
July 29th, 2010 | 303 Entries

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303 Entries for “near”

  1. As I drew nearer to the surface of the water, I couldn’t help but feel the sense of gratitude. Indeed my time was not yet up, and the light filtering through my field of vision wasn’t the end.

    by Shelley on 07.29.2010
  2. Near the edge is a diamond that hangs over and then dives. Near the diamond that hangs over and dive is a patch of sunlight that is about to die. Near the sun is the cloud that’s creeping up like a murderer to kill the sunlight.

    by jc on 07.29.2010
  3. Back to school time is near, but how relative is near? College is a month away but suddenly everyone is in “back to school” mode, frantically trying to get ready for the year ahead. Even stores are advertising back to school specials.

  4.’s such a teasing word . to be near your one desire , to nearly have what you want . to be so close but so so far. i hate near. i hate it.

    by lacey on 07.29.2010
  5. i wanted her near me . i needed her near me . to smell her . hear her . taste her lips on mine. I wasn’t really me unless she was there. she’s so far away now

    by lacey on 07.29.2010
  6. far wherever you are I believe that the ehart does go on

    titanic was an ok film, jack and rose were fairly believable characters but they weren’t the reason I cried. I cried when the old people lay in bed waiting to die, and when the mumw as putting the children to bed. I cried when the baby was dead in the ocean. but what made me really properly cry, not just be choked up, was when they were all alive at the end.

    I don’t know how long I am supposed to write here for. Surely the time limit is up already? I don’t know.

    But I will keep on writing.

    My mum always wanted to live by the sea, and the dido song fit that. and now my Mum does live by the sea! I am glad she is happy.

    I am starting to feel lonely now after over a year of being single. I just want someone to go to art galleries and the cinema with. someone you can always call when you want to do something or when you feel lonely, and someone that will also kiss you and hug you and make you feel pretty and loved and wanted. realistically I know this will not happen until I leave this town and meet more people. there are not many new people i can meet here i fear. i have recently been tempted with someone, but they are not really my type and it is not the right time for them. I just really really hope that our night or talking and little bit of kissing has not ruined a friendship that has the potential to be really good.

    i really really hope we end up being friends. I would like to be his friend, been ages since I’ve had a carefree male friend. I think it could be good for me. I just hope he likes me!

    by emily on 07.29.2010
  7. i am nearly going insane living in the hours. no one knows the hell i go through on a daily basis and i feel like nothing i do is good enough. i am about to lose it. i can’t be this fake anymore. i need to be me. and i don’t care what she says. she doesn’t own me.

    by Marcella on 07.29.2010
  8. Near is not far. It is not inside you. It is somewhere you are not quite. Near is something you have not obtained.

    by T on 07.29.2010
  9. Near…im always so close..yet so far. Near seems to have so much distance , so many more miles away then it seems. Just when i get closer , it seems to slip away. It all appears to be a mirage. Its never near.

  10. I want to be near her. Its hard when she’s so far away. I’d like to go see her, but alas, I am poor and penniless of both mind and pocket.

  11. This is the closest thing to me. It makes me wonder have far my girlfriend is from me know. I think of the song Nearer my heart to Thee from church. It makes me think of Jesus. Ear?

    by Jason Mavandi on 07.29.2010
  12. a place within reach….. a distant future. A close friend who is within arms reach, simply just over the hill. The lights illuminate the outline. Very close by indeed.

    by Faye Oliver on 07.29.2010
  13. near the top of life comes trickling down major pains and growth spurts, lonely is one near the top. I would like to be near a tropical island and a beautiful woman I love, I would love to be near my son for the rest of my life. To be near is compfort, far is distant. Near a goal is awesome.

    by John on 07.29.2010
  14. It is impossible not to be near to something. Even if you think you are far away from something else, there is consistently something near to you; a drink, a shoe, a radio, a phone; anything. There is always something NEAR to you, no matter what it is, no matter where you are. Even if you are stranded in the desert, you are still near to the sand. Near to the space around you. Near to yourself.

  15. The pilot came on the loudspeaker announcing it was time for the seatbelts to be put back on. Mine was already buckled around me, but I tightened it for mroe security. Fear itched at my bones. It wasn’t the fear of landing, now. It was the fear of what we were getting near too. Home… home isn’t where my heart is.

  16. I already did this word, but I want to try again. I want to get closer to where I want to be. Its hard to do so tho because I don’t know exactly where I’m trying to go. Happiness is in the journey…. can you go on a journey to nowhere? I want to get as close to nowhere as possible.

    by on 07.29.2010
  17. Near, far, wherever you are….
    Okay…. which is more annoying: Titanic or Celine Dion?
    Titanic is a horribly cliche movie that I never plan to watch again.
    Celine Dion is a gifted singer, yet all of her songs make me want to throw a chair out the window.

    I guess the debate will continue.

    by on 07.29.2010
  18. Tracing my curls idly, I continued watching the horizon. They’d come, I know they will. They will.

    The wind blows, stirring my hair; my eyes water slightly from the dust. Time fades, spins; it’s dizzying, but still I wait, but still I watch.

    Finally, I smile.

    There you are.

    by Qori on 07.29.2010
  19. Near…..far….where-eeeeeever you are….
    K. That’s quite enough of that.
    I’ve never seen that movie. Titanic that is. All I’ve seen of it is part of the Jack death scene when Rose says “I won’t let go!” and then like…twenty minutes later AFTER HE WOULD HAVE GONE INTO HYPOTHERMIC SHOCK in real life…she lets go. Wench. So much for true love.
    Oh…and I saw all this while standing in line at Sam’s Club. Go figure.

  20. Everywhere has something near to it. Lots of things have something far away but there is always something NEAR. Near to my house is a store. Near to the store is a gas station. Near to the gas station is a church and near to the church is a library. Everything is near everything else, no matter where it is; even if you are in the middle of the Arctic, you are still NEAR some snow.

    by Brett on 07.29.2010
  21. Near to you, near to me. That’s where you’ll want to be. This is my ego, you can hit it around. It won’t hurt and it won’t make a sound. Near to the wall, near to my thoughts. This doesn’t make sense, but heck, whatever.

    Beeing near to something, what does that even say?

    by Caid on 07.29.2010
  22. I have been near another person today
    not bodies
    but minds
    we were near
    although we were still strangers
    wasn’t it marvelous!

    by Maaike on 07.29.2010
  23. I am near to dropping. It’s a long way from home. The sun shines and then it doesn’t. Here, near the equator, things are strange.

    by Nancy McKay on 07.29.2010
  24. near…oh so near….
    how can it be so close but yet so far they say…..
    i wish sometimes it wasnt so near.
    but its only faith
    although sometimes near us so not so near…
    life isnt fair and no matter which way we see it, its inevitable

    by ines villa on 07.29.2010
  25. He was near me in the valley as we layed together under the gleaming stars. He told me he’d never been so near to someone before. I should have known he was lying

    by elise on 07.29.2010
  26. being near to you is always a joy. being near to you brings a warmth to my heart that i never knew i could feel again. being near to you is what i enjoy most about my day. being near you.

  27. I wish you were near me.
    It sucks. I wonder what would change if you were nearer in a permanent way.
    I wonder if you wish I was near you.

  28. read

    by Karina on 07.29.2010
  29. I like to be near my friends and family because I feel my atmost happiest to know that I have people I love. With all their support, I feel like I’m near my future goals and desires.

  30. I could smell the salty sweat from his skin evaporating into the air. My nostrils were inflamed. The man who had changed everything was within my grasps.
    The choices were so clearly defined: Leave him to suffer on this hospital bed, or end everything for the both of us?

    by Courtney on 07.29.2010
  31. near or far? where would i like to be? far from here today. nothing personal about this day or this place, i just have a place far away in mind. white sandy beach, clear blue ocean, preparing to go out for a little snorkel excursion.

    by sqsq on 07.29.2010
  32. I am near the brink of an abyss where there is no hope, no life, nothing but an empty space. It is a void, an absolute horror, but there is no death, no despair, no sadness, no grief. There is nothing, completely nothing, where everything lies in silence.

    by Raze Arein on 07.29.2010
  33. i wish i was near dan right now. i miss him a lot. i am trying really hard not to think about him, but it’s difficult to push someone out of your head when you have such intense feelings for them. i miss him more than he does me, i know it.

    by jasmine on 07.29.2010
  34. near here. Beer sears down til fear is in the rear.

    by Alexandra on 07.29.2010
  35. when I’m not near my home I feel lost. The mountains are my calling and they call me home. I need to smell their sweet breeze and feel their majesty.

    by Alexandra on 07.29.2010
  36. near. it’s just an illusion. you never know how close you were to someone until you fly for eight hours and realize you may never see them again.

  37. everyone thinks being near is a good thing, but i prefer the idea of distance makes the heart fonder. If it is always by you, you can get absolute overload! It can drive a person nuts.

    by Stacie on 07.29.2010
  38. close
    wherever you are
    i’ll always be near you
    in mind
    in heart
    in spirit
    i trust you
    you can trust me
    i won’t hurt you
    i know he did
    but i’m different.

  39. Being near something is being close to something, if could also be taken artistically, emotionally, as in you are emotionally near someones heart, or near their soul.

    by savanna on 07.29.2010
  40. Near is just a word. Something may seem near but really, take a step back and its far away. See what I mean? Near is never really near it is always so far away you never can get near.