
December 30th, 2008 | 267 Entries

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267 Entries for “loan”

  1. I can’t actually part with that. I’m sorry, but the answer is no.

    What do you mean I can’t borrow money from you?

    I was wondering if you could loan me your wallet for a day. Just a day.

    by dogandking on 12.31.2008
  2. I put my dog on loan with the sailors at the wharf. They like to take my dog out about town and brag about their muscular tattoos. I don’t like ’em. You can’t trust a sailor with a toy dog, and you never know what they have up their sleeves, xceptin’ an ugly tattoo of a woman named Betty. If I could, I’d round ’em up and whip ’em with a cane.

    by Quickwit on 12.31.2008
  3. And as I held it in my hand, I thought that you didn’t tell me when you wanted it back. I know that I wanted mine back, but it never was returned. I should have had security, but in the end I thought what was loaned was a gift. At the very least, have my hands.

    by Elea on 12.31.2008
  4. loan me some slippers, and I will bring them back washed.
    loan me some toast, and I will bring it back buttered.
    loan me anything else and I will keep it forever.

    by s.melville on 12.31.2008
  5. Loans are quite handy when you’re low on cash and need something bad. I don’t have much experience in loans myself, but I know that without them that most capitalistic societies would fall into a socialistic or communistic society.

    by Alex Gibson on 12.31.2008
  6. As a jewish man, i need a loan. We jews need lots and lots of money, especially with all of these great new items for sale!!! Unfortunately, i would not be able to buy them because i cannot spend my money. Que lastima. A shame, huh.

    by Caroline on 12.31.2008
  7. god I have to pay off my student loan. What if I make no money after college. And for that matter during college. How am I supposed to get a job and pay for an appartment and a loan at the same time. This is rediculous. I’m going to die in the streets because I can’t find enough money to feet the tax-wolvs.

    by Nubbs on 12.31.2008
  8. hmmm loan … like loaning money? well this word doesnt pertain to me in the least so yeah…. ill need one to get to college… mhmmmm…

    by Marie on 12.31.2008
  9. Loan is weird why loan anyone anything hmm? i say phooey to loaning i like my things they are mine, not yours i worked hard for them why should you get it for no reason what so ever?

    by Meggie on 12.31.2008
  10. loaning something out is like running from the cops

    by jake on 12.31.2008
  11. Real love is when instead of loaning someone your heart you give it with only the hope that they won’t break it.

    by LP on 12.31.2008
  12. My friend is a loanshark. He doesn’t like people who don’t pay.

    by Russel on 12.31.2008
  13. It never should have happened the way it did. Just a loan, that was all, to help him get back on his feet. He would pay it back, with kindness and joy and love, he said. But all I found was an envelope full of money, as useless for a broken heart as anything could be.

    by Bailey on 12.31.2008
  14. my mom and sister have many loans and pay them off every Friday I always know that after school on Friday we are going to the loan place. its very fun i just listen to my ipod and read.

    by jaimee on 12.31.2008
  15. wait a minute!!! this is the same one i did before!! is this some gimic the get a consensus on who needs what and why? i want another word damn it!! gimme

    by me on 12.31.2008
  16. it’s made to borrow
    this heart of mine
    pieces shed
    for each person
    that needs
    but it always remains
    at the end of the day
    return to its rightful owner
    and you may use it again.

    by Nif on 12.31.2008
  17. this is what i deal with day in day out. it’s the evil that ;ies in between need and want. i have no idea what this thing is suppose to do but i’m just gonna keep witing. maybe i stop now?

    by me on 12.31.2008
  18. I don’t know what I’d do with a loan. I have trouble making plans. I guess I’d buy a hot air balloon or a zeppelin. I’d rise high and drift down with the warm air currents, ending up above a jigsaw puzzle archipelago. The sun would blind me from the left and cast strong shadows on the right, and I’d be at peace.

    by on 12.31.2008
  19. “Can you loan me a buck?” he asks.
    “No way, man! You already owe me, like, twenty dollars, and your already way too drunk right now. How are we even going to get home?” the other man asks.
    Both men are quiet, then the first says, “Sorry.”

    by Cherry on 12.31.2008
  20. I need a loan…well i dont need one i just want one and i dont want to pay you back. This loan can be for any amount of money or maybe not even money. Give me something, i will offer to return it and if u accept the offer i will not return it. If you do not accept the offer is still will unlikely return it. Thank you for the loan consideration i really appreciate it.

    by Barry on 12.31.2008
  21. Loan. I needed a loan so badly. The car payments were overdue, and the people from Mars would be there any minute. The intergalactic fleet had been monitoring my credit since fall of 1973, when the Prime Minister of Australia stepped into my office and pulled a gun on me.
    “Give me fries with that!” he said.

    by Tyler Baczynski on 12.31.2008
  22. loan me your conscience for one day.

    by vamps on 12.31.2008
  23. there was that one moment, a while ago, i wish i could’ve had it. it was beautiful, the thing of dreams. i’ve waited for my own moment, patiently staring at the door, the windows, any crack in my life that would let such a marvle into my life. i’ve gazed at the tv, wondering how they condenced so many into so small a box. i’m waiting…waiting…could i borrow yours?

    by emily on 12.31.2008
  24. you can’t loan a heart. an organ. a life. you can donate, transplant, save. but you can never have it back. it is gone, not yours, not a loan, a donation. so you’d better be sure you don’t want it back.

    by kira on 12.31.2008
  25. Money. It’s terrible that that is the first thing I think of. Loan. Monopoly. Life. Life. The game? The real thing? I’m always bad at the game. Symbolism? I don’t know. I guess we’ll see. My favorite part was always adding children to my car and naming them all. And naming my husband. Well, you don’t get to do that last part. I think the game is better then.

    by PRose on 12.31.2008
  26. I have student loans for school. All 38 thousand dollars worth PER YEAR. God, makes me want to shoot babies. Of course the loan applications aren’t simple either. THey’re 65 pages about you, and nothing else. Why are you getting this loan? What school? What’s you’re blood type in case we need to heist your kidney and sell it on the black market to negate the loan?

    by Eddie on 12.31.2008
  27. so the man stepped up to the door and knocked twice. the door sounded heavy and thick set. he considered running. his conscience snapped back into place and told him to stay put. this was the only way, the only answer. footsteps sounded in the distance and

    by lyle on 12.31.2008
  28. I don’t ever loan anybody money, because no one ever pays me back.

    by Starr on 12.31.2008
  29. hey had been searching for a house since the day they got married. She had found one, wraparound porch, acre lot. Unfortunatly, he wasnt making enough to pay the rent. They did finally get a loan after a while and lived happily ever after in their new home.

    by Cassidy on 12.31.2008
  30. Loans. We all get them. We all need them. The giving of a loan is the giving of kindness and trust. Will we be willing to return the kindness when the time comes?

    by Skippy on 12.31.2008
  31. A loan is something that should be given and taken with trust and dedication. A loan is something that is given with the intention of receiving back later; possibly with interest. A loan should never be given with the intention of expecting something in return. One should never take a loan without the plan to back it up later.

    by Troy on 12.31.2008
  32. If you loan me your ear, I’ll give you my eye. Heck, I’ll even give you two. I’ll hear what I’ve been saying, and you’ll see what I mean. Then we’ll understand.

    by Skye Brannon on 12.31.2008
  33. Man do I need a loan

    My parents need a loan

    My dog needs a loan

    My country needs a loan

    My kid sister needs a loan

    God and Satan need loans

    by Rachel on 12.31.2008
  34. I’m worried about getting loans for college. I know my dad wants me to have to get the least out of loans. You know, like he doesn’t want me to have to have little, if any, loans. I don’t care. I want to go to the college of my choice, whether that involves tons of loans, or not!

    by Kari Wheeler on 12.31.2008
  35. I’d loan you my world if it helped.
    I’d loan you a shoulder to cry on if you wish.
    I’d loan a life time for you to have.
    I’d loan a second to watch you smile.
    I’d probably loan you my heart but you’ve kinda had that for a while.

    by chaz on 12.31.2008
  36. The loan is always about who owns. Not letting go, letting go, getting back, wanting to get it back, not getting it back. Releasing it. Loaning to relatives = giving it away. Paying of loans is a great feeling.

    by martha on 12.31.2008
  37. i realised earlier today that i don’t need to worry about my student loan for quite a while yet. for a start, as my mum pointed out, i need to be earning 15 grand a year or i don’t have to pay it back! the way my course is going god knows when that’ll be.

    by dan graham on 12.31.2008
  38. Too many people get by in life these days with a loan. That’s why our country is is so much trouble. Even when you are nice enough to loan a friend sweater, or whatever…you often never get it back.

    by k on 12.31.2008
  39. The banker stood staring at what used to be his home. He had had it all. And now it was lost. All gone in the huge stock crash. Millions around the world were just like him, he knew. But somehow, this seemed like a personal punishment.

    by Ghea on 12.31.2008
  40. No, you can’t have it. Stop asking.

    Please. Loan. LOAN!

    No. No, I won’t.

    by paddy on 12.31.2008