
June 17th, 2010 | 360 Entries

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360 Entries for “leap”

  1. The first thing that came to mind is the sentence ‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’ which supposedly has every letter of the alphabet in it. Does it really? I’m sure I’ve tested it before, but jumping is kind of like leaping.

    by Katherine on 06.17.2010
  2. He leaped across the field. Only a little way to go now. The race was almost won but it was hard to say. It’s strange how everything comes to a halt in that moment before everything ends. Time stops, and all you can do is hope..

    by thatguy on 06.17.2010
  3. Never look before you do. It defeats the point of leaping and falling headfirst into something new. leaping is life. live it. love it.

    by Lalia on 06.17.2010
  4. leap of faith is so misleading. there’s no faith. just hope. hope that someone will catch you. but how often does that happen?
    pretty rarely for me.
    maybe during a leap year.

    by Johnny on 06.17.2010
  5. to jump and soar and be free with yourself. take a chance a plunge and go with it. if you wait to take it, it may just pass you by. its all about fate.

    by danielle on 06.17.2010
  6. Leap. Go for it. Don’t hesitate and just take a jump. Take a chance. Do what you want without second thought. Do what you please. Do what makes you happy. Do the selfish thing. Leap. Leap. LEAP.

    by ariana on 06.17.2010
  7. Up jumps the frog from his lillypad. And in goes the insect to his mouth. All this was completed in one elegant leap.

    by brisa on 06.17.2010
  8. Like leap frog? I never really liked that game. It always seemed…awkward to me. I’m sure if I could get past that it would be fun. Well, maybe. It’s still a weird concept.

  9. For the last time, this is it.

    I don’t care how much you plead for me not to jump, I’ve had it. When Roy died, I stayed because you begged. Same with Catalina, same with Arthur, same with Troy. I’m sick of life, sick of this world, and I’m ready for Death’s cold embrace.

    by MiaMia on 06.17.2010
  10. take a leap of faith, but always look before you leap. that distinguishes the sensible from the lazy. just talking about faith there–leap before you look, and you may end up somewhere incredible (albeit unfamiliar, and the fall might hurt a bit). just leap and you’ll gain from it!

    by Leigh on 06.17.2010
  11. Deep into the lonely abyss
    I subside
    my lovely
    my darling
    oh, don’t let me
    you let me
    fall, you cheap

    You let me go
    you shouldn’t have
    i hate you
    i hate you.

    Holding me back is the first step to an eternity together,

    by MiaMia on 06.17.2010
  12. will you ever make it?

  13. It was, at first, a small step; the depression of footprint in sand wa barely noticable.

    The second and third were deeper; sand moved away from the boot; treads were visible.

    The fourth through tenth were deeper still and further apart; sand moved all about and between the prints.

    The eleventh and last was the deepest; sounds that had previously accommodated each step fell to a hush.

    Seconds that felt like hours dragged on as a temporary bird flew in parabolic flight.

    And LANDED!

  14. I flew. Off the diving board, naturally, into the pool.

    And I was off.

    It wasn’t a long race, 100 meters perhaps, but my god was it the most tiring thing I’ve ever experienced. I worked my way through the water and listened to my heart pound.

    by Mia on 06.17.2010
  15. I flew.

    Off the cliff, off the edge into a spiraling blackness. A little hard to comprehend, but honestly one of the best moves I’ve ever made.

    Jezebel Lee, you’re not in Kansas anymore, I thought to myself

    by Mia on 06.17.2010
  16. Leap forward,
    never back.

    It’s the best way to keep on track.

    To work with the forward and never come back.

    The leap of faith is all we know.
    The leap of faith is the star of the show.

    I leap for my desires,
    and all I dream.

    But I never leap far enough, it seems.


    by Richelle on 06.17.2010
  17. jumping into abyss and flying through it to the other side.

    by stephanie on 06.17.2010
  18. It’s a leap of faith, sometimes, just being around you. If I don’t watch my step, don’t think it all through, I could go flying off that cliff in tears of pain and joy, and who knows if you would help me swim or if you’d let me sink?

  19. standing on this ledge looking out at all of this nothingness all i can think of is letting go. there is no one for me all i can do is to make this leap.

    by mike 0 on 06.17.2010
  20. leaping is a frogs way of saying huzzah!! it’s a funny word to say over and over, leap leap… it’s silly, and i just wasted 60 seconds.

    by corey on 06.17.2010
  21. To leap is to jump. A leap of faith is a leap into oblivion, into the unknown. You’ll never know if you don’t take that chance. Tell him how you feel. Tell her how you feel. Show them that you care.

  22. Don’t think. Just do it. Take a chance and go for it. Make a leap, or you’ll never know what you’ll miss out on. Time’s running out.

  23. jump follow your dreams take risks aim for the stars and you’ll land on the clouds dare to dream. :)

    by Sarah on 06.17.2010
  24. Take a leap of faith and buy that car.

    Take a leap of faith and ask her out on a date.

    Take a leap of faith and do something you’ve never done in your professiona life.

  25. she tok 5 steps back and then ran and lept over the ledg into the deep abys, and she fell and fell untill she hit the botom, and then she was happy.

    by barry on 06.17.2010
  26. The man leaped from the 13th floor window. Onlookers gasped in pseudo-horror as this man that was healthy in every sense of the word threw himself to his death. Heart beating, lungs breathing, blood flowing. It was unnatural.

    by Sean F on 06.17.2010
  27. I leap, I soar, I fly. I imagine a little girl thinking this as she leaps across puddles. The little things like that were what made my day when I was younger…and sometimes they still do.

  28. Staring down from the top made me sick. Kind of like a hangover, but with the fun after instead of before. I didn’t think I could do it, but I did. I jumped.

  29. Why can’t i just take that leap?
    I feel like there is some kind of force that’s just keeping me from being able to be happy. I want to change and i know the problem so why can’t i change it?
    I wish i knew.

    by John Alois on 06.17.2010
  30. Is it a leap of faith when someone jumps off a bridge? I’d like to think so. I can see all the hopes and fears hang like motes of dust in the air, telling me both good and evil.

  31. Why is it always the word leap? Is that the one that everyone starts with, or what? I just want some answers here. Answers which seem to remain elusive. But, that is what answers do. They’re not meant to be out there in the open.

  32. I am the perfect shrew…as my ‘late’ step~father showed me,if you bow to anyone’s wishes besides your own,you leap into suffering.And I am not suffering for anyone!FUCK!YOU!GOD!
    Now,with his pansy whamsy perfect life;perfect wife;perfect kids,he tells ‘me’ that only his love for ‘me’ keeps him going…what an ASSHOLE!!!

    by Re:Joyce on 06.17.2010
  33. The fox leaped over the hedge. The yelps of excited English hounds and their masters rang through the air. The fox searched from side to side to find a place to hide, to live.

    by Ica O'Toole on 06.17.2010
  34. Frogs leap and so do I. I leap when I’m happy and when the world is falling apart and the skying is raining I leap in puddles because the world is wonderful and beautiful.

    by Lyssa on 06.17.2010
  35. It was certainly going to be a leap of faith, moving straight from college into the workforce. But I knew this was the path I had chosen when I entered journalism, and I intended to stick with it. It was just all a little bit daunting, thinking that I had no idea where I’d be next week, let alone in a couple of years.

  36. It was a huge leap of faith for her, putting her trust in this man whom she had only just met, she had never trusted anyone her whole life, not even her parents, not even herself. But, for some reason, she did trust this strange man with the odd socks and unkempt beard

  37. My heart leaps through my chest,
    I go to chase it and it falls into your hands.
    What you chose to do with it?
    I’m not too sure… Perhaps you’ll smash it,
    Or you can choose to take care of it.
    I’d like it back now, but it’s up to you.

    by on 06.17.2010
  38. this reminds me of leapfrog and how often i used to play it as a child. one time i kicked my friends head and they pushed me in the ditch. so i walked around all day smelling like a sewer :D

    by Maxine on 06.17.2010
  39. Leap of faith is the obvious phrase here. Which is really a leap, because it wouldn’t be a leap if it was rational. It wouldn’t be faith if it was tangible. You have to jump without looking first.

    by Brittany on 06.17.2010
  40. i lept over a fence once, it didn’t work out for me so well… i ended up with my leg pierced on the top of the metal barb. it wasnt pretty, the fire dept came and cut me off weith the jaws of life.

    by Bryson on 06.17.2010