
December 31st, 2010 | 264 Entries

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264 Entries for “library”

  1. I walk in, looking for silence, but I see him. He looks up from a book, and smiles at me. Everything seems to fall away, and the best part is that it’s all him. It’s his choice to want me, not the government’s. I walk towards him, feeling confidence bubbling up inside of me.

  2. The library was the last place I expected to see him. I mean, he’s not known for his academic achievements, but there he sat. I pretended not to see him there and walked over to the table at the far end of the room. The last time we were eye to eye, he’d just

  3. I once hid in a library after being high all night. I was still super paranoid in the morning and spent about 3 hours in the art section grabbing books and carrying them to one of the study nooks.

    That seems like so long ago compared to memories from times further back than that. Maybe it was the weed.

  4. This unimportant man had all the wisdom in the world yet had no way of telling the world; He was mute and blind. While walking around as if his eyes were just like our own, he seemed to sigh to himself. Though he couldn’t communicate with the rest of the world in a normal fasion, he’d started creating a simple little book. This book world be the start of something great, but what the man didn’t know is that his book would create something bigger than himself, bigger than his brothers, and bigger than his monistary. This blind mute was the auother of the worlds most widely read book. This unimportant man with all the wisdom in the created something that changed the world.

  5. I’ve been to the library a few times, but I wasn’t the biggest fan. They didn’t have any books that interested me. That, and, when you know your best friend jerked off into a book about Mother Teresa and just closed the book and put it back, walking away like nothing happen, it’s hard to enjoy that place.

  6. a library is an amazing place to go full of an abundance of knowledge. you can get anything there from school work to pleasure reading. an oasis of calm or a place to escape. somewhere to get work done or to work on your imagination. i love the library and truly appreciate it. its an amazing place.

  7. This fellowship is a golden library to be explored and discovered each and every day. Every single brother and sister holds pages of knowledge and inspirations that can only be understood and felt through communication. What a precious treasure I have chanced upon!

  8. Library is a place I have rarely been to I never felt a need to be there since I had most of the books I was asked to read in my school! Wish I had friends who had this habit of visiting library and making most of it.!

  9. in the library, you can lose yourself completely in the stacks of books. you learn, you laugh, you cry, you get bored, you are taken over by suspense. its a place to get lost and discover.

  10. I am not sure what I am doing here! I am just trying to know what this is all about, I was here to know a meaning to the sentence and was looking for a one word alternative. not sure if this is a place to provide me the thing I was looking for. see ya!

  11. lots of books and a ladder to climb up. tom sawyer, huck finn, etc. i have no idea but i didn’t go to the library while i was in jersey because they didn’t open until 10am! 10AM!!! what do they think? they think i can handle my family in the morning and just hang out at our house???!! well, i can’t!! so open that fucking library a little earlier mother fuckers.

    by Joe on 12.31.2010
  12. our love is that of a tragedy, for only lonely souls to read,
    you plastered my heart red all over the pages of our tale.
    But now we’ve lost our souls in the public library among
    the romeo and Juliettes of history. It was a lovely read
    and our dialog was worthy of a Shakespearean

  13. The dusty smell of old books. A sense of lost, of resources unused. My mother took me as a child, it was a treat. Now people only go for movie rentals. The library is empty. Obsolete. But it still spells like books, feels of paper. No computer, or nook, or electronic thing can give me the satisfaction of turning to the last page of a good book.

  14. I often go to the library with my granddaughters and they always each pick four books each. They love it. I usually only get two.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 12.31.2010

    by sandra on 12.31.2010
  16. Books, knowledge, discovering the hidden meaning of life in a place so lovely, so wonderful, so full of all the best things in life. Libraries hold the souls of the past and the answers for the future in a way so divine and incredible that few even realize it.

    by Amanda on 12.31.2010
  17. The library appeared to be a lonely, mostly deserted place. But for Jenna, it was an escape. Just by opening the pages of an undisturbed book could take her wherever she wanted to go, forgetting the chaos that had become her life. That all changed when she saw him sitting in the biography section. The faded blue sweatshirt pulled out the color in his eyes that seemed to go on for days. She normally would not have noticed a detail like that but the presence of another person in this usually empty section took her by surprise.

  18. Don’t let me in there. I’ll never come out. Well, I will, but only because I’d have to. Why? The *books*, dummy! There are so many it’ll take weeks to get through them all, and I don’t even know where to start. If I had my way, I’d stay in there for a week. I’m serious. What part of “voracious reader” don’t you understand?

  19. It’s gonna be a New Year and I don’t really have a resolution. And I don’t know what I’m really saying right now. All I know is that I want you and that I don’t think it’s ever gonna happen.

    Library? Uhh. I guess it’s a nice quiet place.

    I like the library because for once, everyone has stfu’d and is doing something worthwhile, rather than gossiping on someone’s ass or something like that.

    What did I just write?

    I don’t know, but I want you.

  20. The lybrary of thoughts is in everybody’s mind, we just have to keep looking for it. My lybrary is yours now.

    by Felix on 12.31.2010
  21. dark. musky. oddly comforting.
    I slip through the aisles of bound paper stories, unnoticed, just the way I like it.
    a year goes by, or an hour , and I’m reminded by the flickering light above that I’m not with Peter on an island off the South Pacific chasing international art thieves. I close the book and return to work.

    by BelovedAimee on 12.31.2010
  22. the place where people go to “study”. its more of a party there. a place to meet girls, hook up, go on facebook, and make yourself feel good about finals. usually women go there in packs and sit at tables and judge the dudes as they walk. FRAT HARD my friends FRAT FRAT

    by Joseph on 12.31.2010
  23. The library is an oasis of calm. The smell of knowledge permeates the air. The sound of learning can be heard as books are cracked open. Pages rustle with discovery.

  24. i just wrote about this and i guess the comment was deleted. so, im going to go on with this. im watching wizards of waverly place on disney channel. i usually hate disney channel but its the only channel i know. i love nick, animal planet, food channel, teenick, and cartoon network sometimes. i once watched mtv, But i didnt really like it.

    by Rory on 12.31.2010
  25. a place where a lot of books are collected. It is possible to find books about any subject imaginable.

    by Brian Domar on 12.31.2010
  26. The silent halls and the woody pages beckon you forward and take you away to an entirely new place. Everyone is welcome, but few journey. What a shame.

    by Kjdondzi on 12.31.2010
  27. i have a library in my school. i like books and i love free books but i have enough fines to make up in buying a whole library of hardcover books. like right now at the school library, i got this book called going bovine but i was reading it and left it at my brother’s band garage sale and someone bought it when i accidentally left it on a table. now i have to pay the fines or pay for the books. im never ever borrowing from a library again.

    by Rory on 12.31.2010
  28. Dusty tomes, windows yellowed with grime, and a lonely figure crouched before a fallen stack of books. Her sanctuary may be forgotten, but the overstuffed, worn armchair in the corner says it’s also a little reminiscent of home. Of all the shiny new places in this new town, this is hers.

  29. Libraries are where you go to find books. You can find books about things that are real, and these are called non fiction. Or you can find books about things that are not real, these are called fiction. Libraries can help you learn about things you didn’t know before because you can read books to find out.

    by Rose on 12.31.2010
  30. where I work. a place of information. a place where people buy for books that they share with others, Andrew Carnegie. Old ladies whowear their hair in buns. The library is a new and excing place o teducate oneself. One omy Favorite activitiesis to lose myslf at the library.
    The Library of Alexandria was desrtoyed by fire, we lost many documents written in the past on papyrus.
    My favorite job, other than working with horses,

    by Teresa on 12.31.2010
  31. I want to write a short story where I visit a section of a library where the books are randomly sorted. I want the characters from the section to interact with each other in the story, their different world, personalities and even religions perhaps. I feel like the plot would be interesting and it would have the potential to be something absolutely brilliant..

    by I can change what you see on 12.31.2010
  32. A vault of knowleged glue that hold s aq commmunity to gether.; Passed down from generations, treasure in books, more modern technology crowning out the musty pages, a meeting place for teh very yng and very old. generousity trust shared resources the honor system, queit bu abuza wiuth activity and ferment. when are my sixfh secpmds upl

    by newzman101 on 12.31.2010
  33. where one would pass as a kid and wonder why the berry lied. In the car at the same time I’d wonder why my mom told me it was a high school, was it to say hi, hello, school, is it to be polite? The

    by Ric on 12.31.2010
  34. i always think people who claim to have had sex in a library are stupid. really, sex in any public plac is dumb, when you could have a nice comfy bed. or a car, if you really are hurtin’ for a place to get off. just sayin’.

  35. La biblioteca, the haven of the misguided youth. The place where books come to live in temporary residence, the bane of the non-readers but the favorite locale of the kids who live between the spines. Still, quite glad that card catalogues have disappeared forever …

    by izzie on 12.31.2010
  36. A library has to be quiet. Usually there are old, ornery ladies who tell you to “shush!” while you are in the library, but I think that is just stereotypical. People aren’t really like that, at least not when I’ve been there. It’s rare I go there, but when I do, it smells weird and no one really talks. Ever.

    by Jenny on 12.31.2010
  37. they won’t let me back in the library. i whistle too much and sing too loud. and when they see me running and dancing and singing and laughing, they can’t help but wonder what they’re doing with their lives. i swear it’s not that easy.

  38. The place where minds grow. Where imagination is encouraged, a dream land in my eyes. Where I discovered my love for books. A place of knowledge and fun. Somewhere that teaches you that with a little imagination you can go anywhere.

    by It'sNora on 12.31.2010
  39. “Someone is having a laugh,” she thought.

    The guy hiding between G-H in the Nonfiction section was practically salivating over the prim little librarian at the circulation desk.

    Slinking through the stacks her finger tips traversed tattered spines.

    “I bet books are not the only things I’ll find.” She said, as Nonfiction was left behind.

    by on 12.31.2010
  40. Oh my god. Oh my god. Finals.

    There was screaming in the library, the LIBRARY! Screams.

    Scream. Yelling. Bellowing.

    She hated it. They needed to shut up.