
December 26th, 2010 | 203 Entries

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203 Entries for “mythology”

  1. m-y-t-h-o-l-o-g-y, who knows if they’re real or the stories are a lie. bigfoot, sasquatch and the yeti too, either someone’s super creative or they’re coming after you!

    by Sarah on 12.26.2010
  2. “What ARE you? How can you know me better than I know
    myself?” I asked him. “You simply MUST label every thing, mustn’t
    you? As if that makes it any easier to understand. Very well,
    depending on the mythology you subscribe to, I could be called a
    spirit guide by the Native Americans, a guardian angel by the
    Christians, one’s higher self by psychoanalysts…” “But what do YOU
    call yourself?” He smiled. “I don’t call myself anything. To define
    is to limit.”

  3. you and i are a mythology. i don’t exist, but maybe you do. it makes me want to think if i’m actually a someone in this world, since i’m always treated like a nothing. but we are a mythology and our story might be fiction.

  4. its about things that do not exist
    its really hard to write about something like that
    first thing that comes to mind is greek mythology about gods that live in olimp

    by stanislava on 12.26.2010
  5. You may be true but I don’t know. Everyone says you mean something but I think you just explain things we don’t understand. The second half of you is ology and I like that. I wish the second half of me was ology because then I would be Joeyology and that is way better than just Joey.

  6. I thought they were just myths. But as I watched the fairies dancing around me I, I wondered if they really did exist, or if I was just on a really good drug trip. Either way, the fairies’ wings sparkled beautifully in the moonlight.

  7. If this site gives me this word one more time, i swear ill crack up. BLAAAAA >,.,<

    by val on 12.26.2010
  8. i love mythology. back in 6th grade when we learned about
    it it was my favorite thing ever. i brought a book of myths to
    class and it turned out that we were reading the same one in class,
    and i drew all over my book. i liked athena the best but i loved
    aphrodite as a guilty pleasure because i wanted to be beautiful
    like her. i didnt like ares because he was an asshole.

    by manisha on 12.26.2010
  9. Mythology is something that I used to not be that “into.” But over the years I have found friends that have been interested in the things of mythology. Because of them, I am now intrigued by the wonderful, mysterious world of mythology.

  10. Mythology is a magical kind of theology. It’s a way the Greeks explained things they couldn’t understand. It’s interesting but shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    by Gaby on 12.26.2010
  11. long ago stories that are fancy and fiction
    many say the bible is that way but it is not at all fiction or tales to keep one amused
    rethink myths they are not true at all

  12. legends, did it happen? the stories which drive our society, give us something to live for, a dream of a better, more simple time, when anything was possible and life was carefree.

    by Patten Smith on 12.26.2010
  13. ONE WORLD?




    by Abdul Sattar Al-Saadi on 12.26.2010
  14. Mythology. Mitholoski. Skronology. Phartology. Usebrity. Conscenrity. Phonesexlibby. Lybiblery. Conebox. Box hammer. Hammer bone. Bonal hammer skone. Winn. WinnCone. BoxWinn.

    by Cutlet on 12.26.2010
  15. Zeus, Apollo, Juno and Mars all walk into a bar. Zeus says to the bartender, I’ll have a glass of scotch. The bartender says, we don’t have any of that sir. So Zeus hits him with a thunderbolt.
    The end.
    Mythology can be created in a minute. It’s a question of who believes it and why.

  16. the unicorn started to speak. it spoke the words of angels. “fly, fllyyyy” i ordered it. it flew us away. into the sky. away from the hatred. away from everyone. free. i was free. that one day. that one unicorn. my life, complete. thank you unicorn. magical, mythical.
    “what really happened?” the teahcer asked.
    “that” i say, “that.”

    by Morgan on 12.26.2010
  17. One day a woman waws so sick with grief she drowned herself. She just walked straight into the ocean in hopes that she dies. She did. It’s absolutly ridiculous that she did this. Just because she thought someone was dead, but they weren’t. Don’t do anything thats so unrational. God protect you and watch over you. I will pray for you.

    by Joanie on 12.26.2010
  18. Before I said that I thought mythology is ridiculous. But, who am I to say when I’m not really sure what it means. I think it was brought about to give inspiration to those who do believe in it. Therefor, I think mythology could be an inspiring and great thing for those willing to use it. I should try it, I could use a new source of inspiration. Open to everything and anything. Mythology here I come.

    by Katie on 12.26.2010
  19. Something I love beyond measure.

    Gods with flowing hair, demands, robes of silk and tongues of glass.

    Eyes of fire and eagles pecking out livers.

    Talk with tongues and keep them alive, abandon them and they’ll hate you from clouds high above.

    by Amy on 12.26.2010
  20. the science of myths, the knowledge of morals. myths were created to teach people what is wrong and what is right. people based morals in stories . stories that not only taught people but also explained the world. mythology is like the knowledge that tries to explain and teach us all.

  21. Ovid’s Metamorphoses is all I can think of?

    Um…. Icarus and Daedalus- making wings out of wax… I don’t know :(

    by Georgia on 12.26.2010
  22. i have no idea what this means thus i will not be able to describe it…i understand what mythology is actually but i just really don’t feel like explaining it. this is lame have a good day.

    by zam on 12.26.2010
  23. I love mythology. I grew up reading Dulaire’s Book of Greek Myths. Everything I read seems to be seeped in the mythologies of various cultures, and my knowledge of those myths gives me a deeper understanding than I would otherwise have had when I read them.

  24. The ancient world honed together all the logic and reason they could muster, but how can one describe something as immortal and powerful as the coming of the wind or the rising of the sun? Rightly they guessed that the answer to these things rose from beyond their comprehension and called upon the stories which they could invent to explain their deficiency, and thus was born mythology.

    by E. R. Nadeau on 12.26.2010
  25. greek gods and fairytales .. fantasy and lies. love. lust. friendship. betrayal. monsters. saga.

    by Sarah on 12.26.2010
  26. The mythology behind the place had been briefly taught to him in grade school. But at that age he had been shut off from the world. Mentally. He retained little excess information from that time. So as he looked about him he only felt brief flashes of recognition that he struggled to retain.

    by Amanda on 12.26.2010
  27. It’s about greeks. I’ve always wanted toknow mmore about venus. I think plato had a role in greek mythology. Plato was a philosipher, jessica knows more on this subject than me. Rachel too. I haven’t gotten that far in school or history yet.

    by erica on 12.26.2010
  28. y

    by han on 12.26.2010
  29. things that aren’t true the idea that people want to put together a belief system on things that they already know arent true but its fun because everybody is mixed up with sexual encounters and bastard children.

    by jordan on 12.26.2010
  30. the world is as it is because of the imagination of the human species. We want to make sense of our experience and so we create fantasies, dreams, realms of unlimited possibility. This is natural and fantastic, and the basis for mythology.

    by Bewilderness on 12.26.2010
  31. I took a class on Roman myth, on Greek myth and I wanted to know what it would be like to be a myth. To be so outstanding, so strange that people would open books one day and read about me, and say that science proved that I was impossible.
    Like Icarus.
    Like Daedalus.
    I wanted to be that kind of human being, one who made wings with which to fly and leave all human cares behind, one who had the hubris to go up against the gods that human kind invented and tell them to suck it.
    That I was going my own way.
    That I was going to be my own god.

  32. Mythology isnt a myth anymore, Medusa has turned into Pegasus, in my own head. I bang it against the padded wall. I wish i would turn to stone.

  33. Mythology is an interesting topic that has always fascinated me. Even since I was a little girl. The endless supply of tales about heroes, monsters, demons, gods, and magic settled into me, fueling my writing adventures for years. While I don’t write as much as I used to, or at all really, the core principles, lessons, and stories in mythology are the best fuel for a well-balanced, interesting tale.

    by Catherine on 12.26.2010
  34. Mythology is a way for a religion, most often poloytheistic, to explain their existence upon the Earth. For instance, Greek Mythology has the Titans and the Olympians. Zeus is kind of rapist, an odd concept for your creator.

    by Brier on 12.26.2010
  35. Greek mythology I can say fairly confidently is what got me interested in fiction. I found the plots, the twists and the characters absolutely engrossing and it spurned me on to read more. This was when I was in 3rd grade. I still have an appreciation for Greek mythology but more specifically for the constant examples of how fighting ones fate, trying to avoid ones fate is more likely to seal it than save you.

    by RobRob on 12.26.2010
  36. I used to be into mythology when I was growing up. I would study about it all the time. As I got older I lost interest in it slightly, not because it wasn’t interesting, but because my interests shifted. Now I prefer God Of War as my dose of mythology, you know, murdering Zeus and all.

  37. There are so many things that people consider true that, in their very essence, are mythological. Gods who send out human forms to bless the earth and have magnificent adventures. Love so true that it transcends time and space.

  38. Myth’s are pretty sweet. Without them we would have nothing to believe in, which would probably eventually just lead to the destruction of the human race due to sheer boredom. I like mythology, escpecially egyptain, those stories are just awesome.

    by Alexis on 12.26.2010
  39. There once was a little boy who believed in myths. He heard one about a man in the bathroom that believe little monsters came and sucked up all his poop the instant you flushed. He was terrified of this poop monster. So, he would never actually go in the toilet. He would take his little magazine into the bathroom to “read” it, but then he would go on the pages.

    by Caitlin on 12.26.2010
  40. There once was a little boy who believed in myths. He heard one about a man in the bathroom that believe little monsters came and sucked up all his poop the instant you flushed. He was terrified of this poop monster.

    by Caitlin on 12.26.2010