
March 12th, 2010 | 178 Entries

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178 Entries for “nuclear”

  1. The word nuclear is one of the most hyped words of modern era.
    I guess, it started with the Hiroshima nagasaki drop and culminating to the nuclear families of today.

    by Thots on 03.13.2010
  2. bombs. someday it;’s going ot happen. this planet reduced to dust because some over grown child of a president or world leader has a bad day and throws a temper tantrum and we all suffer. something to look forward to.

    by molly on 03.13.2010
  3. “Please tell me that is not what it looks like.” Caleb balked at the large warhead. “Calm down.” Lyn pointed out. “Besides I am holding it for a friend.” She saw his face. “Kidding. I nabbed it off a smuggling operation.”

    by Trebez on 03.13.2010
  4. Night. Day. Clear. Mushroom clouds. Terror. Destruction. Death. Pain.

    by Indiana on 03.12.2010
  5. makes me think there is no peace in the world. we need more peace.. nuclear is a big, nasty word..

    by sam on 03.12.2010
  6. boom, explosion, green clouds. Mushroom. Bombs. Stockpiled. Russians. Cold war. Pain. Death. Heat, radiation. Fear. Dust cloud.

    by Andre Ifill on 03.12.2010
  7. nuclear bomb was dropped at hiroshima & nagasaki during wwii war. americans had killed many jap to avenge their pearl harbor attack. it was a ver

    by Tanu Roy on 03.12.2010
  8. the bomb went off in the distance. i didn’t shut my eyes like they told me to, so i was blinded immediately by the radioactive blast. it was beautiful. my last moments of sight, while slightly terrifying, were filled with beauty.

    it was all for the better though. there was no fear when it came. i felt the winds, and then i felt nothing.

    by slice on 03.12.2010
  9. my heart is a nuclear bomb. it is not green, but full of farts. fart = hearts. sounds similar. not the same? who knows. i want to go in an explosion. as a kid i was worried about being nuked. thought the soviets still hated us. problems! oh no. what is and is not a bomb, really?

    by mike on 03.12.2010
  10. physics
    reaction time
    chemical reaction

    by nick on 03.12.2010
  11. nuclear. bomb. family. medical test to determine something. What? Cancer? Nuclear might be a good name for acne medicine. Nuclear could work for I dunno. like a window cleaner or a windshield for your car or cleaner for your eyeglasses.

    by slb2 on 03.12.2010
  12. it was a wasteland. there were craters formed everywhere, no sign of any real life. i looked around, hoping to see someone, anyone, that might be of use. but the land was vast, seeming to be untouched for an age. i thought i had felt alone before but this, this was something different. this was abandoned, and i was standing in the middle of a nuclear waste site.

    by nicole on 03.12.2010
  13. It seeped into the water splashing over her body. She was oblivious to what was to come. If they only would have known how much damage they would cause they could have prevented everything. Now it was too late.

    by Jenifer Reed on 03.12.2010
  14. i will love to jump from the roof of a 20 storied building..and without hurting myself in any part of my body..i would love to do it as a game with tricks

    by shreya on 03.12.2010
  15. war. death. pain. nothing. everything. gone. nothing. death. why? betrayal. war. justice. hate. for love? bombs away.

    by gabrielle hanna on 03.12.2010
  16. um, bomb?

    by Sarah on 03.12.2010
  17. nuclear physicists, nobody knows what they do, really . . yet they have a whole kind of family named after them. people tend not to like their nuclear family though, they’re just people for eating thanksgiving dinner with, then. . . your just happy when they go home.

    by Erin on 03.12.2010
  18. I like to have pollution free future world

    by amit on 03.12.2010
  19. nuclear weapons nuclear deal

    by aishwarya on 03.12.2010
  20. reactors mady be evil iran people you know and they re like some kind of thingys with nuclear stuff in tehm, basically bad stuff gonna blow up or something oh im bad at this i dont know about nuclear stuff!! waaaaaa im so saddim running out of ti

    by clueless on 03.12.2010
  21. Some people do more damage than a nuclear missile.

    by Lizette on 03.12.2010
  22. The intense wave of energy sent her reeling backwards. It was as though a nuclear bomb had hit her. Dumbledore raised his staff again, his auburn hair dancing in the gale-force wind like Medusa and her snakes. Another blast threw Lily across the room, and she stared up at her old headmaster.

    “Why are you doing this, Albus?”

    “I want the boy, Lily. Your old friend Tom shall get the blame, don’t you fear. I shall stay ruler of Hogwarts. I shall turn Snape over to us, to the dark side, and I shall make Riddle so hated, so feared by the wizarding community, that none shall dare to say his name.”

    He cackled madly, then there was a flash of green light. The last thing she heard was the crying, of her son, of Harry Potter, of the Boy-Who-Lived.

    by Bronte on 03.12.2010
  23. I was in the nuclear power program in the navy. I am much better now though. The favorite phrase I learned was, “I can neither confirm nor deny.” There you go. I still use

    by Charles on 03.12.2010
  24. bush pronouncing this wrong.

    by phoebe on 03.12.2010
  25. A nuclear bomb has gone off in my house. My daughter’s boyfriend broke up with her. Carnage and destruction abound. She wanders the halls as is shocked by the force. I want to swoop in and protect her with a lead balloon.

    by Andie on 03.12.2010
  26. I like to read newspaper story books travelogue and wear rainbow coloured dresses

    by papiya saha on 03.12.2010
  27. a bomb that goes boom. a nuclear explosion has just appeared. a nuclear wave had just hit. everyone has died. no one is here. just the sound of the ghost that were dear. then boom.

    by Rukia on 03.12.2010
  28. Nuclear energy is a powerful thing. So powerful, in fact, that mere threats of it scare countries into submission. The scary thing is that it was developed by man; the things we are capable of are astounding, but now the question is: will we ever stoop so low as to actually use them?

    by Tree on 03.12.2010
  29. Nuclear. Such an easy word to pronounce correctly. Nu, like new. And then clear. Obviously one could make the mistake of not placing an accent on the end of “clear.” but under no circumstances could any thinking person ever look at that word and think it was pronounced “new-q-lur.”

    by Just Ed on 03.12.2010
  30. This is quite an interesting word!! NU.. Which is something that hasn’t been seen before. And clear… Meaning that you know what it is or it is see through… Odd… Because generally something NU isn’t that well known… Since it just came around.
    But either way… It could go BOOM!! And come falling down!

    by Drew on 03.12.2010
  31. They are bombs. Horrible bombs that kill a lot of people and you get radiation poison from them if you are exposed to their radiation for too long. That’s all I really know. One dropped on in Hiroshima and I’ve also read the book.

    by Angela on 03.12.2010
  32. This problem is nuclear. I can’t make it go away and the longer it sits the more dangerous it gets. When it finally does blow up though, I know there won’t be any survivors.

    by anonymous on 03.12.2010
  33. The war was never over. It had begun too long ago for us to remember, and it would continue until we were less than the dust in the corner of someone’s memory. This was us and this is our world and we can no longer take all that is.

    I know you’ll forget me, but it’s okay because we just decay and decay and there is nothing left.

    by phoenix on 03.12.2010
  34. power plants and godzilla. Mushroom clouds and Japan. Deserted houses in the desert. I cant think of anything else to write. Hes hiding cigs from me

    by lucy on 03.12.2010
  35. Energy, reactor, meltdown. Cherynoble (how do you spell it?) Pictures of a whole, empty town, looking like everyone just up and decided to move on one day. And didn’t look back. How would my town look if we all left one day?

    by Dani on 03.12.2010
  36. buclear war is bad but it had to happen to win the war for the U.S. in WWII. nevermind it was just bad. DONE

    by chris on 03.12.2010
  37. Nuclear. Don’t know what to say about nuclear. Saw Donald Trump last night on Lederman and he said America should have nuclear power. But he also said they had 300 years of coal to burn – but what about the pollution Donald you dingbat !!!!! From what I have heard, and that’;s not a lot, nuclear power is cleaner but the problem is, where do you dump the …

    by roxanne on 03.12.2010
  38. Nuclear explosions are most often expressed in the word nuclear, but there’s also a lot of other things. Nuclear power plants, nuclear cosmetics? I wonder if they have those. Nuclear pant suit? I know there is a shirt with a periodic table on it, and all of the radioactive elements glow in the dark. It’s pretty cool. My dad loves that shirt and he’s not even a scientist. Doctors are strange.

    by Scythe42 on 03.12.2010
  39. Nuclear science is the way of the future. We can derive energy from it, we can eliminate carbon emissions with it, and we can finally understand the hazy parts of the universe.

    by Ian Price on 03.12.2010
  40. onus

    by soumya on 03.12.2010