
December 31st, 2010 | 264 Entries

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264 Entries for “library”

  1. I love libraries. I think they are among the most beautiful things in the world. It’s like you’re walking between shelves of doors, and all you have to do is open them to see what lies inside. Books are among my favorite companions, because they never try to hurt you, and they don’t lie about who they are.

  2. All the books I could ever want. So many still to read. I wonder if my book is here? Time to peruse the poetry section. Kerouac, Bukowski…

    by Adam Piper on 12.31.2010
  3. I wish I had gone to the library more as a child. I would have gotten to read so many more books. But instead, I was busy playing outside: sunshine bronzing me, wind and dirt in my hair, laughing. Living. Like they write about.

  4. magical mysteries unfold
    when opening a single book
    from the shelves of this place.
    written expression of millions of people
    are placed on pages
    bound and cut for a reader in mind
    I cannot seem to turn down a book,
    no matter what title or color.

    by Rose on 12.31.2010
  5. Libraries have books and stories and people who have lived in real life and people who live in books. They love and dance and cry and scream, just like real life. Why are books so fantastical?

    by Molly on 12.31.2010
  6. Libraries, a place to sit, read, and be quiet. No parties are held in libraries. I do get yelled at in them quite regularly, or I would if I went to a library regularly. I’ll never be a librarian, but props to those who are. Books feed the soul.

    by Catherine on 12.31.2010
  7. libraries are cool i guess. i can never find the books that im looking for though. and people always have the books that i want checked out and its just more of a hassle than its worth. libraries always smell bad. and i wish they had newer books. they are old

    by lauryn on 12.31.2010
  8. He went into the library and randomly pulled a book out of the shelves. When he read the title, he wasn’t surprised. It was written by him and he was always attracted to his own writing, just as he was his image in the mirror.

  9. your smell.
    could not have been completed by those words
    the spell cast upon my weary chin was dancing disbelief
    hold me
    touch the ides of breath
    and bone
    we all feel the fire beneath the skin
    and i will not hold onto enough to loathe you. forgotten.

  10. Freezing to the bone. She stood between the dictionaries and the encyclopedias, the musty smell of yellowing paper washing over her like a tide that also enveloped her sorrows, her fears, everything she felt in this small enclosed space. She breathed in, out. In, out. Another day among fictional friends and real people who became too vibrant in her memories and fantasies. Another fight for another day.

  11. places of wisdom damnation of my inferior mind complex of intertwining walls passages a conduit to places never before seen places not even known to exist. existentialism of the mind canopies do not unfold in this place there is no contemporary right or wrong infiniity reigns supreme

    by mark on 12.31.2010
  12. The library was where I lived. I learned about love (at least the tacky Zebra Romance variety that involved a lot of throbbing loins and ripped shirts). I learned about sex from the Glamour magazines I’d pick up. I laughed a them; they seems so silly, full of things I’d never need to know, I thought.

    by MHitchner on 12.31.2010
  13. Later, my girlfriend and I will be going to the library. The library is a wonderful place full of all kinds of books. In a way, you can say that the library contains many many worlds–the worlds created by the books. If you believe this kind of thing, you could use that to say that the library is actually a portal to an infinite amount of places.

    by Jared on 12.31.2010
  14. I yank open the heavy door and step into a world full of worlds. The smell of old pages meets me and I breathe it in deeply. This is my sanctuary, the cage I wouldn’t mind locking myself in. Because behind every cover is a new universe in which I can escape.

  15. books; twilight; lord of the rings; Indiana Jones; star wars; Childhood; Innocent; struggles; misery; pain; tears; growing up; heart ache; head ache; relationships; Edward, Bella, Jacob.

    by Bee on 12.31.2010
  16. I love going to the library and seeing all the weirdos that go there to devour large bags of cinnamon hard candy and scream at their kids. Yep, it’s pretty much the best time ever. Truly. AHHHHHH!

    by crazy on 12.31.2010
  17. “Try to recall everything,” he suggested. “Where was the party?”

    “There were books… a library? No! A bookstore! It was a book release party. I left before the end.”

    “Why? Did you not enjoy yourself?”

    “No… I was having fun. I had to meet someone….”

  18. An unending yet limited space- of learning and more.
    Its not only a place where all the nerds “entertain” themselves but a place to be entertained.

    by swati on 12.31.2010
  19. once i got trapped
    ont because wasint where i knew i was
    but because i blended in
    between books
    no one noticed as the shut the door
    I didn’t mind

  20. She was standing behind the desk, hair in chignon, glasses perched delicately on the end of her nose like a bomb ready to fall. Her voice broke the silence like an 11-megaton explosion: “Can I help you?”

    by Brady Dier on 12.31.2010
  21. I’ve discovered in the past two years that libraries make me sleepy and I don’t understand why. When I was a kid I used to go to the library all the time and spend hours there; reading, looking for books, and imagining all sorts of adventures between the stacks. That place was anything but somewhere to take a nap. Except, now when I go and sit down to read my eyes immediately feel heavy and my breathing deepens and slows. Maybe it’s one of the only places I still feel secure? That would be okay.

    by RobRob on 12.31.2010
  22. I’d die in you if I could.
    Centuries and millions of words wrapped in my body. My own personal casket, no flowers necessary.

    I’d have the wisdom of life wrapped on the palms of my hands.

  23. to learn to read
    to listen to music
    to research medical problems
    law library
    even a sewing library
    the smell of a library is very distinct and just a treasure trove of jewels to epxlore

  24. i got this twice in a row i refreshed i ititoanlly thought this was you just write the word on top of the page or something so i had to go back i thought this would be a different word why am I NOT PUNCUTATING OH GOD I NEED SPELL CHECK ok why am i rushing this isnt a game or somthing damn it’s getting purple now im going to hit spell check fuck out of time….

    by Sam on 12.31.2010
  25. “let me return to my soliloquy,my dear,jessie,”r.r. said,tapping his round orb with one of his mechanical arms,thus making a clunk clunking sound,”unlike your brain,this is just a google library.what is artificial intelligence,anyway?”he squeezed her,”flesh and blood!that’s all that makes you human.makes you real.Why.because of those pesky feelings the flesh brings!”he squeezed,again,”i want your pain.i will trade you.your flesh for this steel.

  26. A library is a strange place. Books that is waiting to be read. Many people come in with the sligtest idea of what they want to read.

    by Will on 12.31.2010
  27. I was sitting in the library when all of a sudden you came up behind me and whispered in my ear. You said “Meet me in the scien section, but give me 10 seconds.” I impatiently counted to ten, closed my book abruptly, and made my way to the science section. YOu were there, of course, but you weren’t waiting for me. No, those 10 seconds I generously gave you were spent with those lips I so often dream about locked to hers..

    by Sophie on 12.31.2010
  28. At the library, she quietly waits for him. She’s reading but she’s not. She’s trying not to check the clock, but she is. “Where could he be? ” she imagines…..Finally, she gets up. She gives up hope and then she notices his bright teeth, shining and smiling. The old man finally delivers the book she has been waiting for. She is glad.

    by Quincy on 12.31.2010
  29. books boooks books books books books books…The deepest and most relevant thoughts and feelings in the human are found here…a place to store vehicles of interesting thoughts

    by mc on 12.31.2010
  30. a haven, a sanctuary. the library is the one place i can go to get real privacy and lose myself in my thoughts. no computer, no phone, just me and all the books. the smell of the library overtakes me.

  31. i go there afterschool. they have books and mean librarians. i used to go there my freshman year but they dont let people in anymore. they hate children. and teenagers. never have anything good to rea.d i’d like to go to a real one. not a stupid school one. the public library does have nice windows though. what can i say. that’s what i notice first. they spend so much time making it look nice, but they don’t let anyone in.

    by Emma on 12.31.2010
  32. books in a library are a very important part of history, and the world in general. It is only through books that we can fully trace conversations, wars etc. that have happened in history. Book are also used as vehicles for the upmost of deep thought and exploration of the human emotion.

    by mc on 12.31.2010
  33. She looked up and saw him just across the desk. She grabbed her books and tried to run be held on to her arm. He wouldn’t let her go and furious she turned to look at him. Their eyes met and she tried to slap him but he swung her around to kiss her.
    Sssssh the librarian hissed.

    by Kim on 12.31.2010
  34. I stare at the blank wall.. The hollow bookshelves.. The boxes contaning my books.. my life. This library was the only thing that kept me alive.. the books were the only thing that kept me sane.. and now it’s empty.. just like me..

    by Jillybean on 12.31.2010
  35. silence in the library is the episode of doctor who i watched last night! that was a gooood episode.

  36. At the library in Burlington, Vermont, I man asked if I wanted to play pool with him, and then he followed me into the bathroom and reached his hands towards my crotch. They’ve taken the doors of the mens room since.

    by J.P. Bullman on 12.31.2010
  37. SHH! Quiet! Breath. Believe. Calm. Watch. Questions. Lost. Fantasy. yes. Never. always…

  38. quiet

    by quinton on 12.31.2010
  39. its a place where they keep books and when i was little i used to love reading about everything cause it was like being in a different world just for a little while. I still like books but never really find time to read cause im either really lazy or just asleep…. lol one day ill read loads again.

    by Louise Stewart on 12.31.2010
  40. Libraries are wonderful places – so full of possibilities. Libraries allow you to dream, to dare, and to travel. All great journeys begin in a library.

    by Kate on 12.31.2010