
April 10th, 2009 | 213 Entries

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213 Entries for “limit”

  1. I have no limit.

    by Kevin on 04.10.2009
  2. there is no limit to yourself you can achieve anything be anything think anything we are limitless human beings

    by jaybug on 04.10.2009
  3. the sky is the limit or is it the moon? space? maybe there is really no limit at all? Is some force creating the limit? A god? A man in the sky? Are we are own keepers? do we control our own destiny? The sky is the limit. I say the limit is non existant.

    by Mary Penman on 04.10.2009
  4. i don’t know limits. i’m thinking too much and free association isn’t reaching its limit. is it the end yet. has the time reached its limit? there’s a beginning and there’s an end. what about sides? are there limits on those?

    by Patrick on 04.10.2009
  5. He bit my ear gently, gaining a mouthful of my rain-soaked hair and an earful of my ragged breath. And I had never thought that I would be with him this late and enjoying something I never thought I’d enjoy. We were kissing, hugging, talking, laughing and somewhere I realized that I had no limit.

    by Nova on 04.10.2009
  6. Limits are often self imposed. Such limits are to be broken when reconsideration occurs either with age, experience, or another variable. Hillary clinton wants to finish breaking the glass ceiling and I want to sky dive.

    by rachel on 04.10.2009
  7. Where do I go from here? When I started I had plenty of room and lots of choices. Now that I have reached the limit, the options have temrinated. I feel so helpless and confused. Not to mention depressed and anxious. When can I begin exploring again if I have reached the limit with no where else to go? It’s like being under a heavy grey cloud and feeling smothered. There is no joy, no excitement. Just rain and gloom. When will it end? It already has.

    by Kevin on 04.10.2009
  8. How far do I go with this? How much do I let him get away with before I snap and let him know how I feel? Some people take kindness for weakness. Some people take silence for acceptance. There is a limit to how much I can take, and I think I’vbe reached mine.

    by theamarie on 04.10.2009
  9. the power, life limits. limit to buy. limit to what you can do. No limit to what you can do. end of limit.limit the candy you eat. I will set limits you can do.

    by dani on 04.10.2009
  10. Limit. 60 seconds is definitely a limit. Everything in our life is bounded by limit, even including me typing this as the time always goes on, never stop to even let me think to process the thoughts i have in mind.

    by Merwyn Wijaya on 04.10.2009
  11. hello everyone, I want to introduce myself to the world because I know that my purpose is greater than what I may be able to imagine at this point. Leaving my mark on the world and being a great

    by Missaup on 04.10.2009
  12. The sky is the limit. I love that idea. Only you can limit yourself by your belief system. If an idea strikes you and it feels right then go for it.

    by Paulie on 04.10.2009
  13. limits make me anxious and want to go further, explore more…prove them wrong. I want no limits in life…limit. Don’t cover my mouth or thoughts.. be free live

    by lauren on 04.10.2009
  14. Our lives so ambitious, yet bounded by limitations. But remove them, and life will never be the same before.

    by Johnson on 04.10.2009
  15. there is no limit to what you can do think be . be with whom the skies the limit. mathematics
    actually no calculus the e skies the limit. i only have a limited amount to time to write this.

    by ashley on 04.10.2009
  16. Limits often breed creativity because they allow people, or rather force them to think outside of the box. Limits create loopholes because it is human nature to want to overcome authority. Therefore a limit only forces humans to find way around it, and that is what separates man from beast, our ability to take authority and turn it into creativity.

    by Andoni on 04.10.2009
  17. everyones always putting imits on themselves
    i hate limits
    thay make me feel small and controlled.
    i hate to be controlled

    limits suck

    by Michelle on 04.10.2009
  18. Many a times I thought I have reached the limit in my patience. Waiting for people who have promised to meet at a certain time. Yet they arrived late.

    by JJ on 04.10.2009
  19. Limitations. I wish we didn’t have any. Theres always issues like money. I hate money. People complain about the economy. Just start over. Theres no rules, only the ones we make. People are so stupid. Just do what you want. Why can’t I go to Japan for the weekend? Why must I be miserable? Why?? Ugh.

    by Samantha on 04.10.2009
  20. I have a limit, far beyond what I thought I could handle. Running, writing, working, learning, my limit has passed beyond what I ever expected.

    by Sue on 04.10.2009
  21. I won’t learn my limit till I reach it.

    by lake on 04.10.2009
  22. “You have exceeded your credit limit.” That’s what I thought I heard. I asked the shop owner if that was true. “Of course, you had better check with your bank.” I sat down to think about how I could possibly overspend …

    by Teacher Lax on 04.10.2009
  23. I don’t know mine.
    scratch that.
    I am my ______.
    Can’t even say it.
    I am mine.

    by Steph B on 04.10.2009
  24. i have no limits.
    yet life is full of them.
    money is the biggest limit – though many people would say anyone could easily defy it.
    i think flying – maybe bungy jumping is our least limited something….
    I’m graduating this year – my limits are few and far between…
    maybe i will open that bookstore on a beach.

    by M. on 04.10.2009
  25. Sometimes I feel like my religion limits me more than it influences my life positively

    by Amanda on 04.10.2009
  26. I feel none in my path, my mind accelerates to a point where it blurs into a constant motion. My thoughts are endless, they feel no boundaries and take heed of no caution.

    by Dennis Harris on 04.10.2009
  27. i don’t believe in those sometimes, but i know they do exist and my body keeps reming me of that. i think about it so much that i’m afraid of believing in those more than i should. limits are bounders for life?

    by marocas on 04.10.2009
  28. Limits, limtes everywhere.
    In school, in church, at work.
    We’re all limited by those who don’t want us to be better then they are.
    Refusing to help us reach our potential, making plans around us, to try and get what they want but limit what we achieve.

    by Romey on 04.10.2009
  29. As I walked from room to room, I just couldn’t help but to feel limited… I was not meant for such menial work, passing out flyers, cleaning windows, none of it… I had the chance to be great, hell I deserve to be great, but I guess that’s the world we live in, isn’t it… just can’t get ahead.

    by Michael on 04.10.2009
  30. I limit myself to nothing,
    I try and try daily to do what I must
    to be the best me I can be without holding back.
    No limits, nothing to stop me but me

    by Romey on 04.10.2009
  31. I don’t know if I can do this—I’ve reached the end of my being, the end of what I can do. Limits and boundaries define me, define my life and the world around me. I can do this, I can’t do that. But none of it is self-imposed—if I ruled my world, I would be able to FLY.

    Sadly, I do not rule my world. Gravity does; gravity and the government.

    Something here is not right.

    by Marie on 04.10.2009
  32. Dimmer than sinners who talk with no limit. Cynics who chastise the world while they live it.

    by nightshine on 04.10.2009
  33. LImit is the last place you can go, where you cant go far unless you expand that limit. You can not go further than that limit, thats why it is a limit. We often limited us but we dont know that that limit is movable

    by bla on 04.10.2009
  34. No limits, no boundaries, no authorization needed. Whenever we focus on limits, we focus on what can’t be done. It’s important to define your limits. Only then can we know how to transcend them. A limit in itself is not what we fear, it’s the being imprisoned, encaspulated in a world that provides nothing beyond a boundary. My limit; your limit, they’re different…and lets hope they intersect.

    by Lindee on 04.10.2009
  35. right. exactly. that’s great, the same thing. only not. whatever. I’m over it. I want you. mostly. ya mostly I want you and I want to. fuck this. nevermind. I’ll go get you and a coffee

    by l.f.s.b on 04.10.2009
  36. right. exactly. that’s great, the same thing. only not. whatever. I’m over it. I want you. mostly. ya mostly I want you and I want to. fuck this. nevermind. I’ll go get you and a coffee

    by l.f.s.b on 04.10.2009
  37. there’s no limit to how much love you can give a person, or how much happiness you can share with everyone in your life. finding anyone that means a lot to you is like opening a door to an endless path, one that could possibly lead to limitless happiness.

    by Samm on 04.10.2009
  38. there is always a limit to what you can and cannot do. Whether you are doing laundry: you can only fit so many clothing in the washer and the dryer. Of you if you are cooking. The pans are only so big. There is limit on speed on the roads, and a limit to

    by Mary Jane on 04.10.2009
  39. i hate limits. they stop you from acheiving things you wish you could. though in some ways a limit lets you know what to strive for. speed limits are annoying because we all break them from time to time (some more than others).

    by tony on 04.10.2009
  40. limits are good because they give us a point to which we know this is the best. timil

    by youceff on 04.10.2009