
May 30th, 2010 | 232 Entries

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232 Entries for “leather”

  1. Tanned skin of animals; used for making bags, belts, straps whips etc

  2. I really don’t like leather. I find it sticky when it’s hot, and just unattractive on most people in general. I’d have to say the only useful use of leather would be leather shoes that are cute. How superficial I am! But oh, old men and leather!

    by Marina on 05.30.2010
  3. i saw her leather pants glistening with sweat. how could she wear them in this 90 degree weather. sometimes people really are just slaves to fashion, and i dont understand the point. of course, i was standing there in a white flowing skirt and oversized silk red tanktop….

    by anastasia M on 05.30.2010
  4. The cows of the world have bonded together because of their disgust for leather. They want their skins back, in hopes to make the world a better place.

  5. Sometimes i wish i had a pair of leather pants. Not to wear, just to look at. i think that the potential of using something normally thrown away for its uselessness is amazing and indicative of humanity’s better parts.

    by Melissa on 05.30.2010
  6. I’ve only wanted a black leather jacket, because it’s goes along with me on the back of a bad boy’s bike. Zooming down the freeway, my hair in curls. Me holding on real tight. We get there, off and he hold me to his side, our helmets off my fingers running through my hair. He kisses me on the cheek, I flash a cheeky smile. He whispers in my ear, “I love you babe.” I then think of Sonny and Cher, how fitting at least I’m the shorter one.

    by Haley Ameral on 05.30.2010
  7. the leather couch in the living room in front of the giant tv i sit in it in the summer time my legs stick to the leather because of the heat. the smell of steak is wafting through the house. i can see sparks of citronella flames outside.

    by ryan on 05.30.2010
  8. Apollo watched as Klavier pulled the jacket on, testing it out – the smell of the new leather filled the air, and Apollo smiled, just a little. The leather suited Klavier – millions of fans couldn’t be wrong about that. It wouldn’t suit Apollo, of course – not one bit – but that was what made Klavier so enigmatic; so exciting.

    by EmaEma on 05.30.2010
  9. lether brings out the animal in most people. especially my mother. she al;ways used leather to make a point. points in my back my tighsw and sometimes on my face. thats why I now wear a leather mask while i go out to kill. Mostly cows. they have the best leleather

    by juaninazio on 05.30.2010
  10. When I hear the word leather, I think of homesexuals in buttless leather chaps. I dunno why, but leather is a very sexual word to me. I think of bondage and other weird shit. And couches. And jackets. Yeah.

    by Chris on 05.30.2010
  11. The leather of his shoes squeaked along the high school hallway as he walked to the gym lobby from the rainy breezway near the library.

  12. leather shoes leather jackets maybe ill wear sperrys tomorrow with my leather half jacket my karma to be exact and yup dark brown sperrys and i wonder how leather is made is it really a cow or is it a bull or what does it take a long time i think i saw it on dirty jobs once.

    by Selene Brown on 05.30.2010
  13. The leather straps hold my body in place.
    The gag in my mouth holds my tongue.
    The look in his eyes holds my fate.
    The fear in my body holds me still.

  14. Leather. Bookmarks. Leather bookmarks. In 3rd grade, we had a class project to make leather bookmarks and make designs on them. I gave my bookmark to my Father, where he still uses it to this day. It’s his favorite bookmark, despite the fact that it’s adorned with flowers and girly designs. Just more proof that I have an amazing Father. I love you, Dad.

  15. i remember how it felt pressed against my body while you slowly moved your way down from my neck…..it was a cold night but all i could see was our warmth colliding in that moment

    by gigi on 05.30.2010
  16. i wish my skin was leather.

    by tia on 05.30.2010
  17. I have a leather jacket, it makes me look like a hot biker chick when I wear it. I love my leather jacket. Fancy people

    by Jessica on 05.30.2010
  18. its hard old surface scraped by my face as he tried to smother. it was choking.

    by Emmett D on 05.30.2010
  19. Leather is used to make belts, wallets, shoes and a variety of other items people use to enhance their lives. However, it costs an animals its life.

    by Dave on 05.30.2010
  20. The leathers were worn so much that they could stand in a corner all by themselves Time for laundry

    by cathy on 05.30.2010

    by Lu on 05.30.2010
  22. She dresses in leather, and she looked so hot in leather. In both senses, actually. Jesus, its 100 degrees out there, baby! Take them off!

    by Derek on 05.30.2010
  23. find it in chaps.
    on the backs of bovine.
    in jackets and couches.
    and overcooked food by mom’s who try.
    find it on sunday shoes.
    the smell of luxury.
    and hugging you from the inside of a car.

  24. It’s something I’ll never wear, but man it sure… ah screw this. Leather? Leather? I can’t write about leather! What a dumb word! Man this just sucks!

    by on 05.30.2010
  25. i don’t know what to write about leather… it doesn’t inspire me today… some images it brings to mind though are dragons big purple ones with ripped up wings

    by Girl on 05.30.2010
  26. clothes socks shoes animal pet jacket leather other pockets

    by Jack Sparrow on 05.30.2010
  27. skin ripped. destroyed and screaming for help. watching with blurred eyes. the blood is all thats left to cover them. and they stare. blankly. shaking and cold.

  28. My pants are leather, my boots made of steel. I tried to walk across the road. My boots made clanking noises and my pants itched. It wasn’t very fun at all. I began to have a wedgie. HAH! I’ve never had one in leather before!

    by LeAnn on 05.30.2010
  29. Leather is what lies between me and the appearance of normalcy. I wear this jacket, and people pull their kids further away from me and closer to themselves. I don’t wear it, and I stay cold and unstylish, and I don’t really feel like me.

  30. the belt whiltled through the closed in walls of the bedroom and knocked me into my parents bed with a vengeance, a passion only just bridled by my father’s wrist. i couldn’t understand what was happening, couldn’t process this level of punishment.

    by Andrew Norman on 05.30.2010
  31. Coats made from cows. Innocent animals bred only to die. Not knowing another life, a purer life that is full of happiness and joy. Motor cyclists riding down a dirt road into oblivion.

    by Tori Hagopian on 05.30.2010
  32. the worn out leather felt good against my cheek. My papa’s jacket smelled of tobacco and mint. I hugged it tight and remembered the good times me and papa had had together.

    by summer on 05.30.2010
  33. shoes… dead cow skin that people wear. it smells good. its basically like pork scratching but soft

    by Ned on 05.30.2010
  34. he was wearing a leather jacket, despite the fact that the weather was really warm. He kept going until he reached the bridge, the river was flowing , dirty as ever, and then he jumped.

    by d on 05.30.2010
  35. I was born with glitter on my face
    My baby clothes made of leather and lace
    -Adam Lambert

    It’s ok to be yourself, even if everybody will hate you for it. I came out of the closet recently. My friends supported me, but my family practically dissowned me. I am not ashamed. I am me, and they don’t have to love me if they don’t want. I will not change to make those shallow minded haters happy. Too bad for them.

    by Katie on 05.30.2010
  36. leather pants leathery skin leather shoes so expensive leather is dead also beautiful

  37. It was way back when, October 2008, in front of the 7-11 we used to go to with all your friends. You gave me your leather jacket for the night. Tears were flowing from my eyes, it was so cold. Yet you braved it in a t-shirt. You don’t have that coat anymore, but you should know I still fucking love the smell of leather, just because of you.

  38. Iet’s get a leather couch
    so we won’t have to buy one again
    for twenty-five years
    or at least until the cows

  39. leather boots.

  40. hahahhahahahahahah.

    by stephanie on 05.30.2010