
June 22nd, 2008 | 194 Entries

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194 Entries for “masterpiece”

  1. the best thing that ws ever written, or maybe it was somthing that was beyond perfect. The ultimate thing. The best it’s ever been. the master of the piece, the piece that is best, the masterpeice.

    by jasmine on 06.22.2008
  2. “Masterpiece” he called it A double-edged sword- both blessing and curse. Will I ever be able to outdo it? Have I reached the pinnacle of my career? Is this all I have left to give? Will my masterpiece be the death of me?

    by Brittany on 06.22.2008
  3. he was a live masterpiece, a true work of art; chiseled chin and amazingly, defined cheekbones; a smile that could light up a dark room; eyes that always spoke, so full of life; the perfect voice that could melt you into butter; skin that had a year-round tan

    by Jen M on 06.22.2008
  4. What comes out of my ass in the woods, after almost dying in lake gibson. Yes I shit lovely works, only to be matched by the great artists of which I can not spell the names of, or much else no less. Oh my ass has a Lovely smell.

    by Adam Wickens on 06.22.2008
  5. i cant wait to create my first masterpiece. last night i talked to a lot of people about throwing a killer block party this summer–what really has me excited is the thought of 500 of my closest buds, listening to bands, drinking, and having an awesome waterballoon fight in the middle of a hot august day in tennessee

    WAHOOO! i think it’ll be a masterpiece.

    by AT on 06.22.2008
  6. The most beautful. striking the thirteenth hour.
    The suns rays echoed, the might of the wind and the brute of the sea.
    The thing that once lost is invaluble, sought after, and once found nothing but sand.
    This moment is far greater than some sloppy sculpture.
    This day than that “masterpiece”

    by ele on 06.22.2008
  7. This is probably never going to be a masterpiece, and I don’t htink i’ll ever produce a masterpiece.Bt who decides what a masterpiece is, a critic, the general public; or me. Can I decide that what i’ve created is a masterpiece.

    by doug on 06.22.2008
  8. My life is a masterpiece. Everything I do is worthy for others to take note of and copy. I set the standard that all others try to look up to. I have no one to look up to, so I have to do the best just for me. I like to do cartwheels, and I do them better than anyone else.

    by Audiaa on 06.22.2008
  9. I need to do a masterpiece, but my inspiration is lost. How do you do it? How can you be so perfect, and all I do is try and try and nothing will happen. I will never create my masterpiece.

    by Lotte on 06.22.2008
  10. i will make a masterpiece of my life. i can’t handle being the housekeeper, mother, slave. i need something. i need to not stand lying down at my sofa watching tv. i need some purpose. i can’t find it. i’m depressed.

    by me on 06.22.2008
  11. I’ve always wanted to create a masterpiece that people would enjoy. Weather it was with paint and pencils or clay or food. More than anything else, a culinary masterpiece is what I would like to accomplish. Masterpiece.

    by Nicole on 06.22.2008
  12. Art . Amazing masterpieces , from all over the world . What people see ; What they do . All masterpieces . Of the mind , of the soul . A masterpiece .

    by Kayla on 06.22.2008
  13. chef d’oeuvre
    da vinci
    the best
    one of a kind
    literary giants

    by JJ on 06.22.2008
  14. Dylan sang about it, but did he ever paint it? I saw the huge “Gross Anatomy” at the PAFA. It looks way better from far away. But what constitutes a masterpiece? Have we cheapened the word?

    by Vic Nebulous on 06.22.2008
  15. a work of art that is considered one of the greatest achivementss in the history of man to know that the world has been walked on by some sort of master to have the creativity to come up eith such a amazing abilitites to continue to impress us all with the art of the world that no one can stand up against. it is this world that the gr

    by collie on 06.22.2008
  16. Everyone is a masterpiece in itself. With the beauiful differences withing every unique mind, we are masterful geniouses of the universe. Whether they may seem true to one or not the othe. We are all masterpieces.

    by MMM on 06.22.2008
  17. Whenever he thought about his masterpiece, it made him wonder of why he kept everything inside. He hung it on his wall and looked at it daily. He never showed a single soul.

    by Jill Wick on 06.22.2008
  18. thats what she was. Simple. Pure. A masterpiece of this world. Produced by someone of whom she had no idea. Tempting though as it was to find out, she never did. No lingering desire filled her mind or crowded it with worries. She was alive. She was there. Thats what mattered most.

    by Scarlett on 06.22.2008
  19. The masterpiece of her life was the fact that she’d kept him safe all this time. For nearly a hundred years, they’d been together, the two of them, an angel guarding a demon, and it WORKED. She was fiercely protective of him now, and loyal, a stark contrast to when she’d hated him as a young angel.

    And now he was dead, and she didn’t have anything else to live for.

    by Bee Davis on 06.22.2008
  20. When I paint my masterpiece, a Bob Dylan song, about travel in Europe. It’s a classic. He mentions Coca-Cola, as if that’s the only thing an American might want in the land of the Louvre and the British Museum.

    by kath on 06.22.2008
  21. Beethoven is a composer of great respect and written many masterpieces in his time. While his later work was slowed down for a while, he finally left with a bang, the 9th Symphony with the theme of Ode to Joy, piece known around the world. He accomplished many other great masterpieces despite the conflict he had thrown his direction and his loss of hearing.

    by Clare on 06.22.2008
  22. a master peice is something by some italian genius. the sistine chapel the statue of david. A masterpeice is the beuty of a child. a masterpeice is magic. awe inspiring. amazing. Italy ha

    by why on 06.22.2008
  23. agalloch – the mantle. liu painting. the fountain. forrest gump.

    by scott on 06.22.2008
  24. There was once a mad man who lived in our house,
    he was always mumbling about and looking around,
    staring blankly at the walls that held him inside,
    he wandered down hallways alone in his mind.
    Where we looked upon the white walls and saw nothing but bear…
    he was looking and saw his own masterpiece there.

    by Red Rosaleigh on 06.22.2008
  25. masterpiece is something that make some artesit happy to accomblish i don’t know if that works here coz i have no idea what i’m writeing

    by Abdull on 06.22.2008
  26. i am a masterpiece of God, and I wonder, how it is that I struggle so much, and well, I would like to find other masterpieces as well…we are all part of HIS kingdom, aren’t we?

    by Lorna on 06.22.2008
  27. Her masterpiece was a painting. When she was in Marseille for one summer, she had passed this boy everyday as she walked along the coast, looking through the fish stands, gagging slightly at the smell, the stench of those rotting, the briney sea pushing through her foggy mind.

    by Mary on 06.22.2008
  28. art. most formally accepted art pieces are found to one day become a materpiece… a phrase that holds millions of subjective answers to what it means but very few rock solid definitions.

    by sam on 06.22.2008
  29. I am writing my masterpeice. I cannot find the words sometimes. I think that maybe it won’t be good enough or that people won’t think it is important. So far, everyone has given good feedback. But perhaps they are just trying to be nice. Who knows. Maybe one day i will gather the guts to finish it.

    by Sarah on 06.22.2008
  30. a work of art that capture the mind and body in a state that slows the world and causes pause to reflect on the beauty of the world and the masterpiece itself in order form a more perfect picture of all that the worl has to offer.

    by anon on 06.22.2008
  31. A master peice is defined and decided by the artisit. if sime in epoints to a peice of trash, not ment to be art by the so called artist, then it is not a master peice no more than it is bruding and deep.

    by Arielle on 06.22.2008
  32. Hieronymous Bosch’s “The Garden of Earthly Delights” (aka “The Millennium Triptych”) may very well be the greatest masterpiece in the history of art. Not only does it feature the world’s first known landscape painting (the closed outer panels) but the allegorical symbols covering the inner panels might contain the greatest secrets of the universe. Look at it.

    by Adam Star on 06.22.2008
  33. a masterpiece is lik.. amazin n stuff – it really is just the master of all pieces of stuff, and when you can master a piece like a masterpiece – you could consider yourself a.. fuck it, nevermind…

    by sean on 06.22.2008
  34. i plan to complete a masterpiece by the end of this month. i have yet to decide on the medium and the tools i will use, but i plan to do it. in some shape or form. i think i will begin :)

    by bernia on 06.22.2008
  35. capolavoro? in che senso ? non so bene cosa scrivere…come si usa sto gioco? mah!!!
    Sono italiana comunque; sono qui solo perch

    by valeria on 06.22.2008
  36. I thought at one time I might have been brilliant. All that had been shot to absolute shit once I met Jean. She wasn’t your ordinary woman. Her curves were less, and her arms a bit hairy. But she was built right in all the best places. I thought her perfect, a true sign of God’s brilliance.

    by paisley on 06.22.2008
  37. i wish every piece of hack writing i ever penned was a masterpice so that i could alleviate life’s meaningless struggle once and for all, post which any rubbish that i wrote would be reviewed as having shades of genius…

    by pranob gupta on 06.22.2008
  38. all i can think of is HALO :O

    by yippity on 06.22.2008
  39. I hadn’t yet devided whether the painting I bought at a flea market was trash or masterpiece, mainly because I wasn’t sure whether its real owner wouldn’t track me down and kill me!

    by Charles Morgan on 06.22.2008
  40. the best thing u wil ever see in your life.. peice of art usually done by motazrti m thinking motzart i mthinking goya velazquez the empire state building nad hte sun shinging the best nicest ever your eyes will always be aaming by this its in referece to soemthing beautiful and pretty and eappealing sits usccess its perfect its simply perefectiong it makes u smile and make u think of nothign but perfection and bliss. its goya its me ahahha its totally me i can make some masterpieces in my day i cant i cant

    by kim on 06.22.2008