
January 5th, 2009 | 249 Entries

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249 Entries for “only”

  1. the only way is to not exsist, only is a one sylable word that has a large affect of the pesamist community, only is a mind narrowing word.

    by tom on 01.05.2009
  2. Only one person left in the hospital. The guy cleaning up the floor was quite sad by this. Nobody to talk to, just him and the floor. And the floor was never clean either. Only he could clean it up.

    He was sick of being the only. He wished somebody else could make only not so.

    by Dii on 01.05.2009
  3. If only the sound of her voice would go away. I hear it over and over again. Haunting me, taunting me to do things I don’t want to do. Things I never have wanted to do. Why won’t the voice stop. If only it would stop.

    by Greg on 01.05.2009
  4. If only I had you in my arms. If only I could hold you and kiss you, I would be happy again. That is what I want. If only. If only.
    Those are the words that keep rolling through my head. I want you, but I can’t have you. Why not? If only you would see what I see, what I want. I love you, and you’re the only thing I need.

    by Kristin on 01.05.2009
  5. I see the word only, and I can only think of how things used to be, where only you and me mattered.

    Where the only thing that we wanted was the idea of just us, making it through life together.

    Now I see that was only a lie on your part.

    by Andriano on 01.05.2009
  6. only has no meaning to me. i am the only one i think you deserve. im selfish. you are the only one i want. im selfish. but i let you have your one and only. im selfless… and lonely… the only loner

    by Carolyn on 01.05.2009
  7. there is nothing but the blank space
    only the blank space
    no one else
    nothing else

    by s.e.g. on 01.05.2009
  8. Only is only only. It only means only. If it is just a word, why does it feel lonely?

    by Erika on 01.05.2009
  9. The school in the village is so small so in the class there was only 2 people. It always was very lonely. The 2 people has to answer all the questions in the class disscussions, and got alot of homework.

    by Fairy on 01.05.2009
  10. If only I had more time to tell my tale. I am old now and it is as if the world has passed beyond my reach. I wish that in aging I could find myself but as of yet I don’t know how to claim a identity. Alas a boy once I was.

    by Jonathan on 01.05.2009
  11. There was a boy name trager he was a tennis player he was very good in playing tennis his ranking for ITF was 1 next week he is going to play the challengers match and if he makes it through the quarter finals he will turn pro!

    by Kanis on 01.05.2009
  12. If I only could scare the bully but, I am so lonely and I can

    by Kasper on 01.05.2009
  13. I am only three years old but my brain is times ten and I gradutuated when I was 2 I am the smartest 3 years old in the world u cant beat me. I love to be the only three years old who graduated

    by prin on 01.05.2009
  14. The little raindeer was the only one in the forest, he was left alone because of his parents going out to find food. The little raindeer got lost in the forest. No one was there to save him.

    by SingEing on 01.05.2009
  15. i am the only on who had a ipod touch until people followed me. Now every on has a ipod touch whic they coppied me.

    by Savir Manchanda on 01.05.2009
  16. only is not nice >>>>>>>>>>>?>?>?>?>??>?>?<> i am the guitar boy and i love it so much be cause gutar is like a women its sexy and the curves it it so awasome and fun to play i will always love my guitar

    by Justin on 01.05.2009
  17. One day there was only one ball on the pitch so every body started to fight for it. there was shouting and punches being thrown at each other.

    by Thomas on 01.05.2009
  18. once upon a time there lived a red dragon that dragon only has 1 wing it likes to destroy the village near its cave.

    by parinda on 01.05.2009
  19. I have only one life to live
    I have only one chance to do some thing right
    And that chance comes once in a long time so when it come better take the chance and help the world.

    by Shivesh on 01.05.2009
  20. Only one book was in my bag. I had complained to my mother why I could buy only one. She said just one is good enough, but I still wanted more. I was so angry at my mom, but she still said only one, only one.

    by Jina on 01.05.2009
  21. i only have 1 sister in my family. i do not only have 1 brother in my family, i have 3 brothers in my family. I only have 1 grandma left in my mom’s and dad’s side of the family. I only have 1 pair of parents.

    by Rocky on 01.05.2009
  22. I have only 1 sister. I have only 1 brother. I only have 1 mom. I only have 1 dad. I only have 1 family. I only enjoy soccer and golf. I only like English class. I only want 1 wish.

    by Karan Kokar on 01.05.2009
  23. In the class there was only 2 people it was very lonely. The 2 people has to answer all the questions in the class disscussions, and got alot of homework.

    by Fairy on 01.05.2009
  24. The people in the town are only trying to be good and not pollute the world, but the government are saying not to pollute but they never ever really do clean up the world, so they only talk instead of doing what they said.
    The only people that are trying to save their country or town are the villagers and other people, they would do it instead of telling to people to do it.

    by Sunny on 01.05.2009
  25. In the class there was only 2 people it was very lonely. The 2 people has to answer all the questions in the class disscussions, and got alot of homework.

    by Fairy on 01.05.2009
  26. today is th only day i’ll admit i was wrong. the only time you will get it out of me. so you better take it whiel you can get it. because tomorrow im not going to be around.

    by me on 01.05.2009
  27. If I had only tried to look a little deeper. Said a little more, tried to talk a little truth, maybe I wouldnt feel this way. But I do. I did. I didnt. And I cant take any of it back.
    I know I did the right thing, but it still eats at me. A constant pain at the botton of my heart.
    Hes not what I want or need. Hes not handsome or amazingly fun. He was funny. He tried at romantic, one of his drastic failures. He seemed to copy lines from movies, word for word. He was in love with me, but for all the wrong reasons… He want to be in love, we was in love with being in love.He needs to love and be loved, so muhc that none of the things he said seemed true.He did everything right, everythin perfect, he knew how to act perfect, I saw through it. If only I could be that niave.

    by sydni on 01.05.2009
  28. and every, she was often confused with someone struck with the rich kid’s blues.

    by CDH on 01.05.2009
  29. only have one mother only have one father but i have many brothers and sister but thats just relative because i can call someone who i just my gaurdian mother or father they just represent somthi

    by steve on 01.05.2009
  30. One perfect and true, my soul
    Love and forever.
    Inpassable, solo
    Not afriad,
    but brave,

    by Elle on 01.05.2009
  31. only me in this world., i feel like im the only make of my kind, maybe because i am? does this feeling ever go away or is it just something we learn to live with. sometimes ithink everyone around me feels my pain but they’ve learned to deal with the medeocre life, well i havnt. i refuse to stay in this hell hole of comstock park can i leave? can i live?

    by jenn on 01.05.2009
  32. Only one life. Many people say this, but she had two. Yesterday she celebrated her 8th birthday. She is really 29. 8 years ago she overdosed. 8 years ago, she died. 8 years ago she was born, she walked out of the hospital brand new and reinvented, with nothing to loose and everything to gain.

    by sydni on 01.05.2009
  33. i only have and allotted time and space
    well this is only the greatest possible explanation for how to expand on the word only
    to repeat
    lather rinse and repeat until only is only a benign tumor of language

    by patrick on 01.05.2009
  34. only one thing mattered to her. just one thing. if it didn’t happen, she didn’t know what she’d do. she thought about it night and day, tortured herself, and those around her, thingking about it. If only, if only. She wanted it to come true, but she didn’t think it ever would. only three words. that’s all she needed to hear.

    by Hanna on 01.05.2009
  35. Only, puts limits on our lives makes us wait for what we want. Makes us want things more, makes us wish new things would happen. If only, if only “this thing” would happen. Only singles us out. Only points us out. Only makes us fees special.

    by Joe on 01.05.2009
  36. if only i had a heart that could love than maybe i wouldn’t b so despondant. if only i wasn’t so jaded than i could open my black heart to feel something more than i already have, maybe than i could feel what real love really is.

    by melissa anne on 01.05.2009
  37. If only. Something he had said to himself too many times. If only he had not gone. If only he hadnt had that last drink. If only he had not siad those things. If only.
    He was caught upin a cloud of misery and it wouldnt stop raining. She was gone, he did not blaim her. But why this way. He felt completely shattered and alone. And at the same time, as if nothing about his situation was different than anything or anyone else, he was one of the million, not out of.
    Still this was of no consolation, he still shuddered at the thought of her, her face like no one else, but stunning.
    Fuck; he thought to himself.
    If only.

    by sydni on 01.05.2009
  38. there is only one sun. there is only one gun. there is only one man. there is only one bullet shot. there is only one way the crime could have been committed. on the other side of town there is only one woman with only one five dollar bill and only one way to find the answer to the murder that has changed her world.

    by erin on 01.05.2009
  39. only implys that it is the last. the final one of this kinda. only one left. i’ll only take a bit. its a word that brings limitations. one cant only have a bit, one always wants more. once you pop you just cant stop.

    by Doug on 01.05.2009
  40. If only it had never happened
    If only I could go back
    If only I hadn’t said those words
    If only I could take them back
    I’m sick of my if-onlys
    even if they’re only words
    I want to get past them go-through them
    to the end of all the hurt.

    by Rachel Baum on 01.05.2009