
September 21st, 2009 | 552 Entries

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552 Entries for “mercury”

  1. the planet mercury is a planet where dreams come true. all my dreams live there. they talk to each other and tell each other stories of my mind. sometimes they’ll invite me here. but really id like to go. but i cant. im not much of a fan of reality. But my body is brick. so I stay.

    by Alexa Maple on 09.21.2009
  2. mercury is a planet, the smallest and closest to the sun.Its also a metal that can be found in thermometers and with a symbol Hg. It does not have a shape and can take any shape. Its also associated with volatility as in mercuric moods

    by ssamuel on 09.21.2009
  3. mercury is the element found in thermometers. it is the quick planet. it is the phoenix women’s basketball team. it is fiery. it is intense. it is versatile. it is hard to describe and capture

    by aly on 09.21.2009
  4. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. It is also an element called quick silver. It is grey and in lkiquid state. It is used in thermometers too. It also is the greek god with wings!

    by Aravind on 09.21.2009
  5. mercury rising,
    the thermometer lies a little bit,
    the sun heats up to 45,
    i know in the shade it’s ten degrees colder. nearly freezing.
    the little lies
    are what count.
    you take the white ones
    like snowflakes,
    every one a bit different.

    by Jeremy on 09.21.2009
  6. Mercury is a planet. And I think it’s a kind of metal too. Something like an element or what’s inside thermometers. But I like the planet better. It’s blue. I think. Maybe I’m thinking of Uranus. …Heh… I made a funny…

    by Kitty on 09.21.2009
  7. Mercury is a planet, but also an element.
    Its metal comes in liquid form and is often used in thermometers. Mercury is the 1st planet from the sun.

    by Nathaniel Lane on 09.21.2009
  8. bueno pues nada que escribir mas que lo que me indica el hecho de estar haciendolo sobre un tiempo limite lo cual me hace acelerar mis pensamientos y no dejarme llevar por incoherencias, que en realidad es lo unico que estan tecleando mis dedos o tal vez no

    by Jose on 09.21.2009
  9. its a car. its a god its silver stuff in a thermometer. poison. people ingest poison. too much of anything is poison. terminator II, looks like mercury. who is mercury? greek myths are pretty sick.

    by Jared on 09.21.2009
  10. slippery and toxic, forms the silver basin to a quicksilver memory
    it slids through my hands, cancer, death, sweet and sticky
    want to break the thermometer, but told no; don’t bite it too hard or you’ll be sorry
    how little is silver in this world, but in this rotting reminder of health, it remains pure

    by egh on 09.21.2009
  11. is the first planet from sun.

    by galaxygurl on 09.21.2009
  12. The town was like Mercury, so unforgivably hot and humid, and the air was practically unbreathable. Somehow the tourists still seemed to like the place. It did have great beaches.

    by Nora on 09.21.2009
  13. is in thermometers and is also capable of poisoning a human or an animal and is also a planet in the milky way galaxy. It’s the first from the sun I believe.

    by ben on 09.21.2009
  14. mercury is a fluid that is inside a thermometer that either drops or rises due to a temperature change in either a body, water, or thing. Mercury is dangerous and can be deadly if swallowed.

    by Michael Trasso on 09.21.2009
  15. is a planet in the solar system. It is relatively small in size. It is apart of our solar system. Its on the periodic table, it is also an element. It is contained in thermonators.

    by Brit on 09.21.2009
  16. poisoning, thermometer, planet, red, tuna, sailor moon, Hg, frozen,

    by megan on 09.21.2009
  17. It seemed like it was impossible. Every since I’ve know about the planet mercury, I’ve accepted it as truth that it was unlivable. It couldn’t support any life form, let alone human inhabitants. Yet there I was. I woke up. And there I was. Standing on the face of mercury.

    by Melinda on 09.21.2009
  18. is a planet but also a element that is poisonous and in thermometers, if you touch it you could get mercury poisoning and die. They replaced most mercury thermometers with water ones so that wouldnt happen, but it’s in lightbulbs now. fuck.

    by Kevin on 09.21.2009
  19. mercury like the thermometer rising is the rising and falling that goes on inside of me. I dream to rise and dread the fall. how much is too much in salmon? is there mercury in my nails cause I bite them a lot? is there mercury in a kiss? cause i want a lot of those. and if there’s only mercury in space I want to go there and get the hell off this planet.

    by on 09.21.2009
  20. a planet so far away. the contaminant of the universe perhaps. i think that’s why i am so strange. the levels rise and rise and never give a break. fill the oceans. fill the children. no one is safe from the wrath. the mythical gods of flame and rage attack.

    by Silly Sally on 09.21.2009
  21. Small
    WTF do you think you are?! Acting like a goddamn roman god when really you are simply a lump of rock uncommonly close to the sun!

    by Ben Losinski on 09.21.2009
  22. A planet. Also a mineral. Or is it an ore? What in god’s name is that….well whatever. Mercury was also a god or something too, I think. The planet mercury is ridiculously hot from what I remember. Mercury is also a car company….they dont make very good cars.

    by Hilton on 09.21.2009
  23. mercury will come out of the thermometer that you break in science lab in tenth grade and it will be silver and run through your hands like magic or jello. my bracelet was silver too, it was a hannukkah present the year my grandpa died.

    by claire on 09.21.2009
  24. i got my hands on my balls but don’t call me ball hands. can anyone tell me wtf the point of this is? Go back to respond again.

    by weinershnitzel on 09.21.2009
  25. its a planet used in thermometors first planet to the sun closest to the sun second smallest planet starts with an m ends in a y fdsfklsdfksdkflkfsdflkmsfkmdfkdsfnsdf,sd,f

    by f on 09.21.2009
  26. a silvery substance that is the only element known to man as a “liquid” metal at room temperataure. It is so dense that a human can lay on top without sinking. It is very poisonous. It is also the name of a planet in our solar system.

    by Alex on 09.21.2009
  27. The mercury slips between my fingers, falling in convoluted shapes onto the palm of my other hand. It dances across my skin, forming strings and beads of silver stuff, not quite liquid and yet not solid, the stuff of dreams. My eyes are glued to it’s agile and formless form, wondering how on earth it does that.

    by Zozo on 09.21.2009
  28. mercury abounds, spins around
    mercury drank, finds you blank
    gravity swells, and what it tells
    red, red mercury spikes my wine
    and it’s mine

    by shayne on 09.21.2009
  29. Red hot like a cinnamon candy. Ink or blood.

    Silver liquid metal, sleek, slippery, poison.

    by LQJ on 09.21.2009
  30. the heat rises and i watch the mercury in the thermometer reach the top. it means we’re melting slowing. sticking to the asphalt and puddling on the ground.

    by leah on 09.21.2009
  31. The first planet from the sun. Something about how hot and red this planet is makes it attractive. It’s an under rated planet for sure.

    by Will on 09.21.2009
  32. The first planet from the sun. Something about how hot and red this planet is makes it attractive. It’s an under rated planet for sure.

    by William Lesser on 09.21.2009
  33. “I don’t know which planet that it,” I admitted as we lay side by side on the hard dirt outside my house.

    “It’s definitely not mercury,” he said and ruffled my hair, laughing at the same time.

    by kristi on 09.21.2009
  34. The mercury in the thermometer shone and glistened in the early winter light. I shivered and glanced around me at the sparkling snow on the ground. My boots were wet, and my jacket soaked through, thanks to my husband pushing me into the freezing lake near our house.

    by Rhane Yarbrough on 09.21.2009
  35. Well shit, people say its toxic but how bad could it really be? It was a name of a God and also sounds cool! I’m not sure why it got such a bad rap over the years….

    So it kills a few people here and there. I’m sorry to hear about your incident Jeremy Piven, but seriously now, mercury ain’t so bad.

    by Shred Astaire on 09.21.2009
  36. Mercury is the first planet from the sun. It has no moons and no atmosphere. It is one of the oldest surfaces in the solar system. Mercury has no magnetic field which means it has no interner geodynamo.

    by on 09.21.2009
  37. Blood rushes to the skin, like mercury rising. Her eyes flash quicksilver. She is hot to the touch beneath her pale moon facade.

    by Katie on 09.21.2009
  38. Mercury Boltblaster..
    The second greatest wizard of all.
    The first one of course is Harry Potter
    Don’t you just love magic?!
    I know i do
    And the possibilities that exist with that!

    by Sowmiya on 09.21.2009
  39. it’s why we couldn’t eat the fish. me and dave. in maine. it was the only thing we really did. and talked to laura and bryanna? forgot how exactly it was spelled. i found out i was cute that weekend. i also apparently was advanced upon sexually by what’s his names social worker become step dad.

    by mr grey on 09.21.2009
  40. Closest to the sun. Fastest of the gods. Slickest of all metal. The heat, the speed, the run.

    by the fuzz on 09.21.2009