
July 29th, 2010 | 303 Entries

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303 Entries for “near”

  1. Being close to my Daddy’s heart as he holds me in his arms and I’m crying and my tears are soaking his shirt and I can hear his heartbeat calm and steady and I know he’s not going to leave no matter what I do so I’m not afraid anymore no matter how much the voices jeer.

    by Maribeth on 07.29.2010
  2. We were closer than I ever thought we would be. I mean, I had always held some small hope buried deep in my subconscious, but it was a small hope. Vague. When I saw her for the first time I was awestruck. It wasn’t just the way she looked. That was part of it to be sure, but she held something more. She was luminous. Every time she moved it was with accidental grace, as if she was completely unaware of herself and more beautiful for it. The same way the moon is unawares of the stars. When I first understood that I knew, the same silly way we always “know,” that we would never be near.

    by Kyle on 07.29.2010
  3. It’s what you want to be with that person you always think about, or maybe somewhere you want to go. You don’t want to always be there, but always be close. Not far, not there, but just near.

  4. I was near her. It came to be that she came closer to me and for the first time in weeks, I was near her soul and I could feel what she was thinking, the heat radiating off her body and it was astounding. They call it love.

    by Lase on 07.29.2010
  5. She was near the edge of the building, threatening to jump. I did my best, but this resulted in her third time nearly dying.

  6. Near but not near enough. We never see whats closest to us. What is near really? Is near when you can feel the person so close the heartbeat is loud? Or is near once something is within your line of sight? We never truly see what’s nearest to us as much as we like to think we do.

  7. hairs on your arms
    soft downy blonde
    I like being close enough to see them,

  8. Being near him is painful, yet pleasing. Almost like a bittersweet end to a fantastic book. You enjoyed the book emmensly, but your sad to see it end.

    by Ricky on 07.29.2010
  9. Near to you I feel safe. Near to you I feel like I can not fall. Near to you I feel invincible. As if I can conquer the world. As if I am the most beautiful, strongest woman alive.

    by Abby on 07.29.2010
  10. You like how you feel around me. You want to be near me so you feel good and yet you don’t know or care who I really am. I am not near you but you don’t even realize it.

  11. you are near me, i can feel you. i can smell you. i can touch you, but i wont. i don’t know if you would want me too. even thou you are so close. to my heart you feel like your a million miles away, lets keep it that way..

    by tay on 07.29.2010
  12. But not near enough. Is near when you can touch it or when it’s within your line of sight? A lot of people use this with negative connotation “You aren’t near enough, I need you nearer.” when we should be appreciating whats close.

    by Aly on 07.29.2010
  13. you only want what you can’t have,you like having me on a string..and i would do anything for you if you showed you had feelings anywhere near at strong..instead,you bitch about how no one will ever control you,and if only i’d rescue you from’re a shrew and i’m not strong enough nor willing enough to tame you..if fact..why would i want to?

    by on 07.29.2010
  14. I wish my Sheilla was near right now. I’m on the phone with her, sharing this site. We aren’t always nearby, but we stumbleapon together and send what we find through skype. Maybe soon we can stumble side by side.

    by Scott on 07.29.2010
  15. enough to feel the electricity pull the hairs on my arm toward you
    because i can’t make myself manufacture the draw alone
    (it takes an outside force)
    to do the obvious.

    by cliffsides on 07.29.2010
  16. Far. close. to my face. A pretty word I think, romantic and chill. i like this word. but I like it more when someone is near.

    by .. on 07.29.2010
  17. I could never have expected the distance to pass so quickly. As her flight became near I started to panic that she would be disappointed with her first sight of me in all these years.

    by Misty on 07.29.2010
  18. It was near dusk when it began. The 20 of us gathered around the tree stump in the middle of the clearing. I didn’t want to do this, mind you, but I hadn’t a choice. I was chosen to do it, and this was what I had to do.
    We began.

  19. My heart beat sped as he drew nearer. Almost there. Almost here. Almost within shouting distance.

  20. i’m feeling much further than i really am yet i find myself close. if i were to tell you where i was you wouldn’t believe it. i don’t believe it. i’m near.

    by Heather on 07.29.2010
  21. I was near everything I wanted. Close enough to taste it. But even that close, that near, some things are too hard to achieve without total commitment. Can I do it?

  22. When you are near i feel no fear we take chances in life thats why i made you my wife now as i look at you each day mine for ever you stay!!

    by dave on 07.29.2010
  23. i like the word “near.” it reminds me of something nice. like maybe puppies or the ocean. fil says i should write something that has “near” in the sentence. but he is stupid. i like rainbows.

    by lisichka on 07.29.2010
  24. I could hear footsteps and knew he was near, at least no further than a foot to my left. Holding my breath as I crouched in the small dark space, waiting for the moment he would turn and start to walk away unaware of my presence, made my anticipation for the moment rise. A moment later, I quietly reached out and grabbed his ankle, letting it slide from my grasp as he ran to his circle of friends. Haunting the wood at Halloween always a mischievous joy.

    by Heather on 07.29.2010
  25. near you is where I find comfort for your love is the nearest thing to my heart…For near you is where I always want to stay forever in your arms, forever every day..

    by Neidra Dawn Warren on 07.29.2010
  26. near you is where I find comfort for your love is the nearest thing to my heart…For near you is where I always want to stay

    by Neidra Dawn Warren on 07.29.2010
  27. You don’t even notice it usually. You’ll be sitting idly next to someone, in close proximity, your skin almost contacting with theirs, and you’ll pay it no attention. And yet when that person means something to you, the experience is electric.

  28. I am near nature and love it. Moss beneath my feet, nice breezes, the smell of salt air all give peace. I love thunder and lightening storms, my dog running about on the lawn, my flowers, and my fish pond.

    by Linda on 07.29.2010
  29. near the edge of a river you see a cattail with a dragonfly upon it beautifully it swoops into the water and flies away… The prettiest dragonfly i have ever seen.. Flies away forever with a memories of graceful days..

    by Neidra Dawn Warren on 07.29.2010
  30. Near or far, no matter where you are, you’re always on my mind.
    I’m nearing the edge of my sanity, but somehow I still manage to hang on longer and longer every day.

    by RisRis on 07.29.2010
  31. your breath close as inches and still gaps, gaps, teeth clack against themselves sharp sounds next to soft skin and all the empty closeness

  32. Yeah, just because you’re near me doesn’t mean we are any closer. You just push me away and treat me like I don’t exist and it hurts me. It hurts. I don’t know what to do now but just give up. I’m leaving soon and you probably won’t even know I’m gone, but I’ll be taking my stuff and leaving my pain.

    by Jordan on 07.29.2010
  33. Nearer and nearer drew the curtains to a close. Further and further the sun began to seem from her cramped and cluttered chamber. The princess sat, shivering on her bed, awaiting the time when her father would come save her from this hell. The chamber maid laughed a maniacal chortle before shutting the doors with a perfunctory click.

    by meredith on 07.29.2010
  34. he’s far too close for comfort. i feel claustrophobic and closed off. why is he here? can’t support come from afar? this isn’t support; this is self-importance. this is trying to be the hero. this is too little, too late. this is awkward.

  35. She stood near the tracks, willing herself to do it. Jump. Jump.
    A hand grabbed her arm.

    by Skip on 07.29.2010
  36. it’s nice when you’re near someone you like. not so nice when they’re not so near.

  37. What does it mean to be near a person? Does it really have to do with distance or can there be a nearness of spirit? I suppose it’s in the same way that one has to wonder why a person feels so far away despite being so close. Or why a person feels alone with so many people near them.

  38. What I want you to be when I am thinking of your words and the way we never see each other any more or even speak but the papers that some in the envelopes appear whit your words near and near and near and near and far.

    by Nancy O'Neill on 07.29.2010
  39. i love near teh one i love. his heart is always near mine. sometimes i like to remember why we were painting that day, because it reminds me of everything we are. we painted and we will be close to eachother for the rest of pour lives. i love him so dearly.

    by angee on 07.29.2010
  40. it’s when someone we love is far away that they are nearer to out hearts.

    by on 07.29.2010