
October 19th, 2009 | 568 Entries

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568 Entries for “modern”

  1. Modern life is all about the past these days. Vintage is better than new, antique is hip, throwbacks are the hotness. What will we recycle?

    by on 10.20.2009
  2. modern day society sucks. buildings that are modern arent beautiful. they are full of offices and stressed out people who dont take the time in life to actually live. Its pretty ridiculous. modern times are focused on consuming and want, not need. people have too much stuff. modern society is going down hill.

    by Ali on 10.20.2009
  3. the only word in my mind now it is loves and be loved that is the sacra t of the happiness life

    by beecansee25 on 10.20.2009
  4. Today we are living in a modern world. It is a world that is fast paced, filled with trends that come and go. Something that is classified as modern today could be yesterday’s news only minutes form when you heard of it.

    by on 10.20.2009
  5. everything in the world today is modern, from cars to computers to fashion, all things we look at are modern, but wha is modern, i beilieve it is something new that no one has done befroe, it is what is in wiht the ties, socially and vertically caaccepted

    by jj on 10.20.2009
  6. Really? What does that mean? Modern is always put in situations or contexts of meaning “better” or finding the pinnacle of human existence, but is it really? I’d argue modernity is killing us.

    by on 10.20.2009
  7. the modern world. all the glitz and glamour. shiny new toasters, diamond encrusted phones and laptops that can fit in your pocket. this world has become so modernized and yet we have travelled 50 years in the past. our social skills and personable traits have dissolved in the abyss of iphones, laptops, and high definiton television. the question is what will you do with your iLife?

    by Naama on 10.20.2009
  8. modern isn’t always the best thing but who wants to be stuck in the past? some people think we have everything better but sometimes i wish i lived like a caveman, not having to worry about bills and work and essays and instead catching my food and worrying about more important things like living my life how I want it

    by Josh on 10.20.2009
  9. what is modern life? life of technoogy and independence. complete removal from the family and emotional self. we must make progress and forgett what is not useful. we forget too much to be modern. we cometimes have to go back and do the simpler things that we consdier stupid.

    by Sam Nuzbrokh on 10.20.2009
  10. why im just a blink in i dont know whom eye? i want to live forever!

    by on 10.20.2009
  11. In today’s modern age, the quaintness of a lost age is missing. Everyone seems so rushed and lost all the time. It’s like life has become one giant rollercoaster.

    by Lexi on 10.20.2009
  12. Modern sky scrapers towered over the land. It was a feat of technology. People are still in awe.

    by Lady Psychic on 10.20.2009
  13. a fast new world excitement, yes joy, not really but very busy times, indeed.

    by on 10.20.2009
  14. new,special,computerised stuff woooooooowwwwwwww its extra special stuff tvs computers and attractions.

    by sam on 10.20.2009
  15. She didn’t know what it was. It seemed modern, but it was in the ruins of a civilization that had been hidden for thousands of years. Had others found this place before? Did this unknown but seemingly primitive civilization have access to advanced technology?

    by on 10.20.2009
  16. She didn’t know what it was. It seemed modern, but it was in the ruins of a civilization that had been hidden for thousands of years. Had others found this place before? Did this unknown but seemingly primitive civilization have access to advanced technology?

    by on 10.20.2009
  17. The modern world is beautiful, she thought to herself as she looked around the city. The glasses glowed, blue tinted and iridescent, and the aluminum cans in the street glittered under the florescent street lights.

    by Ruthie on 10.20.2009
  18. In this modern world, things are moving fast. We have technology, we have excitement, but do we have joy? Have modern conveniences given us options, but taken away the happiness of KNOWING what you’re doing is all you can do?

    by Kelly on 10.20.2009
  19. I the very model of a modern major general a ….
    We must embrace notions of modern living or we die. We must continue to adapt as a nation as a state as a county as a town as individuals if we want to hold onto a treasured past. Believe in modern thinking!

    by skip on 10.20.2009
  20. Modern art swirling around my brain as I walk through the MOMA. Pop art. What does that even mean, I wonder, and imagine the precursor to MTV and the Paris Hilton phenonmenon. Warhol would’ve dug Paris, I bet.

    by Seriously? on 10.20.2009
  21. new.hip.innovative. that’s how the times are now. out with the old and in with the new. time

    by mechpilot on 10.20.2009
  22. I always thought that modern homes areazing. They never let me down. The structure of each house makes me stand in awe and wondern about each artist and what they were thinking about when they designed it.

    by Jackie Rowlison on 10.20.2009
  23. This word is very applicable to myself, being a graphic designer- modernism is a very common style to use in design nowadays.

    by JK on 10.20.2009
  24. increasing ever into the future. ticka ticka ticka at the keyboard, i remembered his fingertips moved like a blur. hacker. that’s what they called him. magic fingers, blackhat invitational. the computer whirred its subservience to the king of the keys.

    by ash taylor. on 10.20.2009
  25. today the modern world is summed up in two simple words This blows. Everything all around us sucks.

    by on 10.20.2009
  26. joy

    by on 10.20.2009
  27. So what exactly is modern? Is it brand new? Futuristic? I think of Chaplin’s Modern Times made so long ago and wonder if anything can ever stay modern. Won’t it always be usurped by something newer and more “modern”?

    by Andie on 10.20.2009
  28. up to date, technology, keeping up with the Jones, in the future

    by Nancy Murphy on 10.20.2009
  29. The modern contemporary approach to style is a way that several young people have adopted. One of the ways we are influenced has to do with the media and the influence it has on us. We are living in a world full of modern styles such as punk rock, mod,

    by Giselle on 10.20.2009
  30. current, up to date,
    the current way of life

    by kim k on 10.20.2009
  31. Modern makes me think of the new show, The Modern Family. It’s absolutely HI-larious. My favorite part of the premiere was when a little kid shot his sister with a b-b gun and as his punishment, his dad got to shoot him with the bb gun. There’s also this really old guy that is married to a really young woman and their son is a cute little chubby kid that is a hopeless romantic and is always professing his love to older girls.

    by Allison on 10.20.2009
  32. Modern art is my favorite genre of art. Traditional or classical forms of art of boring and lack the creativity and excitement of modern art. I love to visit the MOMA and go every chance I get.

    by k on 10.20.2009
  33. modern way of thinking…
    modern furniture… people like to decorate their houses in a modern way so that it looks new

    by cg on 10.20.2009
  34. current, up to date,
    the current way of life

    by kim k on 10.20.2009
  35. current, new, happening, what is popular now. Not classic or futuristic.

    by Elizabeth on 10.20.2009
  36. Modern times modern people i really cant think of what i want to write about modern because i trying to catch my breathe from running from the modern mode of transportation on this campus. Stupid bus. and I’m also thinking about how loud people are. I mean i a loud person too but sometimes i feel like people just need to think before they speak.. oh and yeah modern.

    by on 10.20.2009
  37. New York city, sheek, 21st century, lofts, flying, big cities, fast pace, spending lots of money, lots of

    by C on 10.20.2009
  38. What is modern, anyway? Isn’t it like the future, trying to get to it, but we can’t quite reach it? I like the present, however that is related to being modern.

    by jsh on 10.20.2009
  39. modern is equal to contemporary! In touch with what is current. Can be abstract and non-traditional. Modern dance’s relationship to classical ballet is an example of contrast.

    by B. Henderson on 10.20.2009
  40. the term “modern” could apply to so many things such as fashion trend, music, art. In my opinion it relates to whatever is happening in society right now.

    by on 10.20.2009