
July 30th, 2010 | 306 Entries

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306 Entries for “miles”

  1. It’s a long journey on the path of life and it may feel like you are traveling for miles before you reach your goal, but it is the journey that is the joyful experience that makes all the miles worthwhile.

    by Niamh on 07.31.2010
  2. we sat near the entrance of the railway, Miles lowered his head to look through the elegant doors toward the people stepping off the train.
    It was a most beautiful building. A palace, encrusted with picture mosaics and arches.

    by caroline on 07.31.2010
  3. there were miles and miles to be explored.
    he would never have guess that all he ever wanted was right there all along.
    how could he have? she wasnt even alive to the world.
    miles and miles might be between them, but it will not stop them from each other.

    by Jackee on 07.31.2010
  4. there are so many miles and miles between us and all i want to do is see you and smell your cut-grass smell. and i have never heard of you before today, but i know that you are there and i know about the miles.

    by supertate on 07.31.2010
  5. We drove for miles beneath the hot noon day sun. The top was down and the wind was in our hair, but we were both sweating like pigs. Not because of the heat–no. It was because of our anxiety. We weren’t supposed to be here. We weren’t supposed to be headed where we were headed. We were sweating like pigs because of the very real notion that we were on the lam.

  6. miles are between us. miles and miles. miles always come in between us. walking to your house, takes 3 miles. walking to where you are right now this very second takes miles. it takes 6 almost 7 actually. miles is what keeps us apart and it kills me. if only you live 0 miles away from me. life would be good.

    by Gracee on 07.31.2010
  7. i like traving
    i ran like 8 miles once
    well more than once
    that was because of track
    i like xc
    speaking of cross country
    i want to visit russia or any other country
    miles is a dumb name for a kid
    i wonder how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop
    tootsie is an annoying bitch who never shuts up
    omg stfu
    chemistry was really interesting but it was hard so i ended up with a C
    ummm idk what else to write about uhh… i have summer school its really boring but there are soooo many cute ass fucking girls there!! :P

    by daniel on 07.31.2010
  8. miles away. we’re miles away the the distance between us in miles is farther and farther but the time? is that right? can i measure that? not in hours but in smiles and laughs and holding hands and i don’t even know what i’m saying anymore but this is what you do to me. we’re miles apart but really you’re right here.

    by Stephanie on 07.31.2010
  9. The car headed out west, under the sun that seemed farther away than I thought it should. The yellows and oranges burned across the flatness.

    by PJ on 07.31.2010
  10. when we went to the USA we traveled around 3700 miles in a month … and in the UK, 1700 miles in 2 weeks … crazy right? now I’m outta words to write about miles … miles … hey miles is a music band in my country! good songs good songs. there, time’s up!

    by adnan on 07.31.2010
  11. I had already walked what felt like thousands of miles but the tiny dark smudge in the distance didn’t seem to be getting any closer. I rolled my shoulders to try and ease the tension, jumped up so the weight of my backpack disappeared if only for a moment and walked on.

  12. I would walk 500 of them to get to my love. Miles is also the name of sonic the hedgehogs sidekick. Miles are inferior to KM in most parts of the world, but in America we use them to measure distance and metaphorical space as well. yes!

    by Sikander on 07.31.2010
  13. even though you are miles away, the feeling is still as strong. nothing could ever break this feeling i have for you. nothing. no amount of time or space. it will be there forever.

  14. people go places not thinking about miles, just the journey and experience of it is all that matter. the truth about it is that you enjoy the journey without thinking how much you spend travelling.

    by rom on 07.31.2010
  15. We run miles each day. Let it be emotionally or physically. We are running the homestretch, just one more moment, one more day… We are strong, independent runners.

    by Jackie on 07.31.2010
  16. miles like the song 500 miles, from a movie bennie and june. love it, really cute, like pirates of the carrabien too. PIRATES =] miles m i l e s. also a name, i knew a guy names miles long. haha, super funny, but true. =] this thing gave me 2x the time that i needed, weird. i am getting tired, ite like 1 am…. uhhh…. BYE i guess.Ray

    by Ray on 07.31.2010
  17. i walked for miles and miles and wound up no where. you were supposed to be there waiting for me and you never showed. its your turn to walk those miles to get to me. if you want me, find me. if not, leave me be.

    by brianna on 07.31.2010
  18. miles. the distance that seperates us, just a stupid word. a stupid word that in no way expresses how i feel, how much i miss you. you’re in danger, and no stupid word can express how scared i am for you. be safe, please. for me.

    by Allison on 07.31.2010
  19. I have traveled may miles, not in physical distance- but in empathy. The way that you feel for other people. What makes you human.

    by K on 07.31.2010
  20. I ran for as long as I could. The miles seemed to fly by. There was nothing that could stop me – nothing that would. All I could hope for was that this was for something. Maybe at the end there would be something. Just hope for the miles.

    by Jack on 07.31.2010
  21. i feel like life is pointless when i am not with you. i know it’s cliche and i know some people would think i’m just obsessed or i just think that at the moment, but i have completely thought out explanations of why its all pointless while i’m miles or maybe no miles away from you. but once i see you i know i’ll be alright. i know it doesn’t matter if there’s a point. i’m with you. you know everything under and over and prepositions that don’t exist. the meaning is love. i love you. you are love. we are love when we are together. we mean all to the world even if it will never mean anything to us. i could spend my lifetime making love to you, making meaning to you. making sense of you. i could spend my life doing nothing with you but being. do you know what it is like to be lovers? she did not. but she felt it in her marrow that it was bigger than her or anyone she had ever known.

  22. miles of smiles
    this is not the american way.
    uncrossed bridges
    the burn too intense
    neighbors aren’t neighbors

  23. tape measures five thousand some feet spanning across asphalt and shell and dust and farms and suburbia. what difference does the unit of measurement make? relativity is bullshit.

  24. The sun dipped below the skyline, casting its dying rays in the cooling air. Wheat stood tall before me, an amber sea seeming to stretch on for miles. Gently pawing at the stalks, a breeze moved lazily through the field, forming dizzying, hypnotizing patterns amongst the grain.

  25. the miles from my house to my job are never ever enough to get my mind off of the worries of life. if miles were seconds how many would i have been accountable for? if you where you a mile, where would have your birth taken place?

    by Andrew Valles on 07.30.2010
  26. miles…. like the guy from Fraser??

    ..we traveled miles to get there, and the food was nasty… i think i could write for miles about nothing.

    by Alexander on 07.30.2010
  27. I walk for miles and miles… the distance never shortening. What difference does it make, the shuffle, shuffle, shuffle of my feet across the dull lineloleum floor? What future am I so dilligently heading towards?

    by Savannah on 07.30.2010
  28. they couldn’t go fast enough
    feet caught on the jagged rock
    latched into the anchor of a blister
    and flowed into the valleys of my footprints
    filling in all the cracks
    no more swirls of identification
    self became petrified like old forests
    bit by bit particles replaced one another
    turning life-flesh to stone
    leaving miles untouched.

    by meth. on 07.30.2010
  29. i like to drive miles and miles in my car. the road beneath my wheels feels like freedom. from the indoors. freedom to do whatever i want, see whatever i want, be where i want to be. i like to see the outdoors and go fast like a race car driver.

    by Christy Stinson on 07.30.2010
  30. its many hundred miles but it wont be long
    leslie feist has the voice of a bird
    fly away, fly away
    i travelled but my feet got caught on a rock
    latched on to the skin
    an anchor of a blister
    that would not let me go

    by meth. on 07.30.2010
  31. many the miles i have traveled in my lifetime and many more i look forward to traveling the miles i have met have been both happy and sad and many lessons i have learned from many miles…

  32. Miles away from here is where I want to be, miles away, where you are. Hold me safe in your arms, look at me with your blue eyes, love me with this pure and simple love that we have together. You’re miles away, miles, but I feel it every second my heart beats: our love, the love we have built with our words and our time and our feelings.

    by Korrinne on 07.30.2010
  33. miles can be used as marking points for some people. some people use them as starting points. dreams can go on for miles and miles. some people choose to run miles, some decide to walk. some people hold high expectaions for their miles.

    by deidre on 07.30.2010
  34. If i could walk 5000 miles i would to be with you. I find myself falling for you. I miss you, and we haven’t even met. You’re cute, pretty and the best.

    by P on 07.30.2010
  35. miles to go before we sleep….song by celine deon. also, 2700 miles..that is the distance between my girlfriend and I for the next year! damn it is gonna suck. 5280 feet in a mile. aaaaaaaaaand time is just about up I think. ahahaha I refreshed the page to fill out my name and e-mail and it gave me another minute to write about the word miles. it’s also a really cute name for a cat. and it happens to be the same name for the jazz guy miles davis. I have a few of his songs. it’s weird how many things are equated with the word “miles”.

    by nicki on 07.30.2010
  36. “It’s like being sixty miles into a 100-mile trip and being pissed at yourself for not having gotten there yet,” Marianna said wisely as she pulled around in front of a minivan full of kids, moms, and soccer balls. “Whatev, Mom. All I want to know is when I’m going to be able to drive myself,” Jason replied tartly.

    by Izolda on 07.30.2010
  37. miles a

    by deidre on 07.30.2010
  38. miles and miles. I can drive for miles and miles if I’m next to my myrita. Road Trip!!!!

    by laddddybuggg on 07.30.2010
  39. The miles that separate us are like a scar, drilled into my wrists on a night when those miles seemed like light years. I just need you to be here, right now. I need to hold you and to know you’re real and that you love me as much as I love you. I need your heart and to know that these miles won’t ever separate us.

    by Lanni on 07.30.2010
  40. I wonder if miles are the only thing standing between us.
    Not just the different trees, the changing landscape, the different culture, climate. But something else, unseen. What else is in the way?
    I know you push yourself away but I have to wonder if the distance is not the only reason you’re not in this.