
September 2nd, 2009 | 514 Entries

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514 Entries for “licorice”

  1. the east germans tried to tell me
    what was in the schnapps on their tray
    five glasses “To welcome you”
    they said. Then what was in the glass
    that I couldn’t understand.
    No matter. You will know the flavor.
    They assured me. They were right.

    by Marcus Goodyear on 09.03.2009
  2. i first tried licorice when i was ten years old. never again. the salty musty taste exploded in my mouth until my eyes watered

    by cc on 09.03.2009
  3. She took a long hard pull on the string of sticky black licorice. How could anyone in their right mind eat that smelly cough syrupy mess thought Sarah. if you have to have licorice let the tacky red kind be picked out of your teeth all day. why eat medicine when you don’t have to

    by Bobo on 09.03.2009
  4. what a word. I dont even know it. Why do I have to write about it. Know I read it more carefully I know it. What stupid of me. Why than do I think first that I don’t know the word!

    by Arjo on 09.03.2009
  5. She took a long hard pull on the string of sticky black licorice. How could anyone in their right mind eat that smelly cough syrupy mess thought Sarah. if you have to have licorice let the tacky red kind be picked out of your teeth all day. why eat medicine when you don’t have to

    by B on 09.03.2009
  6. if got no idea

    by fox on 09.03.2009
  7. I like licorice. It has a unique flavor and taste. I grew up eating Good and Plenty candy which is why I enjoy licorice. I don’t like the red kind however which has an altogether different flavor. Anise I believe is the flavoring that tastes like licorice. So that’s it for my story.

    by DRatliff on 09.03.2009
  8. licorice is very nice and has an taste that only certain people like. I particurlarly am not much of a fan anyway it’s great. It’s normally black in colour, and has

    by mark wall on 09.03.2009
  9. The taste is sharp and oily, like you have put your tongue into a rich vein of amazing darkness. You think sweet and sour and rich and riotous and dirt and spices from an Orient you sail for and never reach. It wraps your tongue in a journey across pale sands, and you’re writing a letter home, listening to a howl in the distant.

    by Brian Slusher on 09.03.2009
  10. asdfasfds

    by on 09.03.2009
  11. I rather like licorice straps. But not the red ones, they taste like medicine sticks. Also, my cat is like licorice in animal form, all black and shiny but he doesn’t smell like it lucky for me.

    by Pooba on 09.03.2009
  12. black
    i dont like it
    candy store

    by on 09.03.2009
  13. red licorice a favorite. chewy, soft, feel the ridges, bend it into shapes. take small bite. best fresh and soft. black licorice reminds me of my mother. it was a favorite of her. remember good and plenty candy. the jingle, how did it go, they shook the candy box to make a train sound repeating “good and plenty” good and plenty”. ANd ofcourse candy and mom reminds of of the movies. we would go together when i was a young girl, all the Striesand (spelling?/) movies, gone with the wind. that was a special time with my mother and continued to be until the last few years. pain makes it hard for her to sit in the theatre

    by Jenny on 09.03.2009
  14. licorice is tasty, red and hollow and is an effective straw . however there are bad types of licorice; black licorice is disgusting black goo that came from satans armpit.

    by alec on 09.03.2009
  15. i hate licorice it is digusting it tsates like absolsulte poop and i never ever want to have it again. once my friend gave it to me and i puked it up all over his face he was so mad he kicked me in the balls

    by on 09.03.2009
  16. black sticky and tasty. strong flavour. grows. the roots are not tasty. spelt wierd. chewy. accired taste.

    by kage on 09.03.2009
  17. They say that absinthe tastes like black licorice, but more… herbal. What I pity I truly detest the taste of licorice then. Ah well, it probably isn’t the best idea to get shitfaced on absinthe — there’s probably a reason it used to be banned in so many countries.

    I’ll stick to hating the normal licorice lollies from Coles and Woolies then, thanks.

    by Vee on 09.03.2009
  18. sweetie that i do not like the taste of, can be used on cakes or just to eat on its own. can come in the form of sweets in a packet that are called licorice all sorts and are all different colors and shapes

    by steph on 09.03.2009
  19. its a sweet candy treat. It black and made in ropes, my grandmother used to offer it to me. I admit I never really did like licorice, though my mother thought I was crazy–it was her favorite. My someday I’ll enjoy the candy, it just seemed to rought and tart.

    by Eric on 09.03.2009
  20. licorice, the sweet of the jews, it’s black like their hearts and to be honest, not sweet at all.
    it’s also very cheap, which is perfect for jews since they like to save all their money.

    by crag on 09.03.2009
  21. The little boy stood in the candy shop,pondering what to buy.He had only been given a quarter and it would that would cost one a bag of licorice-flavoured jelly beans.

    by sandaye on 09.03.2009
  22. one word is an entourage of solarity, alone; primary, singular, prime, one, whole, universal, entire. One is all and all is one.

    by Primus on 09.03.2009
  23. it’s not good for pregnant women :)

    by Mohammadreza Ch on 09.03.2009
  24. aw, what a disapointment. i assume, i guess, that it’s black anise anus licorice. i know that in indian restaurants, there are small bowls of anise seed to cleanse the palate. hmm… one of my least favorites. ask any bag of jellybeans.

    by ad on 09.03.2009
  25. Licorice twists and turns and is a cylindrical sweetnesss that comes in red, black, or a variety of other colors. Black licorice is gross. Red Vines are rockin’!

    by Mona on 09.03.2009
  26. yummy red spicy black toms favorite debbie too

    by nancy on 09.03.2009
  27. Him. His smell. It’s the trigger. Licorice without fail, will service our needs every time. I roll over. The licorice is rolling around in his mouth. I know it’s time to shine.

    by Natalie on 09.03.2009
  28. Licorice taste good

    by on 09.03.2009
  29. Het is een heerlijk dropje, waar je lkker op kan zuigen. Het brengt je terug naar je jeugd.
    Buitenlanders verfoeien het.

    Het wordt gemaakt van zout, zoethouot en laurier bijv.
    Er is gek genoeg ook engelse drop.

    Waarom heet het licorice in het engels. No idea.

    by Maurits on 09.03.2009
  30. My friend had a rabbit called licorice strange but true it had a sister called Carmelo which was given away since they fought

    my granddad used to love licorice he died at Christmas sadly, he loved traditional dutch licorice which is salty.

    Licorice is meh, I can’t say i like it but it brings up memories.

    by Lisa on 09.03.2009
  31. What a lame word. Licorice is one of the worst tastes in the world, writing about it has no appeal.

    by z on 09.03.2009
  32. Something delicioud that takes me back to my childhood. It makes me remember when I used to ride my bicycle, no matter the weather to the store so i could buy all the candy I could afford with my change jar. The days when I was careless and free, when all that mattered was fun and stupid things like licorice.

    by Kate on 09.03.2009
  33. there it was sitting on the counter red and luscious. my mouth was salivating at the very thought of it. i couldnt wait for the chewy goodness to enter my mouth. if only i had a tall glass of soda, then i could bite off the ends and use it as a tasty candy straw, that would be heaven.

    by arijerkface on 09.03.2009
  34. I ate black licorice just because everyone supposedly hates it. Deep down inside I wanted to love it, because loving it would make me special, different. After all having something to distinguish me would make me more lovable, right? Well whether or not that’s true doesn’t matter. There’s a reason so many people hate it. It’s disgusting. I guess I can lie to everyone and fake it til I make it and learn to love licorice, then everyone will have to recognize how special I am. Or maybe I can just admit that I’m like most people. Whats wrong with being similar to most people? Maybe we all perceive reality the same way. If I’m not true to myself I’ll never be able to find true love because my potential soul mate won’t be able to be her true self. She’ll notice that I’m hiding something and feel that she has to hide herself too. I hate black licorice!

    by Tony O'Toole on 09.03.2009
  35. taste nice and is a root I think from the ground. Is used in sweets mainly humbugs and other mints. I think dogs like it although that might be aniseed it is strangely spelt.

    by Andy on 09.03.2009
  36. licorice is black and i do notlike the taste of it. it is sticky and has a blah taste. now some do enjoy the taste it leaves in the mouth. i on the onther hand have never enjoyed it. maybe one day i will decide to try it once again, but i highly doubt it.

    by rcola on 09.03.2009
  37. black yuck. like the red thoug low fat, cheap in the vending machines at work. always can give away the red licorice that u offer. yummm my little girl doesnt like it, yet, but i bet she will.

    by skyhechloe' on 09.03.2009
  38. um… no clue what to say. it seems to be spelled wrong. like maybe its a brand of grains – Lico Rice. i dont want this entry to be submitted

    by on 09.03.2009
  39. i just writing cuz i don’t have to think and it feels so good for a minute to not to think about any except to right any ways my time is up so i guss that’s it

    by ermias on 09.03.2009
  40. a sweet candy that i never really liked, it often made me think i was a bad german girl. It seems what ever candy you hate is the one that will be offered most often to you.

    by Carisa Hendrix on 09.03.2009