
May 1st, 2008 | 207 Entries

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207 Entries for “listen”

  1. To understand, to learn, to hear and comprehend.

    by Shaina on 05.01.2008
  2. LIsten. Sometimes I need to stop and do that. I need to listen more often! There have been times that I wish I had listened to the advice given by an older relative… but I shrugged it off instead. Like when my mom told me that I was going to regret eating so much someday because my metabolism was sure to slow down eventually… Yeah, it did! And now I weigh much more than I would like to!
    There are thing I love to listen to as well… like music! :)

    by Stacy on 05.01.2008
  3. This word means that I don’t really do many things that I wish I could achieve due to the fact I am attempting to flesh out my meat eating disaster with cyanide. I like to steal worth from children and make them feel the pain of inunendated fear. My goal in life is to feel as many cusping claws in as short amount of time as possible. This word means that I am victorious, I am the real winner.

    by D H on 05.01.2008
  4. i listen to whats going on in my head and then i hear the voivce scream for me to commit i do si and the reprecussion there after is intoxicatingly euphoric and i realize that by listening i have become a better person.

    by Zach on 05.01.2008
  5. Sometimes I like to sit quietly and listen to the sounds of nature that envelope me. But mush to my dismay…It often gets interuppted by little squeals and screams from my children. But I do love it…but sometimes I really miss the silence.

    by Amanda on 05.01.2008
  6. you can hear me buti know you’re not listening. If you were then maybe things would be different, maybe you would have some grasp of the situatino by now. oh, & also when you tried to listen to our conversation by hiding at the top of the corrider today it didnt work, we could hear the door not shut. SHAME.

    by bex on 05.01.2008
  7. I love to listen. I love to be listened too. It always hurt when someone wasn’t listening to me. I used to get frustrated. But now I think I don’t listen as well as I should…or as well as I’d like others to listen to me. I need to listen to my kids more. They have lots of amazing insight into the world around us. I need to listen to Scot more. He’s so wise. But my mind races and I find it wandering away.

    Listen. I say that all the time to the kids. I need to learn a little about what I’m asking them to do.

    by Carrie on 05.01.2008
  8. listen and talk and speak but don’t forget to keep your ears open they need to open like flowers in spring to absorb all the beautiful words and vowels and sounds that can come out of mouths and voices can proclaim all to you, if you do this one thing with two syllables. two is all it takes to remind us to take such careful yet easy action. not anything that takes extreme concentration-

    by kasia on 05.01.2008

    by Sherry Morales on 05.01.2008
  10. listen to me.
    we had to write this in my senior year.
    the message has never been fully understood that people are not the same person. In this day and age individuality while it’s praised so much, is really frowned upon. All because no one will listen when someone says that they want to be something different than the norm.

    by Adrienne on 05.01.2008
  11. music, alone, usually, or at least i find it best that way, something recherch

    by rupert on 05.01.2008
  12. listen with your mouth agape
    so much like an ape
    ponder this dreary existence
    with no meaning, no special sense
    of why things are, why they
    need to be the way they are
    but never speak, never open ur mouth
    to speak out the words they’re uncouth

    by sam on 05.01.2008
  13. is what the blind man said to me. I tried, but couldn’t hear a damn thing. He grasped me by my arm and brought me closer to the dark jar

    by John on 05.01.2008
  14. listen to the sound her in my heart
    a melody i start but cant complete
    listen to the song from deep within its only beginning to find release
    oh the time has come for my dreams to be heard
    they will not be pushed aside on words
    all cause you wont listen
    “Listen” from the movie dream girls. (from memory. not sure they are all correct.)

    by kelsey on 05.01.2008
  15. the river screams with life. the trees rustle anxiously

    by mg on 05.01.2008
  16. Listen here, man, listen right up, I got a tight gold glistenin’ cup, I heard someone be dissin’ my shit, moanin’ and pissin’ bout it.

    by Carn on 05.01.2008
  17. Nothing can compare to the fact that I don’t listen as well as I should. I am going to start hushing up. I am going to hear the birds again. I am going to enjoy the sound of the water, rushing from the faucet. I am going to hear the planes and cars whizzing by, the sound of my lover sleeping, the phones of neighbors ringing, the breath between lyrics, the sound of God’s voice.

    Hear these things, too?

    Oh, world, please listen with me…

    by Sara Hickman on 05.01.2008
  18. Listen to sounds, to sights, to textures. Listening is not only for our auditory pleasures but also for our total engagement with life. It is with a sensitive ear that we should live.

    by Diane on 05.01.2008
  19. hearing you sing is so beautiful at night. When you sing to me its like an angles voice. I thank God everyday for your beautiful voice.

    by Tuty on 05.01.2008
  20. I dont know who listens more. Parents or children. I know that if i would have listened more i might be a little farther along than i am .. You have two ears and one mouth so figure it out. We listen all day long to people in or daily lives but do we hear what they are saying? I know that i have a hard time with listening. WE all need to learn form this word. Stop and listen and you just might learn somethig great.

    by judy on 05.01.2008
  21. Why? What do you hear? Listen to the noise, not the sepateness of the sounds but the unity of the blur.

    by Brenda Ellis on 05.01.2008
  22. Listen to my voice. Just listen. Listen to what I am not saying; what I am shouting inside with no outlet. Just listen. Can you hear it? Is it only something that those without ears can hear?

    by T on 05.01.2008
  23. listening is good because you are able to get an insight as to what other people are feeling and thinking. It is difficult to listen properly as most people are thinking about themselves rather than actually listening to the other person. in medicine listening is crucial to making a correct diagnosis

    by alisha on 05.01.2008
  24. Something people dont do anymore. Most folks hear but they dont listen. Now its all about one will listen anymore

    by Jim on 05.01.2008
  25. Listen to me. Listen to yourself. Listen is a capacity. A good one. You can listen to the nature. You can listen to music. You can listen to you girlfriend. You can stop listen too. Yes, I am listening.

    by Faust on 05.01.2008
  26. There are lots of times that people hear me talking but they are not listening. I feel like my lips are moving and there are no words coming out of my mouth. I wonder if it is because they do not care or maybe they just don’t understand what I am saying or talking about. Who knows? O try and listen when people are talking to me but it is hard when more than one person talks to me at a time. That is when it is hard for me to listen. I don’t know if I am the only one who feels like that but it has often crossed my mind to just stop talking period and see if anyone notices. I wonder what they would do in a situation like that…..

    by angela on 05.01.2008
  27. all the sounds come in my mind. They flow sweet. My ears sweat and I love it. Please, Listen!

    by Tim on 05.01.2008
  28. listen listen here is the bell i can’t wait to hear it to get out of this hell. will you help me help me to leave this place i just need a way to get away from her face.

    by gracie on 05.01.2008
  29. listening is something I do not do well. I tend to speak way more than I listen and I also interrupt quite often. Music however, is something I can listen to quite intently and get a lot of emotion from.

    by Andrew on 05.01.2008
  30. listen to yourself, listen to the outside rolling in
    hear the screaming of those deafened
    by the voices
    from within
    you are sound
    i am nothing
    are we truly

    by cil on 05.01.2008
  31. you never listen, she sighed, eyelids fluttering, the fight against tears.

    he slipped and fell. alas.

    by joni on 05.01.2008
  32. Listen, it’s not hard to put your ear to the ground and sense the wild horses, the earthworms, the mitochondria. It’s just not. So don’t tell me that you can’t do it, or that you’re unable to think about doing it, or that you’ve gotten to a point in your life where listening for such things is trite. All the listening you do in this life is enough, you say. But I say, no. There is so much to hear.

    by Claudia on 05.01.2008
  33. “If you can’t hear the car horn, how do you expect to wait in the house?”, she said impatiently. “I’ll be watching from the window”, I yelled back. “Well”, she said as she shook her head, “how will you watch your precious TV?”

    by Stratcat X on 01.01.1970
  34. something that kids dont do enough of

    by cindy on 01.01.1970
  35. Experience the world around you without altering it. Learn to accept the world, try to understand instead of forcing a change. Listen.

    by Wiley Book on 01.01.1970
  36. Listen.

    Open your ears as well as your mind.

    Syllables, words, vowel sounds all come out ones mouth.. Out of the open orifice of the face and into your ears.

    Traveling to the mind, creating a vivid portrait of betrayl.

    Like candy to the brain, from a stranger.

    So listen.



    by W. Tyler Allen on 01.01.1970
  37. Listen to everything around you. Close your eyes. See everything around you. Can you hear the subtle hues that brighten up all of the pitch variances and overtones.

    by Arlo Brittan on 01.01.1970
  38. i hate to listen i pretend that i love it but no i dont sometimes i just want people to shut up. i’ll let anyone talk but no one ever listens to me. i dont like listening to people talk about their problems anymore. i have my own now. please just listen to me. it’s my turn.

    by N ikki on 01.01.1970
  39. I Will Stand I will shout you will hear what i have to say you will learn of my wisdom and of all my faults you will know who i am bacause you will listen

    by "RISCI" on 01.01.1970
  40. Listen to me., It’s not that hard to see that I’m dying and losing some time. I’m waiting, of course, but how long am I going to wait before I move on? Your life lies before you, but I’m beating the hell out of mine because it’s not quite right yet. Don’t you dare tell me that you’ve moved on. I want a forwarding address, at least. I won’t believe that I’ve been cast aside. Your eyes have been set in my mind. My heart set at your feet. Don’t tell me you’ll leave

    by J, J. C. on 01.01.1970