
August 19th, 2011 | 737 Entries

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737 Entries for “missed”

  1. Missed – what a word. Missed connections, missed flights, missed deadlines. But what is it about time in our culture that impresses such a momentous stature upon an ugly word like “missed?” Maybe if we stopped being so busy and started thinking, we’d be closer to this answer.

    by Brian on 08.20.2011
  2. I missed out on a lot and I wish I have done a lot more. I know I have time, but I still feel i should have done a lot more by now. Some day it won’t be missed but done.

    by Rose on 08.20.2011
  3. An opportunity missed is missed forever, always grasp the nettle and when an opportunity presents itself make sure that you hit the target, regret is permanent.

  4. He held the phone in one hand, the noose in the other.
    One last chance, he thought. Three last words.

    700 miles away, her eyes strained to see through the fog of sleep.
    “Unknown caller,” said the words on the screen. “Accept or ignore.”

    She buried her face in her pillow. The phone fell from her hand with the remains of his heart.

    “One missed call.”

    Somewhere, he fell too.

    by on 08.20.2011
  5. I missed you yesterday, and this morning, and right now I feel like I’ll miss you for the rest of my life. I’m sure i’m wrong but I still believe it. I also believe you are a creep. That”s the unfortunate part that makes not missing you easy. That’s the part that makes hurting not so bad.

    by Susan on 08.20.2011
  6. I really missed her. Like i had never missed anyone before. It’s a feeling you can’t really explain. Like a gaping hole in your heart. Or your gut or wherever. Like you lost something and can’t find it. It’s lost. That’s a better way to describe it. Lost

    by Nadia on 08.20.2011
  7. i missed the way you used to give me giant hugs and run your fingers across the small of my back… it gave me tingles.

    your smile always made me smile, i miss you.

    by brittany on 08.20.2011
  8. miss you, really, jack and sally, exam, the year, school, live, life, me, you living, heart, leaving, tears, heart, see you soon, class, boys and girls, needy

    by ale on 08.20.2011
  9. codwallop. i’ve already had this word. Missed. Ilya. missed out on a lot with him. Wish we had more time but sadly he left. Miss out on a lot. Wish i hadn’t. WIll I be missed ultimately? will he remember me?

    by Daenarys Targaryan on 08.20.2011
  10. I missed the bus. I was late and wet and also delighted by the time I arrived. I met an old friend on the NEXT bus and we had a terrific chat. I didn’t realize she was living in town and actually in my neighborhood!

    by maggie on 08.20.2011
  11. I missed the chance to have everything with you, not because of me. Because of you. Or maybe because I was too good, too loving, maybe I gave you everything you ever wanted but that scared you. Made you feel you reached your dream and have nothing else left to want.

    by gaby on 08.20.2011
  12. I missed the train today. My mother was not happy!!!
    She got really mad because then she had to get up and drive me into the city.
    It was not my fault though, the train must have left early!!! It is never my fault,
    never at all… Those adults though! They do not believe me ever, “It’s ALL your fault” they cry, “You were stuffing around!” But only if they could see it my way, then they would know.

    by Emily Woodward on 08.20.2011
  13. I missed a chance to speak to the one i love… to miss… to lose… to fail. I failed at love… Oh to miss a chance to be happy, means to embrace sadness. Too late, too sad, too alone.

    by Anna on 08.20.2011
  14. I have missed, and then missed some more. I like missing sometimes…..doesn’t beat you sitting on the couch next to me. For a while.

  15. I miss my mom, i really do. I think about her all the time, and it kills me that I don’t see her enough. I love her, and I miss her love sooooo much. She goes out of town a lot, so seeing her all the time makes it more difficult.

    by Kat on 08.20.2011
  16. I missed the plane to my London flight with all my friends for a 3 week trip, we walked around London for 5 hours with our 30-59 pounds luggages. Missed missed I dint know what to say………I miss the Europe trip but have the friends I’m tired. Is this over yet? I have to hang out and talk to my friends my new friends!!

    by Britt on 08.20.2011
  17. i miss my Sam when i don’t see him which is most of the time and I’m scared that when i get a job and go to uni that I’m never going to see him at all because I’ll be too busy working and studying and that it will put a strain on the relationship.

    by steph on 08.20.2011
  18. When I tried to catch a ball, I missed. I don’t think I knew it was coming. If I hadn’t missed the ball, perhaps my life would have been significantly better. Perhaps it would have been significantly worse.I don’t know, but chances are, it made no difference to me. That’s the thing. Trivial things don’t matter.

    by Elin on 08.20.2011
  19. I missed my bus today, I was late for work, or the work that I was supposed to get. Then I missed the phone call that I was waiting for from him. Who knew that you could be so disappointed from missing a phone call.

    by Amanda on 08.20.2011
  20. Missed, again? I just had this word. I told you, I’m damn sick of miss, missed, missing. Can we think about something else, anything else? Enough of this missing crap. Now really. I don’t need to think about missing, anymore.

    by Hannah on 08.19.2011
  21. Missed. Missing. Lost. Losing. Those are all the things I associate with you. All the things I wish I could get back from you. Time, love, tears, kisses, moans, hugs, belief.

    by olivia on 08.19.2011
  22. i already got this word. i don’t want to retype what i wrote. because it was personal. and i didnt have an account at the time. i kinda wish i had a copy though… for myself. but i missed that opportunity, now didn’t i? i’ll add it to the list.

  23. I missed him. I always missed him. It’s hard not to miss him, when he’s the best guy I think I’ve ever met. I worry about missing. Missing and worry are not two particularly pleasant emotions, yet they always seem to go hand in hand. Like beans and rice. Or peanut butter and jelly. Missing, longing, worrying, all of those lovely-but-not-really emotions. I’m sick of missing people. I really am.

    by Hannah on 08.19.2011
  24. When you miss a person who have not family relationship. This person can be a member in your future family

    by Long on 08.19.2011
  25. ive missed myself. nothings the same since what happened. i cant trust the people that trust me, and that makes me miss myself. nothing is really what it seems, its too simple to be what it is.

    by mikey on 08.19.2011
  26. will I be missed? he wondered as another train whized by, blowing his aair in his face. People missed trains, flights, buses everyday but do they all miss someone everyday? He would miss the sun, but maybe where he was going he didn’t need the sun at all. Maybe where he was going, all there was going to be was sun.

    by AmyAmy on 08.19.2011
  27. You are sorely missed. I’m sure you don’t think about me anymore but boy, I think about you. I wonder if one day we shall reunite, if so, I will rejoice. Even if we result in separation forever, you’ll always be my first love. And I wish there were a better name for it. But that’s just what I’m left with.

  28. I went to work today but I missed the rain. It was hot and dangerous. But mostly hot. Because there was no rain. Which is why I missed it. If only I could have ‘misted’ it. . .

    by Melody on 08.19.2011
  29. This word is rarely used by me, I rarely miss a bus, a train, anything. But i missed Bartek for a long time, I missed Uniejow and Chembery. No, I miss them stil. Though I must admit, it is somewhat uplifting that it can be used in the past tense.

    by Justyna on 08.19.2011
  30. I missed him so much. He was probably the only human I could ever be grateful for in life, apart from my parents. He was far away, accomplishing a very dangerous academic mission, and I was still here, listening to our old songs.

    by Luna on 08.19.2011
  31. I missed you skin when you were east. I miss you. Miss is a different tense of missed. You tried, and you missed. What will you do now? Misses is gone. Huh.

    by Adriana on 08.19.2011
  32. I missed the train today. It was raining and my umbrella broke. I could tell that today was not going to be my day.

    Since I missed the train I got to work late meaning I missed the staff meeting and got in trouble from my supervisor and missed the donut bribes as well.

    by Kali on 08.19.2011
  33. I missed the chance to ask her. She just walked on by me. I could have reached out my hand and tapped her on the shoulder.
    “Hey, would you dance with me?”
    No, I let her go. Away she walked, towards another guy. Another dance. Another night.

    by Lindsay on 08.19.2011
  34. I missed my chance. But I’m not sad about it. At all. In fact, I should thank him. He made me feel like I was worthy of going for something better. The few times I feel regret, I really shouldn’t. I should be thankful. He’s happy, I’m happy. I didn’t miss a thing. Hopefully.

    by RJ on 08.19.2011
  35. Fluidity missed her, the late child in bloom. Slender fingers stretch outward to grasp the fine china, but the one they belong to (the meek woman) merely tips the porcelain over and drawls a muttered “sorry.”

  36. When someone tells me they’ve missed me, it is truly the greatest feeling in the world.
    I like knowing that I’m loved.

  37. I missed you when I was away, and almost just as much when you’re five feet far from me. I missed you when we were nothing more than distant friends, and when that foolishness stopped, I still missed you whenever you went home without me.

  38. I missed you the second I left your house tonight. I hope you visit me at school… I liked where this was going. I dont want this part of summer to end. With you, I’m actually happy again and I feel safe…I don’t want to lose this. I don’t want to have to miss you for real this year.

    by Rachel on 08.19.2011
  39. you much. now. gone. car with family on interstate from plane to pillow. i am alone with memories of your musk and warmth. there is silence without you. open space. cold.

    by Jeff on 08.19.2011
  40. The divine sunset on the banks.
    Holding dreams in its image.
    Wonders. Worlds.
    It is whole, then halved, then none.
    Missed by a second.