
December 27th, 2010 | 376 Entries

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376 Entries for “lucky”

  1. I used to think I was lucky, but then I lost it all and I realized how tenable life really is. It’s not fate, it’s not luck, it’s just life. You never know when you might fall. When you lose it all, you find that the more you have to lose, the harder it is to lose it. And that’s not very lucky.

  2. I don’t consider myself to be lucky but I do consider myself to be BLESSED! In fact, I don’t even believe in luck. I believe there is a wonderful benevolent Father, Son and Holy Spirit in Heaven who bless me in my walk, even when I don’t feel quite so “lucky”. When my world is shaking, Heaven stands.

    by stephanie on 12.28.2010
  3. i am so lucky to be alive. luck of the irish, i found a four leaf clover once. then it was crushed in my bag, but regardless, i found it. and for the 24 hours that i had it i hope it did some good. as much as i complain, i am one of the luckiest girls in the world. im lucky i found him, before that happened. i love him, my baby brother.

    by Eve on 12.28.2010
  4. It doesn’t exist. Work for it. Usually a dog’s name. Probably a Golden Retriever. He likes to play fetch. Also, the lottery is lame. Don’t waste your money. Only poor people play lotto. Good “luck.”

    by V on 12.28.2010
  5. Lady, baby, you have no luck; we knew that the day you swallowed your toothbrush whole.

  6. i’mkind of fascinated by this word. lucky? i mean, first, i think of the Britney Spear’s song…i think it was on her second album. But then I think…”wow, I’m lucky.” Not to think I’m the queen – far from it. but i have a loving family and wonder friends. i’m. lucky.

    by Melissa on 12.28.2010
  7. CRAP!!!! I’m not lucky! I thought that I’d get a differet word once it truned mid-night. It looks like I was wrong. Well, I can try and try and try again. Hopfully I’ll get lucky next time.

  8. she rolled over in bed grinning. She had finally gotten the deed done and even though she knew she wouldn’t remmeber it in the morning, for now she was filed iwth frothing, boozy joy–the feeling of being desired was all she needed, a drug she took a hit of every night. ‘If only I could get this lucky in vegas” she thought.

    by Kari on 12.28.2010
  9. i am never lucky and it sucks. or maybe i just think i am unlucky. I should think myself more fortunate I have many good things and i am at peace. the past cannot phase me any longer and i am grateful of how it has shaped me. I am extremely lucky lol ….nothing more to say.

    by josy on 12.28.2010
  10. lucky that the air i breathe goes down so smooth. and the essence of me breathing relaxes my body into somber eloquence, rather than the moody uptight teenager that i am. Im lucky that when i walk, my legs move with me. And that i control where they go, cause the destination was destined in the quartiles of my mind and the by the desire of my heart. In an instant, i could change my mind and my desire would be to go elsewhere, and because of these legs that im so greatful for, i am able to do so. Its funny how me being blessed with lungs that know how to inhale rich oxygen; legs that tred the earth because they are indeed, good legs; in accordance with fate and destiny from the heavens, i was able to find you, and meet you, and know you. Talk to you and laugh. Walk with you and play. With out my lungs, and without my legs.. i wouldnt get far. i would be no where. i would never have met you. i would have never sang songs, or danced dances. Screamed out all the emotions inside of me, or jogged. Nothing would be great, But i guess it would be bland. Bland because the very spice of all that is life, is movement. In order to move you need air; the breath of life. In order to live, you need to be alive. And for this very fact, i am indeed, lucky.

  11. I used to feel lucky sometimes. When I was little. Sometimes I would get this feeling like something amazing or magical was going to happen. But I haven’t felt that way in a long time. And the older I get, the more that feeling fades because as it turns out you were right when you said that everyone eventually let’s you down. The thing is I try really hard to have little to no expectations, and I understand that we are all different, but ultimately it’s about doing the right thing. And you all missed the mark. I am not lucky anymore.

    by Eli on 12.28.2010
  12. I wonder sometimes if I’ve been lucky. I know people whose lives seemed plagued with bad luck – untimely deaths, illnesses, fights. In contrast, my life has had its share of hardship, but nothing so drastic. Is luck merely the absence of darkness?

  13. The time I had you, the sun burned the sky blue.
    Crystal clear my heart sparkled red and I knew happiness
    It was luck.

    by J. .T Man on 12.28.2010
  14. The time I had you, the sun burned the sky blue.
    Crystal clear my heart sparkled red and I knew happiness
    It was luck.

    by Joshua manzo on 12.28.2010
  15. Luck is one of those things that we often attribute positively to those around us when something good happens, but only note negatively for ourselves when something bad happens, or at least I’ve noticed that’s the case for myself.

    by RobRob on 12.28.2010
  16. The time when when the sun shone not to dim nor to to bright.
    The time I had you had you, and it was beautiful.
    But times past I guess I was

    by Joshua manzo on 12.28.2010
  17. I am not one of the fortunate few for many reasons. What could luck be when one is extracted from them the right to live freely? I feel love but it is forbidden. I wonder why those feel they cam limit the human heart. A cage for this area is not to with hold emotion, but to keep the surrounding players safe in the game.

    by Emily KW on 12.28.2010
  18. lucky to have met you. and on the same note lucky to be smart enough not to get completly lost in the lies you produce. I like you but i know its ridiculous for me to be so obsessive about you and your where abouts and who you talk to, on a day to day basis. i noticed that ive been improving so much about myself since we met. ive wanted nothing more than to just grow in every way possible. and some of it, i’ll admit is to stay awesome, sexy and vibrant for you to want me. and the rest is really just for me. And to boost my overall happiness and solidity. so, im truely lucky and happy. and at this moment of my life, at this time and age, there is only room for growth and gracefull and ugly falls that i know are completely inevitable.

    by Amanda Jeanette on 12.27.2010
  19. It’s so lucky to be you. Others aren’t as fortunate as you are. What constitutes the state of being “lucky” anyway? There’s no such thing as luck. But hey, there was a grocery store named “lucky.” And that Britney song was playing in my head for a while. “She’s so lucky… She’s a star…” Great song.

    by Pim on 12.27.2010
  20. one day a soldier who kept a lucky charm from someone close was pinned down on the front lines. the charm was a little metal trinket he kept in his breast pocket. as he popped out of the bunker to put down some covering fire he was hit in the chest. he stood back up and pulled out his mangled charm that had caught the bullet, lo and behold he was uninjured! the soldier groaned exasperatedly, “My favorite trinket is ruined, how unlucky am I!”

    by chav on 12.27.2010
  21. i am lucky to be alive. lucky to be inside from this snow while others are not. lucky for many things. for things other people need to realize and not be so selfish.

    by lisa on 12.27.2010
  22. Lucky to be here. Lucky to see. Lucky to feel this and lucky to be.

    by Kristin on 12.27.2010
  23. We are all lucky. Lucky strikes…misses…hits us in the face…is luck all in your head? being lucky is a feeling. if you feel lucky, then you are. simple. lucky for all things small and great.

  24. You are lucky enough if you have the passion for work, determined towards your goal and have faith in GOD.
    Be yourself till your last perseverance !

    by Ujjwal Srivastava on 12.27.2010
  25. I am lucky. there are too many things to write in sixty seconds, but home, family, mind, health, oppurtunity. Are some people more “lucky” than others? I am sure that luck is something that you feel….

    by Megan on 12.27.2010
  26. Coincidentally. Only coincidentally did I find myself in a free position. Of course, I recognized that the sky was blue, the heavy scent of sewage lingering about, the callouses of my palms, the deliberate honks of angry taxi drivers, and the leftover coffee at the tip of my tongue. I also forgot to mention that I felt the presence of some otherworldly. Lucky to have senses? Coincidentally so.

    by kmykmy on 12.27.2010
  27. this is the act of good stuff happening to you, or when you finally get laid. icon would be a four leaf clover.

    by torie on 12.27.2010
  28. Britney Spears had a song called Lucky on one of her first albums. I sang it in my living room with a fake microphone and imagined coming down the red carpet at an awards show. I still think that dream will someday come true. Maybe the music video had an influence… but that may be a sign as well.

    by Jes on 12.27.2010
  29. lucky. she’s so lucky~ she’s a star. but she crys, crys, crys SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHING. . . SOOOOOOOOOMGTHINNNNNNNNG 8D

    by nicolette on 12.27.2010

    by SAL on 12.27.2010
  31. lucky every day lucky in every way
    lucky to be where I am
    Lucky yo be a solid man
    lucky to have a woman who’s wise
    with the hair of the ravens and wolves in her eyes
    lucky to see you at every show
    gonna keep giggin till the end of the show
    love and music are a potent combination
    to be lucky as a man of my station
    yeah, luckiest man in the world.

    by Jon-Ross Habina on 12.27.2010
  32. Lucky. It’s a Jason Mraz and Colbie Caliet song. Did I misspell her name? God, I suck at spelling. I guess I just wasn’t LUCKY enough to get the good-spelling gene. It seems like too much of our modern world is based on luck, though. It ruins the American dream of hard work and perserverence. I misspelled that.

    by Caroline Ryan on 12.27.2010
  33. I’m lucky to have had the word lucky be the word for today because
    Today I lost you- you ended all we had and even for that I am
    Lucky because I had you begin with; It was
    Fortunate for me to have you with me for so long through so much. It was a
    Priviledge for me to be a part of your life and to have been such a great part of it.
    I only wish it didn’t have to be so soon that we depart ways, but I
    Understand that this is for the best and that things were not under our control to begin with.
    We are merely marionettes for Destiny- a cruel mistress who lets us find love for a while only to deprive us of it in the long run.
    My feelings for you will remain as ardent as the heat of the sun until time, unevitably, turns them into frosted, forgotten dreams
    And know that my help will always be extended to you whenever you need it,
    Even if you were the one to leave me to begin with.
    I am not bitter-
    I understand that not everything in this life can be had and that we can’t always win.
    This, of course, is a huge blow to my pride, but like all things, this too shall pass.
    Just know that I feel I was lucky to have had you,
    I was lucky to have been able to know that you were exclusively mine-
    If only for a while-
    And I am lucky because it is for you that I fell
    And finally understood why so many people search for that one crazy thing we like to call

    by on 12.27.2010
  34. Happy go lucky. People who get what they want. People unlike me. People who win the lottery. At the end of the rainbow. Lucky Charms. Getting what you need. Finding the one who truly loves you.

    by Alice on 12.27.2010
  35. I felt beyond lucky to be there. It was just one of those nights that you could put on repeat forever and never get tired of it; you could live it out so many different ways: be more social with the ones you weren’t, tell him to kiss you, and admit secrets. It was a night of blurred bliss.

  36. Lucky, ha. None of us are “lucky” Its all just chance. “A series of near escapes.” Nothing is lucky. None of us are lucky. Everything just happens. There is no pattern. Don’t try too hard.

    by Haley on 12.27.2010
  37. i am so lucky. this is such a cliche. what is luck anyways? i think its what i make my life. if i am lucky, it is because i am optimistic about the way that i choose to live. i am so lucky. life is beautiful because i make it out that way and the chance that i choose is a beautiful one..

    by Hanna Aven on 12.27.2010
  38. I was never very lucky.
    and Fate
    and Chance
    Always eluded me.
    Faith and luck can be synonyms, but never a synagogue.
    The absolute serendipity.

    by Sam Wheeler on 12.27.2010
  39. i am a lucky person, i have a family, and great friends. and i think i might just find the person i dreamed of this time. i might just be lucky enough to get him, if i play my cards right. but what is luck exactly? does it exist? i think it does, because some people are born into a great life and are lucky, but others aren’t. All that matters is what you do with the life you’ve been given.

    by alimar on 12.27.2010
  40. I am lucky. I have an amazing family that loves and supports me. I have known love. I hope one day to live love. I have a body that works great (most days) and I possess many talents. I am lucky. I have a God who loves me.

    by Amanda on 12.27.2010