just had the options.

    by Debra on 01.21.2010
  29. Optomize your options at http://www.options.com. The optimal result will result. Optimization is the way to go in this optimistic year.

    by Saroyan on 01.21.2010
  30. You are one
    You are the only one. all else is fractal, incomplete.
    You breathe together, needing no one else, trusting no one else.
    YOu see her. she is not you. she is an outsider. she is death.

    by Kim on 01.21.2010
  31. You gave me no options. You were cold, you were fighting with no heart. With no memories, no love. You were apathetic. I wasn’t a human to you. Just another toy you could throw away and never stumble upon again. But you stumbled upon me again. You had to, didn’t you? Go away.

    by kara chiasson on 01.21.2010

    by Patti on 01.21.2010
  33. There are many options in the world, but I am never quite sure which one to take. If I take one choice, I close off all the other options available to me forever. If I take the other, it is the same. This makes me terribly indecisive… and yet who would want to give up the options that we have available to us?

    by Leigh on 01.21.2010
  34. She looked around the musty library and sighed quietly. She didn’t want to bother anyone, but she had to do it, just once. She mustered up her courage, gathered her books and approached him. She bit her lip and whispered nervously, trying to get his attention. He glanced up at her and flashed a kind smile.

    by Miranda on 01.21.2010
  35. Something we each have, but we tend to ignore that they do exist. Something that gives hope but can inspire fear.

    by Amor on 01.21.2010
  36. there are many options that a person has within the realm of life and for this I am very glad. Many options are simply fantastic, but others border on worthless.

    by on 01.21.2010
  37. I can’t help but think of Haiti and the so few options they have right now. They are suffering so greatly while we are stuck trying to decide what to order from the dollar menu. But we have more options than that. We have the option to help. Let’s use that option to the fullest; let’s help Haiti.

    by Steph on 01.21.2010
  38. Why do we have to have options? I think I would like to just have a straight-forward life, no guesses or wrong choices. Options are overrated.

    by S on 01.21.2010
  39. i wish you were an option.

    by maygoon on 01.21.2010
  40. I had so many options! How could I choose just one item from the dollar menu?! Do I want a mcChicken or a cheeseburger? I had no idea what to do!

    by Louis on 01.21.2010