
November 24th, 2009 | 340 Entries

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340 Entries for “needle”

  1. woooooords are so wordy they feel like words coming out of my mouth by under my skin as i type on the keys. i feel the motion but i don’t feel the release of my emotions. sayyyy whatttt is all i hear people say but i know that i can speak and write and type as much to say whaaatt i want. hemp necklace. wheat thins. skins. ichat. red. glue. color. headband. eye opener

    by denise on 11.25.2009
  2. i am so afriad of needles. only surgical ones. the ones doctors try to jab me with. i freak out. i have a real fear. but ones for piercings, those are fine! and sewing needles, i can jab myself with those and be fine. also, i can give blood liek apro and get iv’s just not needles.

    by taylor. on 11.25.2009
  3. scary

    by taylor Kitto on 11.25.2009
  4. I sew and stitch together, all that binds me. I try to keep everything together with the weak thread of my ambition. I want to keep you forever, but forever is a long way.

    by Mika on 11.25.2009
  5. The first shot you get as a baby is never the scariest. It’s the shot when you are twelve years old and you hear about everyone else’s fears of needles, that you realize you get scared too.

    by eden on 11.25.2009
  6. needles are lon and thin and you use them to sewthings with. they have a little eye at one end and a pint atthe other to push through fabric, tring to thread a needle is difficult an takes some etream skill. you can try and find a neede in a haystack but that is hard.

    by Lauren on 11.25.2009
  7. theres this song called something by this russian singer and in it it talks about how this girls is sowing something and then she pricks her finger with a needle and thats the whole song. me and my friend always listen to it. i dont like needles though. they used to scare when i was little bc i would find them one the street.

    by ana moiseyenko on 11.25.2009
  8. and the thorn what does that mean who knows i cant tell you lets just say its a reaction maybe i meant the spoon? after which you need the needle here is the way lets seek it out dont stop following although sometimes you gotta lead however all things will come to fruition as time gets closer and closes in and pops back inside out the other side flowing into another world

    by dbone on 11.25.2009
  9. My one word is needle. It’s so funny how one little word can have so many different feelings attached to it. Fear, stress,

    by on 11.25.2009
  10. sharp finely pointed, silver and harmful, soft and light, “wrap me around you” the yarn said. “i yearn for your presence”

    by on 11.25.2009
  11. something that causes pain, sharp pointy, usually not used for good, nobody really likes needles besides crazy folk. They make me scream out in pain, squint my eyes and cry. Needles fucking suck what kind of word is needle? it’s weird and uncalled for. I don’t like needles

    by Tyler on 11.25.2009
  12. It stings. It pokes. Penetrates. Extracts life. Inserts the medicine. It gets under your skin, and you’re afraid. But it heals you, or heals another.

    by Miranda on 11.25.2009
  13. a very pointy sharp object, intent on making people feel loads of pain. and helping children piss their pants in fright for years and years.

    by jane on 11.25.2009
  14. Sharp. I just got repierced with onetoday in my nose. And I changed my monroe. I sewed my hand with a needle and thread once. It was different. Now I want another piercing. Or to make a pillow.

    by Sid. on 11.25.2009
  15. they let me get tattoos :)

    by on 11.25.2009
  16. Infections spread through this town, through the needles. We shoved them through our flesh, anywhere we could. And went so fast in our rebellion that someone along the line forgot the safety. Now we’re here, with metal shoved through our bodies without any way to heal. This is us. We’ve got nothing left but the infections, damn whoever passed it on.

    by Olivia on 11.25.2009
  17. they pain us, they pleasure us.
    heroine, and medicines,
    fear them, love them
    want then meed them
    You’ll know which is which when you come across them.

    by Kei on 11.25.2009
  18. youre absence has gone through me like thread through a needle i need you more then you know. Just sew my heart up again because its tearing with that blue blue thread and your deep brown eyes and the sky never looked so wonderfull out my window that day. Stitch me up like my winter jacket, whose buttons are missing im a mess and you know it. I need your sewing skills, like i need you.

    by Lena on 11.25.2009
  19. sharp, pointing, pain silver it’s something that not’s needed

    by Tyler on 11.25.2009
  20. it reminds me of when you go to get your blood drawn and they use a gigantic needle and you think that you will have this gaping hole in your arm and it’s like the skin will go in the hole because it’s so big but it doesn’t and your blood just drains super fasst

    by ariel on 11.25.2009
  21. i guess i could sew a button onto this jacket or something. push the needle in and out, pull the thread through… it’s so much easier to throw it out than to spend five minutes to fix it.

    by morgan on 11.25.2009
  22. as far as i can write about a needle. ican say the the nneedle is well heared in my socity and we have all the quets about it like camel goes into the nedle head and like

    by h1n9000 is my vacin on 11.25.2009
  23. it’s sharp and it can hurt you. you use it for sewing, i’d say. it’s silver. you can even pierce yourself or others with it..

    by jo on 11.25.2009
  24. A small thin piece of metal with a sharp end. Used for tasks such as sewing. Also a term used for the instrument used for injections. Something used for piercings, too.

    by Kelsy on 11.25.2009
  25. Pin-prick,
    just a pin-prick,
    but you cut me up.
    Your needle swallowed the echoes of my shouts and drowned them into whispers.
    My face is blocked up with bandages.

    by Rosie on 11.25.2009
  26. the needle plunged into her pale flesh as the crimson blood oozed out, running down her skin like an entity in its self.

    by melondrea on 11.25.2009
  27. I can’t sew. I think I should learn. It’s a useful skill. Could’ve saved my favorite jacket instead of turning it into wall art. Though I think it’s pretty kewl wall art. I still miss my jacket. It was comfy. Again, I should learn to sew. Get another jacket, too.

    by Karin on 11.25.2009
  28. elliot smith comes to mind. i’m going to listen to that now. you should too.

    by alec on 11.25.2009
  29. 1 guy one needle. you use needles if you are a drug addict. the government or more likely the community you live in hand out these to addicts to prevent disease and infection from spreading througout

    by Tboais on 11.25.2009
  30. i’d been xstitching mindlessly for an hour when the needle pierced my thumb. stitching just to take time for myself. not even because i liked it; because it was the only way i could look busy so they’d leave me be.

    “fuck!” i yelled.

    “this is the wrong shade of red.”

    by g.jessy on 11.25.2009
  31. needle needle drawing slow through the blood with a little push and everything is pulled tight together again. Time to heal. When i was young, my brother came home with a gash in his foot. We didn’t believe him until he showed us. He’d stepped on a glass bottle in a puddle.

    by on 11.25.2009
  32. needle makes me think of the book The heroin diaries by nikki sixx the bass player for motely crue it’s a book about 1987, the year when his heroin addiction reached it’s climax.

    by Patrick S. on 11.25.2009
  33. Her fingers trembled. She was normally so calm and a needle can be stilled just by looking at it. She was looking out the window

    by on 11.25.2009
  34. I was the needle and
    i was certain that you were the haystack.
    Once I got lost in all that
    was you
    I would never be found again.
    But then you changed, the straw was spun to gold and there I was
    left alone
    and on the floor. Now, I can only hope to mend a broken heart.

    by Britt on 11.25.2009
  35. qwertg xlxx tube erererer

    by fdfdfds on 11.25.2009
  36. the needle moved effortlessy through her skin and before she knew it her mouth had been completely sewn shut. She tried to scream but, mainly because she had her mouth sewn shut, all that came out was a muffled mumphlemaaa and a tear from her eye. a tear rolled sadly down her cheek

    by Lyle Langford on 11.25.2009
  37. needles are threaded and start their journey in a sea of fabric.
    the yarn flows behind the needle as you move your nimble fingers, my grandmother’s fingers.
    she cannot see like she used to.
    she asks me for help.
    i learn.

    by maggie moore on 11.25.2009
  38. she turned to the doctor, terrified, petrified in his stare. he was frankenstein, she knew it. he came closer, chilling stare, pepper eyes, so hot. she turned towards the window, glassy glassy stare. closer he came, his breath hot on her face. the sliver approached her arm and she fought it. terrified now, she screamed.

    by Katie on 11.25.2009
  39. i tried to sew one of my shirts the other day. broke the sewing machine so i had to use a needle. then i decided it was too much effort so i just figured i could live with a shirt thats a size too big. life’s too short to sew shit with needles.

    by shivani on 11.25.2009
  40. needles are sharp. piercing holes in fabric to create a pattern of flowing yarn and string. my grandmother is old now, and cannot see well enough to thread her needles. needles are skinny, sharp, and they prick.

    by maggie on 11.25.2009